Has any body been on Amitriptaline 10mg for help with sleep and nerve pain and having sickness side effect if so have to come off and tried a different med and been successful I need to change but afraid has Amitriptaline helps my sleep and painbut not coping with the nausea everyday
Sleep and pain relief: Has any body been on... - Anxiety Support
Sleep and pain relief
Hello, yes I can relate to part...I am 58 and been a chronic pain patient since 1991 because I have a wicked degenerative bone disease that has led to 34 bone and joint surgeries. In approximately 1995 I was prescribed Amitriptyline by Mayo Clinic to help with pain and the insomnia I was experiencing. I never felt any benefit for the pain but it did help with sleeping at night which ultimately should help the pain, we all know lack of sleep drastically magnifies all symptoms. The two biggest side effects I experienced were grogginess during the day and just feeling like I was in a fog, and my appetite exploded...I never felt satisfied or full, so I kept grazing from dinner to bedtime leading me to gain 35 pounds in 6 months. So I was sleeping a bit better but my doctors thought and I agreed that the 35 pounds on my diseased bones was counterproductive so I went off it, the weight just fell off me.
I tell you this because while I was getting some benefit for sleep the weight gain and fogginess tipped the scales for me that I would be better off without it or that it might be time to try a similar drug to get the benefit without the side effects. I tried similar drugs but did not find one that worked for my presentation of symptoms.
I myself could not live with nausea and would run away from any drug that gave it to me. It seems your nausea is daily...pleasdon't be afraid to change to another because all of us have different chemical makeups, a small tweak with a different drug could give you the benefit without the nausea...but you won't know if you don't try. Remember any drug that you change to another can always be restarted if the other is worse...but it might be better!! Tell your Doctor your fears and he/she will understand, I am sure they will tell you that you can always go back if you don't find a drug that is better.
I hope you find something that works better. It really pains me to think of your daily nausea because that is so awful. What are doing for the nausea? I hope you are not just suffering with it....I really hope you find an alternative that relieves your symptoms without the side effects. You are in my prayers..best of luck.
Hi Shepher sorry to hear about you’re Anxious thoughts some times when taking prescription medication for specific requirements to relieve the stressors of life can also have a negative impact on our feelings the need to overcome the overwhelm be it change or focus solutions often if it as a long time effect on Health matters best too seek alternative suggestions which may help resolve or calm matters distraction is also a help process to help more pleasantly and relief the worry’s if not always best to seek advice hope you find something to help to remove any challenges and here it’s a few hints that may help therapeutically get plenty of fresh air
distract yourself – for example, listen to music or watch a film
take regular sips of a cold drink
drink ginger or peppermint tea
eat foods containing ginger – such as ginger biscuits
eat smaller, more frequent meals
Have you had nausea with other meds that you have tried in the past? It does sound like you are a bit unsure about taking meds in general and would rather not take any.! How have you been when are you off all meds?
hi, l have been taking 10mg Amitriptyline for some years, before l started with PMR 10 years ago. I have always been a bad sleeper and Amitriptyline has been great. I take 3or4 tabs at night, with no side effects. I never feel groggy in the morning or nause, l am sorry that you get nausea, which is so hard to live with. I hope you can find an alternative. Good luck.