Uggh. I suffer from health anxiety. It worsens about a week from my period. Sometimes more. I find myself experiencing symptoms and then I google which isn't good. My one disease im petrified of is diabetes. My mom and grandpa have it and so I'm just automatic ally thinking the worst. Then I panic even though I have been assured by my doctor not to listen to google that even with prediabetes I would be thirsty constantly etc
Health anxiety: Uggh. I suffer from health... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety
I get the same as this a week before my period, I don't worry about diabetes though I've been checked for this maybe you could ask the doc to check give you some piece of mind.
Mine is more about bodily symptoms like been light headed and stuff like that then I worry it's something else.
Hope it's eased off for you.
I had a physical last year and fasting bg was 105. I freaked out because I "read" that anything over 100 is bad. My Dr. told me that's not true that 105 is actually ok. And they go by your A1C...he said even though I tasted it could still be something I are the day before. I have NO symptoms..but when the anxiety kicks in so does the urination, jittery, nausea etc

Yep I get those symptoms too feeling on edge jittery nausea and toilet both 1 and 2.
You could always go back and get another.
Not sure how it works over there.
I'm scheduled for Feb 21. I know in my heart I don't have it but try telling my body that. And my head.
Hi Brooke,
I too suffer from severe health anxiety before my period. It's truly awful because anxiety causes so so many symptoms that you could easily think something is seriously wrong.
I don't really worry about diabetes but everything else, really. My doctor tells me the same thing but it's the easiest thing to rely on when you're in that state.
My anxiety is AWFUL before and during my period. I’ve worried about every health issue under the sun from cancer to diabetes. I get light headed, dizzy, shaky, nauseous. I have a weird phobia of anemia due to heavy flow but every time I get my blood work done it comes back fine. I suffer from dibilitating menstrual migraines as well which also cause nausea and lightheaded ness so then on top of my period I have a fear I’m going to vomit and dehydrate and have to go to the hospital. So you’re definitely not alone.