To make a long story short I have to go for an MRI next Thurs. of my lower spine. I suffer daily anxiety, feeling I cannot get my breath. I'm so scared I will panic and ruin he test, Afraid out rather unfriendly family doctor will be angry He told me to take 2 ativan (2 mg ea so 4 mg) I have been on 2mg ativan 1 a day for about 15 yrs. No help really but I stick with them. My fear is consuming me. Has anyone had an MRI and fought through the fear, if so how. I'm sorry I'm such a coward & nothing has ever helped my issues, GAD and panic attacks. I thought perhaps some of you could understand and offer suggestions. Thank you.
Has anyone with severe anxiety gone throug... - Anxiety Support
Has anyone with severe anxiety gone through a MRI? I am terrified as well as clausdrophobic. I'm afraid I won't be able to breath. Help.

I absolutely feel for you, I’m so claustrophobic, the fear of that machine ooo. You can ask if you can be referred to an open mri, they are few and far between, but you might get lucky. Also ask your doctor for w one off sedative, I know you are taking ativan, but it is clearly not working , something stronger may help. Good luck.
Thank you for understanding. I don't believe we hav any of the open MRIs here...I wish. I did ask our dr about a sedative and all he would go with was Ativan 2mg (two of them) I get so short of breath Im gasping I hope the technicians are understanding.
They will be totally understanding, you will have a panic button to press, if you really can’t do the hole procedure, they will try and take S many scans they can in the allotted time, I didn’t make it through mine. Absolutely shacking, but they got what they needed as such. I so wish you luck. Take care. Let me know how it goes.
Yes, I have had 2. I find it easier to keep my eyes closed and go through the alphabet and list things ie fruits beginning with each letter for example.
After 2 failed tries at an MRI, they knocked me out. I believe they used the same drugs they use for a colonoscopy. It was the only way for me. It's worth a try to ask for IV sedation. Good luck. Let us know how it goes...
My mum had the same issue last year. She’s very claustrophobic but has issues with her back so can’t lie straight. The hospital agreed to sedate her which meant an anaesthesiologist was on hand the whole time in case she started to come around (her worst fear!) Maybe something like this can be arranged for you?
Please please don't worry it's not as bad as you think They give you a button to press if you want to come out I was absolutely dreading it but I was ok
They give you music too
I pictured lying in bed with my cat lying on my chest that she does all the time and I was fine then
They see nervous patients all the time too
I hope so much it will be a nice surprise to find out it was nowhere as scary as you thought it would be just like I did
All the very best
Thank you. My husband is driving me. I truly hope you are correct and i can control my fear. When I panic I get breathless thus the panic goes up so I'm going to try my best to get through this. If only it just lasted a few minutes. I'll be thinking of you and your cat.
I know it all sounds so simple for me to say this but if you can say to yourself it's exactly the same as lying on your own bed at home then you will be fine You aren't locked in there you can come out at any time nothing is going to happen to you I was terrified before mine but it was nowhere as near what I thought I've had 2 now and it wouldn't bother me to have another one now
Yes think of me and my pussycat if I'm lying on my back in bed she will come and get on my chest head under my chin and that's all I kept thinking of
So remember you are only lying on a bed If you can do deep breathing into your tummy that would be wonderful but I know exactly how you are feeling now
Just had a thought have you tried lying on your back on your bed shutting your eyes and visualising the MRI If you keep practicing and see how you feel and how your breathing is and keep telling yourself that it is nothing worse than that it could really make a difference and make you calmer 🤞🤞
I will give it a try, its feeling short of breath that sends me into panic. If only it was just for 10 or 15 min. This one is from my waist to toes. I wish I was a brave person thank you for all your suggestions
Remember that when you get panicky about your breath your body will take over and you will always take another breath I know the feeling and I sympathise so much I am not a brave person at all and if I can do it then anyone can Your gorgeous little dog will be snuggled up next to you
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I just hope it isn't 40 to 90 min or more. MY Husband and daughter are so brave re medical procedures. I'm glad she took after her dad. I will try to think of Dusty and all the beautiful autumn leaves. If worse come to worse, I ruin the test and our dr blows a fuse at me. I will think of you and your lovey little cat too.
