Does anyone have any good tips to overcome health anxiety? I feel like one problem leaves and another one starts
health anxiety: Does anyone have any good... - Anxiety Support
health anxiety
I have always suffered with health anxiety and then everything I feared happened or feels like it has leaving my health anxiety even worse
It is a vicious circle though as you say as one fear what we might have leaves us another comes along as that is how health anxiety keeps a hold of us
Someone once told me to do a list of all the things I thought I have ever had wrong with my health and once I had done that list then tick of the ones I had actually had that I had been anxious about
I did the list and at that time not one thing that I was anxious about regarding my health could I tick as I had not had any of them
Maybe you could try it and when you see there on paper it can make you realise the only one thing you have is anxiety none of what the anxiety is telling but anxiety and that is the one you need to get help and support with
Hope others will come along with some more suggestions x
As you know, I am the same as you. There are all sorts of you tube videos, books, etc, dealing with health anxiety. Unfortunately they all seem to be written for people who actually don't have anything serious wrong with them, but just worry anyway. There is never any information for people who really do have health issues to help them to worry less. The advice always is "go to your doctor" and when he tells you there is nothing wrong you should believe him and work on your anxiety instead. It makes me mad as there are tons of people who do have health problems, and suffer with extreme anxiety at the same time. There is not any real help for those people, and doctors are often not helpful either. Love b1
I do agree with you for years I had health anxiety and it was dreadful and so hard to live with but then when you actually do start having health issues that health anxiety sores to another level you never thought it could do !
And you are right what help is there then I am still trying to find it just like I know you are to x
Self hypnosis. Potentials unlimited. I use them, they work for me .
You might check out the youtube videos and website of Paige Prakdo, she is a therapist that had health anxiety and OCD and healed herself and now helps others. She has really good clear information and even has an affordable online course available.