I have a phobia of cats and dogs, I have done all my life. I have been with my patner for 6 years and now in the last 2 years, my phobia is really getting to him. He says he cant deal with my phobia, as it restricts the places that we can go (mainly the park, beach and people's houses with pets) We get on really well and apart from the phobia our relationship is good. However last month he nearly left me, cos he couldnt handle the restrictions on our life with my phobia. I have explained to him that I cant help it and for everything we cant do we will do something better.
It doesnt help that his mum, just doesnt understand any type of mental disorder and has told him, that he should find someone else, as appartently "im a nice person" but my phobia is just too much to deal with.
I have now an opprtunity to see someone who says he can cure me and as much as I want to belive that I can be cured, ive tried loads of things to get rid of the phobia, over 25 years, nothing has worked. I hope this man can cure me, but I feel sick knowing that if this doesnt work, my partner has said he will most probably leave me.
What should I do ? Should I just walk away now? Or wait till Nov to see this man and then see what happens?