Hey, fairly new here. I'm looking for any kind of tips etc from anyone who suffers with Health Anxiety. I can't stop looking on the net at conditions and comparing my symptoms, giving myself more worries, losing family has really made me feel like it may be me one day...pure misery at the moment
Health Anxiety : Hey, fairly new here. I'm... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety

I've got a tip, stop looking for symptoms because you'll find what you want too on the net.
And yes it's that simple before you say but......

Ok, thanks for putting it bluntly, fair enough lol.
I've been there I know, you can be your own worst enemy, so now you know know stop doing it.

Yeah your right, thank you, I'm open to anything to make myself well again
Of all the things to look at you choose that. There's funny videos, recipes everything. Look at ( positive ) things, not dreary depressing self fulfilling doom. You'll be ok. Go spoil ya self, you know you're worth it.

I know, I do look at funny videos and I am learning to make new recipes, so it's not all doom and gloom thankfully lol, don't know how to spoil myself ha ha
Losing family is the worst that can possibly happen. When I lost my father I thought I was literally going to die myself. I still talk to him. The best thing right now is to concentrate on you. Stop reading things online for awhile until you feel better. They will only add to the confusion. Talk to your doctor and tell them exactly how you feel. I was embarrassed at first to tell my doctor about my anxiety. It's the worst feeling in the world. But, the good news is, it can be managed with the proper treatment. For me it meant taking medication and learning about my triggers. We can get through this one day at a time. It seems impossible right now but peace will come. Don't give up. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Stay off the internet. It's the worst thing you can do for yourself.
Yes I have learnt that since my post replies, thank you
I suffer with health anxiety! Some one only has to talk about a stroke or heart attack and I'm back to all the chest pains convinced i have all the same symptoms and have some underlying illness that a doctor has missed! It's a horrible thing, but only you can persuade ure self that's not happening to you!!!! I have weeks where I feel great then it's back and feel like crap for a few weeks... every little pain and I feel something devastating is goin to happen to me. 😫😫 living this way of life is just a waste!!!! Xxxxx
Same here, it is really hard not to look it up, but I have been advised not to by a few kind people, after having tests it is still on my mind, I hate it, I really do. I also feel fine one or 2 days a week the rest I feel rubbish, I will try not to obsess over it, I guess I should be thankful I haven't got anything major to worry about
Oh my gosh...I am CONSTANTLY on google typing up my symptoms. I KNOW it is a terrible thing to do because I don't look at the logical explanations...nope...I jump right off the cliff into "worst case scenario". I need someone to disable any medical related searches.
The only true way to get an accurate diagnosis for any illness is from examination and tests, google can do neither so don't bother checking symptoms xxx

Hi Suzie yes your right, I won't get my answers there, I read something then it says it could be a similar symptom of an underlying disease etc.. so then I'm like omg really, it goes from there, say no more lol x
I have fallen in the dr google trap many times in the years I've suffered with anxiety . If I get a new symptom I google and it is detrimental . If you absolutely need to google then type your symptom and anxiety after , you'll then see that other anxiety sufferers have the same symptoms . Anxiety can mimic pretty much every disease/illness if you go by symptoms . Better still if you have the urge to google then go off and distract yourself with a relaxation CD or anything that helps calm you . You are sensitised and any little twitch is felt strongly so outward focus rather than inward , relaxation and calm the body down to ease those worrying symptoms . It's not easy
Hi, I realised I have been sucked in for many years, it has taken over my life basically, yeah I do feel something and go straight to Google. Arghhhh I will not do it anymore, thank you for your tips I will try them
It's really hard not to , it's a bad habit and hard to break . I was doing well and then a new symptom had be googling and I'm struggling again with high anxiety .
That's the trap I'm in 😉 . I sometimes find googling re assures me because other anxiety sufferers experience the same symptoms . If I don't google then the questions won't leave my head and I constantly think . Google can intensify my symptoms at times because you come across horror stories . I quit all forums and googling last year and made huge progress , new symptom = straight back to old habits . A part of me says it's just anxiety and a part of me says I have something else going on too . I know I have an anxiety disorder so it's not searching for something to give me answers , it's more is it making it harder for me because I have something else going on .
I have to work hard on relaxation at times like this and stay away from google and when I relax again I have a better idea of what's going in because the symptoms go or ease
Gosh you sound like me, Ita hard to put into words, I know what you mean about searching up what you feel and then seeing other things which makes you spiral, I overthink, over analyse, take words as gospel, fear the worst. it's so hard every day, it's always there. I know that the net, ie..Facebook etc..feeds depression and anxiety but I can't stay off it, I don't have anything else going on that interests me, I know I have certain things but just need help with it. Joint problems get me down so I'm waiting on seeing a physiotherapist, seeing a psychologist every 3 months for reviews.
Stop looking on the internet. Most important thing you can do!!!!
The internet only shows you what you're looking for, and you're looking for all the wrong things.