Oh my goodness Kama I have never ever heard of anyone having an MRI for that length of time I would say 20 mins max honestly I'm not just saying that because I think you want to hear it We took our son for one the other week his appt was 8.30 and we sat and waited we were heading back to get the car before 9 I have had 2 and they were both 15-20 mins
Picture this
You get into a crowded lift the doors shut it starts and then between floors it shudders to a stop No room to sit down and the fire brigade call through and say stay calm but it might be an hour
Your friend treats you to an Escape Room experience you don't want to let her down and try and put on a brave face but you can't get out easily and you are so panicky
You are on a packed tube when it suddenly stops between stations and the lights go out you hear a voice that says sorry there has been an incident at the next station we aren't sure when your journey will resume
You are asked to lie on a bed by a lovely kind lady the pillow is soft she asks if you would like headphones with nice music she gives you a button to press should you need to stop and you know they will be kind and understanding if you do they have seen hundreds of nervous patients You lie down close your eyes imagine every part of your body starting at your feet and ending at the top of your head is so relaxed you picture Dusty and beautiful autumn leaves In no time it's all done and you are back with your husband heading for the cafe
Now I know you would choose "d" out of those scenarios and please believe me it really isn't how you are picturing it
Have a look on You Tube for the Michael Sealey - Body Scan video and practice twice a day then when you get to your scan have his beautiful soothing voice in your head as you relax every part of you
I'm looking forward to you messaging me afterwards and you have been fine
Take care and message me anytime I'll always listen x
Thank you for trying to calm me. About 20 yrs ago I had to have an MRI of my head. Yes they told me it would be at least 40 to 60 min and it was. This was b4 i had the panic disorder. They gave me a face cloth to put over my eyes and a panic button to hold. I did make it through that one ok...NOW I'm a terrified mess. I want to cancel but do not think I can live with the horrible pain in my glut and down my leg to my toes. I will look at Michael Sealey now and remember the picture to keep in my head. Will let you know....I want to say "If I make it" I have to get control.
We got up at 5:00am and out the door by 6:00am The appointment was for 7am. I tried to remain calm . We were promptly taken in by a young technician I filled in the questionnaire with shaky hand. I spoke up and told him I was clausdrophbic and my dr. had told me to take 2 Ativan once in the room with the Technician. I was a bit shocked at his response!! He said but Gail it only takes 9 minutes to do it and I can put you in feet first!! Great. I said I’d like to take one Ativan anyways and he said ok. He put big headphones on me and in I went. I could still hear the loud noises but that didn’t bothered me (the MRI I had 20 years ago in Cobourg was 40 to 60 min long!!) I kept counting to 60 over and over and at 9 min he asked if he could do 2 more min. I said “yes” My panic stayed under control until near the end, then I started naming off all those who were thinking of me. Next thing I knew he was backing me out of the tunnel!!!! I made my way to the waiting room and Terry nearly fell out of his chair. He expected me to be in MUCH longer. I was so glad to get back to the car. We were driving home and looked at the clock. It was the time of my appointment…still dark out. We stopped to have breakfast then came home. Dusty and I went back to bed and slept for another hour and a half.
I made it!!!
Yes, I know what will now follow. Worry about what it is. Especially if they say surgery is needed. I will try anything but that! So now I am in worry mode again! But I did it!!
Pain is in full motion but for me there was a lot of walking.
Congratulations!! I am so glad that this step of the process is behind you. One less thing to worry about. Try to take a little time to experience this victory before going on to your next worry. You can get through it all one step at a time. I wish you the very best outcome.
Thank you so much. I will wait until our doctor calls with the results and if he is still going to send me to the pain clinic out of town I need to give myself a bit of time I appreciate your kindness
Well I thank you for this update. I have been following this post and have been thinking of you. Please do keep us posted on the rest of your journey. It is nice to celebrate the victories along the way.
Oh I'm so happy for you I have been thinking of you all day I bet you can't believe that it's over
9 mins oh my goodness that is amazing
I had an MRI for my lower spine and they took me in to have injections I was sedated and only a day patient and I was absolutely fine so fingers crossed that might be an option they give you I am fine now
I have been through 2 hip and 1 knee replacement and I'm on the list for my other knee So if I can be of any help to help you anxiety wise I'm only too happy to help
I know exactly how you feel
I'm so pleased for you x
The other IRI I had about 20 yrs ago was 45 min. Thought I'd go nuts. Boy you have been trough a lot. I've heard of cortisone injections. I didn't know they sedated you for them. Any option but surgery. Are you free of pain now? You are so brave. Thank you for thinking of me I still can't believe ...only 9 min!!!
