For the past month or so I’ve been dealing with physical anxiety off and on. I am currently in the process of getting a counselor to talk to and I’ve been to the doctor so aside from a tooth needing to pulled my health is good. When I have issues/pain in my mouth due to my tooth I sometimes find myself feeling anxious.
Ive considered the possibility it can be related to me worrying about my health because it began when I wasn’t doing very well in early October and on medication. I’m off of it now and feeling better but yesterday morning I woke up with a tooth ache and slightly swollen face and anxiety. It’s the next day and I still feel it a bit though it was worse in the night.
I use to write and dance so I’m kinda looking to get back into doing those things. I feel maybe they were helping more than I realized. I find sometimes I just want someone to talk to about everything. In October my anxiety felt almost unbearable. Now it just feels a bit annoying or uncomfortable.
I feel like I’ve been rambling about nothing but I say all of this just to say I wanted to reach out to a community that actually understands what I’m going through. I wanted to talk with people who can relate and maybe even help me through my anxiety.
Thankss, T ❤️