Hi all, I have suffered anxiety/panic attacks and OCD all of my adult life and am only now really beginning to open up about it. This is my first time joining an online group so am hoping to get any form of support however big or small from people who truly understand.
Support: Hi all, I have suffered anxiety... - Anxiety Support

Dear Gedley. This is a wonderful site. I have Gad and take meds and have at times been in a really dark place. Now I have bad days but recently some good days and it is so comforting to know there are those who are in the same position and who can reassure and advise, lovely people who I know are far worse than I am but who still make the time and effort to support others. Read through the posts, they have given me hope and determination to be patient and get through it.We are and always will be, there for you xx
Hi Gedlley,
Come in and have a look round.
Read a few posts.
You'll quickly see you've arrived in the right place!!!!
Chat again soon,
Hi Gedley,
Welcome. You've come to the right forum. Everyone here is always ready to lend support to those who needs it.
Is there anything you'd like to get off your chest? I suffer from anxiety and obsessive tendencies (not in the ritualistic types, but more in my head). So you're not alone.
Keep posting. Wishing you well.
Hi. gedlley. And welcome to the site. Everyone here is understanding. If anyone dares say 'snap out of it' or 'pull your socks up' they are banished for ever!!!! Seriously, whatever form your problem takes we have all had similar feelings so you can open up without fear of being judged. And no criticism either. So open up. Let us know how you feel and receive the help freely given by the good souls here. Very best wishes to you. jonathan.
Thank you all so much I did not expect replies so quickly! One of the professional pieces of advice I have been given recently is to be open and honest about my illness and to not be afraid of putting it out there. I am fully aware that stigma still exists but I have to put my toe in the water or I will never reach out to others or be reached by them. Thank you all so much.
Stigma may exist outside there. But not in here
Dear Gedlley56,
Welcome to the site. I have been on this site for approximately 2 weeks and have got a lot of support. It is such a lovely site. I wish you well. Happy new year's celebrations and a very happy 2013.
Kindest regards,
Hello Gedley welcome I've not been on very long myself but I've received nothing but kindness help and support from folk who've been where we are I'm sure you'll get the same response from good folk who may be going through a bad time themselves who still give kind words and advice I wish you well and take care. Mel
Welcome Ged! nice to meet you, we are a good bunch of folk all bound together with duct tape ( joking ). Seriously welcome you can tell us anything and be sure of a speedy sure reply and a caring hug x Ella x
Dear all
I am sitting in a hotel room in Malaysia having just had 2 anxiety attacks in the last 12 hours. I was diagnosed 9 years ago with GAD and, other than the old wobble, a course of CBT and meds have got me back up and running. However, I have just moved down here to take up my dream job and suddenly the big anxiety is back. I stumbled across this group as I was looking for something to break the spiral and it seems to have worked for the time being. It just feels good to share with people who understand.
Dear all
I am sitting in a hotel room in Malaysia having just had 2 anxiety attacks in the last 12 hours. I was diagnosed 9 years ago with GAD and, other than the old wobble, a course of CBT and meds have got me back up and running. However, I have just moved down here to take up my dream job and suddenly the big anxiety is back. I stumbled across this group as I was looking for something to break the spiral and it seems to have worked for the time being. It just feels good to share with people who understand.
Hi McReady if the response I have received from the people on here today is anything to go by then you have made the absolute right decision to join.....thanks again everyone !
Hi McReady if the response I have received from the people on here today is anything to go by then you have made the absolute right decision to join.....thanks again everyone !
Hi McReady if the response I have received from the people on here today is anything to go by then you have made the absolute right decision to join.....thanks again everyone !
Sorry for the multiple post !!!