Honestly, none of us like dealing with anxiety and if we could just make it instantly vanish without a trace I'm more than 100% sure we would but we can't so we fight it the best we can. So with that said, one of the most annoying things when having an anxiety attack or panic attack is when you're trying to talk to someone about it to help yourself feel better and they turn the entire thing around on you and make it about them. Like they make you feel bad for having anxiety or having a panic attack which just makes everything worse. Or the people who say "just calm down stop freaking out" and don't take it seriously, to us in that very moment all the danger and frantic is very real. Sucks when you don't have that one positive person to talk to about anything to help you calm down.
Most annoying thing when having an anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Most annoying thing when having an anxiety attack is when...

I agree, that's why I love this website I've found people who are like myself
I totally agree with you people seem to think you can stop thinking about it or pull yourself together just like that I've had people say to me Don't think about it think of something nice ! AS IF 😡
What makes me so frustrated is if I have a physical illness then I get all the sympathy in the world but mention anxiety/panic and it's like I've just confessed to murder in some people's eyes ! It's so hurtful too if you do confide in someone you think will be nice and they never ever mention it again and it becomes a taboo subject It makes me feel so guilty for having anxiety and that is so wrong
Whilst I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone I'd love it if everyone could just suffer with for just one day Everyone can relate to being in pain feeling sick dizzy or whatever but they have no understanding as to how we feel
Thank you for your post as it's something I feel strongly about Thank goodness we have lovely kind people on this forum who do understand Lets hope more will be done to change people's ignorance
All the best 😊
I had a "friend" well two of them and one night I was having a horrible anxiety attack like to the point where I was curled up in a ball. One of them just sat on the couch and ignored me the entire time, then left and went home because he "didn't know what to do" then the person I was on the phone with just laughed at me the entire time
Needless to say I don't talk to either of them today. It's not fun or okay to be surrounded by people who have no sympathy for a serious mental issue
That's disgusting but as you say they didn't know what to do so it's pure ignorance Would it really have been too much to ask to try and help you breathe calmly and reassure you I can't imagine just watching someone in so much distress Even if they didn't really know what to do isn't it instinct to go to you and offer help 😤
Don't blame you for not talking to them but you are well rid
Yes I am doing much better surrounding myself with more positive reinforcing people and not those who drain me of my happiness and increase my levels of anxiety. So sad people can find an anxiety attack funny
This is a good subject and good replies. Yes I think people just want to know what the problem is, and then when they realize how deep it is, how complicated it is they don't know what to say or do.
Then you get the other who don't even realize what we are saying, nor can they comprehend what you are saying.
My take with the first lot is to forgive them for not being how I want them to be.
And for the second lot, I walk away saying I need to be doing something else right now.
What I don't do (or try not to do) is to take my frustration of them, out on myself.