only a 1 week and a few days for babys due date for the past few nights i just have nightmares and find hard to sleep all that plays on my head is whats going to happen when my baby is born social workers are no good i was meant to do a baby birth plan a long time ago and still nothing everyone that i have talked to midwife health visitor about that mother and baby unit they say its up to the social worker so i asked the social worker and got nothing from her i never really liked the social worker i got she is all ways going on holiday she says she will do something and she ends up never doing it on are parenting paper work that we had to do she cut most things i said out she dont tell nothing to my midwife as my midwife needs to know whats going on u can just tell my social worker dont care and she is bad at her job so here iam i just feel like crying so scared whats going to happen when my baby is born iam going to try everything i can to keep my baby and try and go to that mother and baby unit as soon this last court with my older kids is over i think i may need to change social worker its not fair what she is putting me throw iam trying to change things around and she dont care i ask for her help and she says she will but never does ...... this is not fair all because i have mental health she thinks its ok to do this they are meant to help not brake a family that needs help from them
scared: only a 1 week and a few days for... - Anxiety Support

Sorry you are having a tough time. Find out what the complaints process is and lodge a complaint about your social worker. Also why not create your own birth plan. I unfortunately couldn't have kids, tried IVF but no luck. I know if it was my kid I would do everything I could to ease my mind, do I'd say that for your own peace of mind you should try and create your own birth plan. Not sure if there are any suggestions for birth plans on the internet, but I would think there is.
Also if you have been getting help for your anxiety and depression remember to use the techniques you have learnt as you need to stay relaxed and calm for both you and the baby. I can imagine it is a scary time in the run up to the birth of the baby, have you spoken to your midwife and GP about how you are feeling? It might help if you do and find out if they have any suggestions to help ease your mind about the birth plan.
Maybe even check your local library they may have books that will help you to put together a plan.
I hope all works out for you and that you find someway to ease your mind over the next few weeks.
Take Care.
thank u
Hello. Who took the photo of Teddy looking down the road? It needs to be changed because Teddy should be facing you with open arms. It must be very frustrating for you with not having the answers you want. Somehow things always seem to work out.
How about tonight and tomorrow you enjoy your baby moving trying to be in place for a grand entrance into this world. I guess my body was not made to have babies, because I miscarried a number of times and decided it just wasn't meant to be....So, maybe through all the uncertainty of your social worker's actions, you can make the plan in spite of her, can't you? How exciting that could be. I'm thinking of you and your baby and your children. Please keep posting for as long as you can to let us know how you are? Ok? Ok.
thank u the photo is from google so sorry to hear u had miscarriages have u see a doctor to see what could be doing it i had 3 miscarriages before getting pregnant with this little one i wish u all the best
Thank you for your message, I hope today you were a bit less worried. Yes, years ago the doctors found out why I couldn't carry a baby to term. I have become to accept that years ago, but have only happy thoughts for you.
thank u and so sorry to hear that
Hello again. About your nightmares....I was taught by a doctor to practice how I wanted my frequent nightmares to change so I felt like I was in control. Practice in your mind how you what your dreams to change so the end is great for you. Believe or not, because I didn't, but it has worked with one of my bad dreams. Just woke up afterwards and thought, "Hummmm".......and it hasn't been back yet.
Hi there can you raise your concerns over the lack of support with your GP? This additional stress can't be good for you so try your best to relax. Write your own birth plan so you can at least express your wishes when the time comes. Baby will be here soon then hopefully social services will pull their finger out and do something! Good luck x