Just a short one. But had to tell someone as feel the lowest I've felt in a long time. My sons mum picked him up earlier and had to get out of the house afterwards as felt an anxiety attack coming on. Walked a long way round the places I grew up and visited my grandmas seat. I got myself upset and panicked. My mind took me to the train station and I just sat on the platform contemplating everything. At times I thought things would be better if I just jumped. I looked at the photo of my son and cried. I can't do this to him but just don't know which way to turn. Eveything in my life seems so black and dark. Time is ticking and I need to keep strong but struggling to know how to. Got an evening with my parents who are great but just don't understand what I'm going through. I don't want to tell them how low I am because they won't be able to handle it but at the other side don't know what to say.
Part of me would like to think that this is a turning point and after being so low the only way is up but feel like everything is blocked :(((