I am 49. Perimenopausal and currently having the most severe anxiety I've had in my entire life. What brought it on was a slight pain in my side. I don't know what it is. I currently don't have insurance and am waiting to sign up for some for next year. So I started freaking out about the slight pain and have spiraled every since. I honestly have made myself physically ill. I can't sleep at night, I can't get my mind to stop thinking. Then worse I become a Google doctor and look up every little thing that I think might be wrong with me. It's a vicious cycle.Now I'm having weird hunger pains that won't go away. I think part of it is the anxiety. I don't have friends and live with my mom. I have no one to talk to about all of this. I tried talking to my mom and she just said that I'm stressing her out. I just need someone to talk to and help me from crying and getting in my head and making everything worse. I'm glad I found this place. I think it'll be good for me.
Hello: I am 49. Perimenopausal and currently... - Anxiety Support

hi! I am so sorry you’re going through all this. We are here for you!
Would you be able to pay out of pocket for an urgent care visit you think? I’m not sure if you’re in the US. But there’s also medi cal you can get until you get insurance. That way maybe you could get some peace of mind.
I would try some meditations on YouTube to help your mind calm down.
I joined a church and have found great support there also and joined a mom Bible study.
Try so hard not to google! Nothing good ever comes from that.
Praying for you. You will not be like this forever. I this too shall pass
Hi Plantlover. I've gone to an urgent care clinic and surprisingly she said it didn't sound like something serious. She knrw I had severe anxiety because I cried when they were taking my blood pressure and I told them how I had severe anxiety. The doctor then talked to me about God and that I should attend church. She did a prayer for me and sent me on my way. So that didn't really help me. My mom says to start going to church too. I'm an introvert so it's hard getting out there. I have so many issues. Anyway. I've been in this amazing support group here for less than an hour and it has already made ne feel like I'm not alone. And that I'm not crazy. I really do need to stop Googling stuff. It sends me down a very bad road. It's just such a habit, I have to train myself to stop. Thank you so much for being my first reply. I feel like I've come home with this group.
Of course! There’s some really good books and podcasts about battling anxiety and health anxiety. Podcasts really help me and amp me up. I love Mel Robbin’s. There’s a lot of good ones out there to help improve your life.
I’m glad they already know it’s nothing serious. I would make sure everyday you’re staying hydrated also. That can help anxiety and the pain in the side.
But I’m right here with you. I’m going on a year with dealing with crippling anxiety. My biggest advice is do not let it run your life. You run your life. So if you want to go to church and you’re scared guess what? You need to go anyway. Show your anxiety that it is not scary and you can do it despite! Sometimes facing our fear is what we need to show our subconscious that actually, it’s not scary and I can do all things. The last thing I want you to do is hole up in your house all alone: go meet friends or go to lunch with your mom.
Books by Joyce meyers helped me: she has one called do it afraid and I believe she had a few anxiety ones.
I still volunteer at my kids school all the time. Sometimes I will feel so sick but my life isn’t stopping and this anxiety will not ruin my life!
You are strong and brave. You’ve got this: and keep telling yourself that. You will get better
Don’t wait to feel totally better to enjoy things in your life. Start enjoying them now.
Each night write down “wins” for the day. There’s always things to be grateful for
aww hope your ok, once I get a pain i instantly think the worst and it well and truely takes over. Try not to Google, it’s the worst I used to sit for hours googling what may be wrong with me which really made things so much worse, it really does just feed the anxiety even more. Maybe when you feel like googling come on here instead? I no it’s not easy, I get the same poor sleep, crying and freaking out, your not alone
Hope your feeling better x
Hi, very sorry you are going through this horrible time. A great resource to help is Paige Pradko's channel, she went through the same thing as all of us and has great advice. Wishing you peace and health. youtube.com/watch?v=EJVmmyH...
YoongigirlAs you are perimenopausal , it is more likely that is what is causing the anxiety to rocket, its known for it. Have you thought of taking Hrt (hormone replacement therapy). It is worth talking to a menopause nurse who can help you. Good luck
Hi, been there when I was your age.... Anxiety is just an overactive mind, presently stuck in a negative thought pattern...It will not last 🙏....what happens in extreme anxiety your mind searches for a cause ,usually comes to a false conclusion 😱....so your subconscious has focused on health, but it could have been social anxiety, fear of insects, anything .Once you find calm your fear will disappear, try spending time in the silence of nature, or a hobby you love...wishing you well
I’m exactly the same love worry about every pain and then panic it’s making me ill too xx