hello all,a couple of weeks ago I posted a really positive blog.I said I was going to start taking meds for my anxiety,and I would let you know how I was getting on,well it never happened,I lost the courage,never even tried one tablet..I was lying low, cause I was ashamed to tell you all this,I feel such a failure,but to be honest I missed the company,so tonight I thought ,here goes,I know in my heart that you will all understand,I feel so low at the minute,and you people are brilliant,I feel connected to you all,thanks for your support.If I could just get rid of the ringing and pressure in my head,its driving me nuts....love Miarose.xxxxxxx.
ashamed of myself..: hello all,a couple of... - Anxiety Support
ashamed of myself..

Don't feel like that at all, meds aren't for everyone. I lasted 4 days on them and gave up, please don't beat yourself up about it.
You still have the site and everyone's support

thank you ashley,this is what I missed,people like yourself who understand...unfortunately my family dosen't,my OH says if i'd take my meds i'd be alright,I must say his comments is not helping our marriage..xx
I'm the same boat as you, I have to pretend to my family I'm okay when I'm screaming in my head for someone to understand me and my OH tells me I bring it all on myself so this site is my clutch.
Hi you have nothing to be ashamed of here. You decide what is best for you, to do. We are all here to support each other, please don't ever feel you cant post. Have you had the ringing and pressure to your head checked out, if not , and if you are able, it may be worth seeing GP, at least then you may be able to get some help with that.
hi bonnie,yes I had CT scan done and ears checked,my dr says its anxiety and all my blood tests are normal,so according to my family its all in my head,I know its only me who can help myself,but its very hard...hope your feeling good Bonnie xxx
Oh miarose
Please never ever feel ashamed of coming on here & saying how you feel
You may have done a positive post & things didnt go according to plan & thats when you need to get back on here & talk & as for bottling out on meds , well think we could have a competition with that one as there are so many of us with the exact same fear , including myself
The ringing & pressure in your head is your anxiety , I no it can feel like it must be something else , but it is a really common symptom
Sorry I bet you have said , but as like myself you struggle taking meds , have you asked GP about counselling , or if you have had some , maybe ask to have some again , its another way other than meds
Now please dont lie low again , we dont judge on here we try & support & I am so pleased you have come on & spoken tonight

thank you whywhy for your never ending support,I a'm waiting to be called for more cbt,as the last was very helpful,feeling more confident now...xxxxx
Miarose, bless you. Please, never feel ashamed, it's not you, it's the anxiety stopping you, you have nothing to feel ashamed about. Trust me, loads of us, myself included, have planned to do all kinds of things but have been unable to follow it through. But then if we could do whatever we wanted we wouldn't have a problem right?
Don't keep it to yourself, much better to share among friends.
Hope you're feeling better
Oh Mia never be ashamed of yourself hun never never xx
Last year I thought my head was going to explode with the pressure and ringing and whooshing. It's hard to believe its anxiety but it is and breaking the cycle takes time. Meds are not for everyone so don't worry.
Relaxation is key.. The first time my therapist said relaxation I swear I could have poked her in the eyes! Relax!! How do I do that then was my reply.. I'm laughing now but I wasn't back then. Get yourself laid down or sat up comfy as you can and practice slow breaths.. As you breathe in you should push your belly out and as you exhale pull you belly in gently as far as you can. As you do this scan your body for tension. When you find a spot just wriggle it and gently bring your attention back to your breathing. I hold tension in my thighs, left shoulder blade and jaw. If you haven't fallen asleep with me droning on give it a go. You will get through this take care love eve x

well its a relief to know this ringing is anxiety related,I was thinking all sorts,I really appriciate your advice,I do tend to have tension in my neck,so have to work on the relaxing bit,thank you love Miarose.xx