hi everyone, so what happened was I was at Ark Value Village shop after lunch and these few days that I am there like Thursday´s monday´s tuesday´s and Wednesday´s anyways there this guy named one and he has been showing me and telling me that he is interested in being with me and told me that he had a deep connection on me and that he wanted to go on a coffee date and then basically I told him 2 of my boundry´s because it sounds like he does not get it at all, that I deeply feel the same that I am interested but like I wanna know him first because I only met him twice at the job site and then I got called by the person who helps everyone basically so he is like a boss and he just told me bs , that I gave him my phone number like bruh no I didn´t he did first and that was not okay and first of all don´t tell me this in the first place when I did nothing at all, you know, and then he was doing flirty faces like playing with his hair and not blow it , he blinked with his one eye and basically he told me hi in a fancy way and also he laughed in a flirty way, but he lied to me and I also could not focus on just folding clouthes and i always get anxious a bunch and when i asked my syocolagist she told me to try breathing excersices and i tried but it didnt help so my question is , how can i focus on my clouthes and how can i explain to him that we need to know each other but also like we need to be perfassonal because it is rough for me to go there and be anxious and pretand everything is okay ,
first of all, is all of his lying and these all big feelings I have okay ?????????????
he ignored my texts all the time so am I just supposed to be just okay with it??????
or am I supposed to hold a gorge on myself, am I supposed to hold my venting in myself?
is this normal???
I am just concerned overwhelmed and sad a lot during the job site and I feel like I can't talk to him
so do you have any suggestions on how I can be myself against this guy who lied and ignores my texts??????? how i can calm down my big big big big feelings and emotions????😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱🙀
I need help and I need someone I can message here