I just wondered if anyone else's Anxiety caused them to feel really angry, short tempered, irritable? I've never ever experience these as a result of my anxiety but just recently I'm so irritable and I get annoyed/angry over the silliest things. I'm not an aggresive person but feel so short tempered at the moment.
Does anyone else experience this? - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else experience this?

Hi i get very irritable with anxiety all the time.
Hi Scooby1234, Me too. I can only imagine that because anxiety sucks and drains all the life out of you and makes you feel so tired and drained it has that effect, as most people get irritable, moody, angry etc who do not suffer with any form for anxiety, please do not feel guilty for this x
hi i get it really bad , but i call it aggitation , i get aggitated thoughts where i feel like im going to flip without reason ..i now take medication for this that has helped a lot xxx
Hi yes i can get very irritatble and am today, the monthly period is of course a part in that. i get angry fo i cant do things i want to do, its frustrating. x
hi yes i get really bad ,most of the time when people dont understand me ,or get frustrated or upset with whats going on in my head !!
Yes, you're quite normal in that. I suspect it's the adrenaline. Fight or flight. It's bound to sometimes end in a fight!
Yep...defo....get very agitated with mrs and cant seem to sit still if i go for a drink im in and out...up and down...smoking......people say to me ARE YOU GOING WALK ABOUT.....got disiplined at work for having 2 days of sick due to side effects of sertraline....went spare at my manager bin off 3 weeks now...dealing with anxiety and side effects is bad enough...even though they accept i have a mental health illness they will just not lay off....told them i was packing job up......but since have aggread to go part time....i love my job but preasure from managment, i do not need....corporate bullying does not work....!