Hi. I have the same problem as you do with the MRI. My claustrophobia started at a young age and I've been deathly afraid of confined spaces. I just was scheduled for MRI and told the doctor the problem and he said he could schedule me a "conscious sedation". You go into the hospital and they heavily sedate you but not to complete sleep. It's done for people like us who can't get an MRI even with oral sedation. I'm scheduled for the first one next week. Look it up online and you can read what it's about. Good luck, we can do it. 🙂👍
Thankyou for the info, I will google it. I go this Thurs at 6 am. Right now my stomach is in such a knot I am a total mess. I know there is no pain involved but its being enclosed. I'm not sure if they will put me in head first or feet first. I too have had panic and anxiety most of my life starting as a child. I will be so glad when this is over
I'm the same as you kama I've had panic and anxiety most of my life too although I have had times when I have been really well I'm much better now too but I know what it's like They will put you in feet first
I know exactly how you I feeling I really do
I'm sure this one will be 15-20 mins I had them before my first hip replacement and for my spine
I can totally understand that your stomach is in a knot and you are a mess
I will be thinking of you and hoping so much you will be absolutely fine xx
Thank you.....if I go in feet first I think I will be braver. I did have a time in life where the fear was under control. We even travelled a lot. Now Im scared to even go up to our daughters!!! My physciatrist retired, but very glad I have a great therapist to talk to. Sadly our new MD is not understanding of mental health issues
One other thing, have you tried an open MRI machine. It's open all the way around you so you can use your peripheral vision to help the enclosed feeling. It doesn't work for me but maybe it would for you. Good luck.
Did you try googling the open MRI. Did the doctor at least give you a sedative to take before your MRI. I've talked to people who have problems with MRI and they have said that a sedative can really help. It should be SOP for patients with claustrophobia. Don't be afraid, there here for patient comfort. Hope everything goes well.
yes, saw a photo of an open MRI. Our dr. told me to take 2 of my ativan (they are 2mg ea) Normally i take one ea morning but have built up an intolerance....I have little faith they will help. I need something stronger than ativan or valium. I am hoping they will understand my situation
Your be OK if its your lower spine they won't need to put your head into the tunnel
I hope you are right the pain is in my glut muscle (where the "dimple" is in your butt then pain down leg to my toes. This has been constant since last Christmas.
Sorry I've had 2 mri s. But new machines are cleaver they have mirrors in then angled correctly so it looks like your looking at the ceiling in a big room I suffer with clostafobia and pannic. It was OK x
thank you for the info. I had the MRI yesterday, no mirrors just ear phones to block out the noise. Thankfully due to the fact the MRI was from my waist down they put me in feet first although my head was still inside. I sure kept my eyes closed and was so thankful it was only 10 min I am in Ontario Canada and it seems we lack a lot of the new machines here. Now I wait for results and pray NO surgery
I have the same anxiety. I had an mri about 30 years ago, but anticipate a doc will want another at some point. Have you looked into open MRI? I know that I'll be asking for open and/or sitting if I need one.
As far as I know we have no open MRI's in Ontario at least our small city. I wish! I am so scared and hope I can make it through. Fear makes me feel short of breath and then panic grabs me. I go early Thurs. am please think of me
I will! Let us know how it goes. My husband has had 2 this year for his shoulder. He likes to have a cloth over his eyes. I keep thinking of the techs who do this all day every day and imagine putting my trust in them.
Good luck Kama Everyone will be kind to you
I'm thinking of you I have since I first read your post
Please would you mind just letting us all know how you got on
Sending big hugs x
We got up at 5:00am and out the door by 6:00am The appointment was for 7am. I tried to remain calm . We were promptly taken in by a young technician I filled in the questionnaire with shaky hand. I spoke up and told him I was clausdrophbic and my dr. had told me to take 2 Ativan once in the room with the Technician. I was a bit shocked at his response!! He said but Gail it only takes 9 minutes to do it and I can put you in feet first!! Great. I said I’d like to take one Ativan anyways and he said ok. He put big headphones on me and in I went. I could still hear the loud noises but that didn’t bothered me (the MRI I had 20 years ago in Cobourg was 40 to 60 min long!!) I kept counting to 60 over and over and at 9 min he asked if he could do 2 more min. I said “yes” My panic stayed under control until near the end, then I started naming off all those who were thinking of me. Next thing I knew he was backing me out of the tunnel!!!! I made my way to the waiting room and Terry nearly fell out of his chair. He expected me to be in MUCH longer. I was so glad to get back to the car. We were driving home and looked at the clock. It was the time of my appointment…still dark out. We stopped to have breakfast then came home. Dusty and I went back to bed and slept for another hour and a half!!
I made it!!!
Yes, I know what will now follow. Worry about what it is. Especially if they say surgery is needed. I will try anything but that! So now I am in worry mode again! But I did it!!
Pain is in full motion but for me there was a lot of walking.
There is an open MRI that will help your anxiety a lot. When I injured my back I insisted that that’s what I needed and wanted. Had to travel about 40 miles from home to find one, but I’m glad I did. The machine is open on the sides and you can see around you. I’m surprised your Dr hasn’t mentioned this to you. A tranquilizer also helps me.
Are you in Ontario Canada? I have never hear of one here It is over with as of this morning at 6am ////thankfully they put me in feet first and I was totally shocked, it was only 9 minutes!! The one 20 yrs ago was head first and 60 min long Now I will just worry what it shows up and I pray NO surgery