Hey everyone! I'm knew to this site, and was just seeking some advice
My doctor recently diagnosed me with anxiety, and I was put on Zoloft (25 mg last month, no change so increased to 50mg). He tested my blood and thyroid and electrolytes and all that, 1!4 found nothing wrong. However, I have really bad health anxiety, and convinced I have a brain tumor or some neurological problem. I had these "episodes" starting in October, and for awhile I didn't think they were panic attacks, but now I know they are, because although I think I'm dying when they happen, nothing bad does. I have a fear of fainting because the episodes start off as a feeling of lightheadedness/dizziness, and then I get the racing thoughts, shakiness, hot/cold, sometimes racing heart, etc. I also have a sense of uneasiness like almost 24/7.
Zoloft hasn't worked for me yet, I heard it takes awhile and my doctor said 25mg doesn't do much for anyone, so I've been on 50mg for almost 2 weeks and still not much of a change. Have had less panic attacks which is good, but still anxious and have some symptoms. I've also developed some leg weakness or weird feeling in my right leg, which I know is probably a side effect from medication but it worries me that it's only on one side (I have mad anxiety about a brain tumor).
Has anyone had positive/negative experiences with Zoloft? Seeking any reassurance or advice, thanks!