Can Anxiety really cause all these symptom... - Anxiety Support

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Can Anxiety really cause all these symptoms I'm having please help

Dillan10 profile image
40 Replies

sorry the post is long but please read it all if you can

Hello im a 22 YO male in the USA 6,3 and about 200 pounds. To start off I’m relatively healthy I work out 5x a week drink almost a gallon of water daily (I work outside) I don’t do drugs I do vape though.

But the reason I’m writing this post for the past year I’ve had dizziness that’s on and off meaning for a few weeks I’ll experience pretty bad dizziness then other weeks it’s pretty mild and tolerable. I’ve been seen by a ENT a cardiologist an allergist an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. Everything came back normal besides me having allergies I didn’t know about. They ran a million tests from CT scans to eye exams VNGS ultrasound etc. All is normal I’m going back to all those doctors to try new tests or see if they missed something. The dizziness I experience happens in my eyes from what I can tell. I get dizzy in dim/dark lighting, in big stores (my eyes feel overwhelmed by everything going on) looking at moving objects like cars driving by etc and I get dizzy driving at night. My question is can anxiety really be causing all this? The only issue I’ve had in my life caused by anxiety (that I know of) was in 2019 right after I graduated high school I was smoking marijuana (I don’t smoke anymore) and I got my first panic attack and went to the ER cause I thought I was dying and after that I had chest pains for nearly 6 months straight until one doctor told me it was anxiety and to meditate daily which I did then it went away. please give me some advice

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Dillan10 profile image
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40 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Dillan10, in the 7 years that I've been here, I have heard on numerous occasions

that some people experienced their first Panic Attack after having smoked

Marijuana. I don't have any other data backing up that fact.

As to what you are experiencing now with dizziness can very well be coming

from anxiety (even though you no longer smoke)

I will tell you though, that vaping is causing a lot of health issues in young people

and that is a proven fact.

I've never smoked but I do remember having the same symptoms as you at the beginning

of my Anxiety days. The big box stores were a problem. The stimulation for my eyes

was too much to take in. Add to that the lighting as well as the buzzing sound of the

fluorescent lights and I was doomed. The rest of your symptoms can come from your

eyes trying to take in more than your brain can perceive at the time. An overload per se.

Causing this dizzyheaded feeling.

I use Meditation and Breathing exercises for years and no longer have to contend with

those symptoms. I hope you find the answer as well. Please keep us updated on your

progress. :) xx

Dillan10 profile image
Dillan10 in reply to Agora1

thank you for the response I just got 2100 MG of ashwaganda so let’s see if that helps and I do meditate but I need to do it a lot more I feel how do you meditate cause what I do is breathe in for as long as comfortably possible hold it for 5/7 seconds then exhale then repeat for 3-5 minutes

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dillan10

Hi Dillan, Meditation is not only about breathing but about putting aside

the negative thoughts of the day. I use meditation/breathing exercises 3x a day.

Upon awakening, midafternoon and before bed. I've used this for years since I

was Agoraphobic and it works. The more you do it on a daily basis, the stronger

the subconscious mind gets in putting you into a relaxing mental/physical state.

I will send you a couple of short meditations from YouTube that you can try out.

It's about finding the right words and the right calming voice for you.

Let me tell you one more thing that I found out. When we are tense, anxious,

our muscles throughout our body tighten. But it's not only the large muscles

that do Dillan, it's the smaller ones as well.

And those include the small muscles down the ear canals that squeeze tight

and can cause an imbalance in our physical stature. There are also the muscles

behind our eyes that change as well when we are tense. This can cause perception

issues. Once you relax it goes back to normal.

I will get back to you in a few. Breathe and drop your shoulders away from

your ears and relaxxxx :) xx

ZOO7 profile image

I have dizziness too. It comes and goes. It’s like I’m off balance or something similar. I get this feeling at various time but I’ve noticed it while driving, even going up hills or if I am height looking down on something (like at the top of an escalator). Other times it’s just an out of the blue dizzy feeling. I do think it is related to anxiety and or stress response. If you come across things that work please share. For me, the controlled breathing and focusing on something else does help. 🙏🙏

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to ZOO7

Will do :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to ZOO7

I've noticed with myself that when I would be anxious, my head and neck would

jut forward, shoulders hunched up to ears and in a "fight or flight" response.

Besides the bodily posture changing, so does the amount of adrenaline change

getting ready to attack "fear" that is only in our minds.

The Lymphatic fluids in our neck and head don't flow freely as they should

causing trigger points of spasm. This too can cause dizziness. So many reasons

that anxiety can cause these symptoms. Physical therapy can help release these

issues. Will get back to you as well with some meditation/breathing :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Hi Agora 1, I've found your response to these "dizziness" posts so helpful as I'm suffering with this too. (it's returned after a decade). I have a phone appointment on Monday and will be assessed as to the type of CBT/counselling I will need. Meanwhile your explanation about the muscles in the ear canal is very enlightening. So thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

asenath, you are more than welcome. Good Luck with your phone appointment

on Monday. The more we know about the physical mechanics in what stress does

to us, the easier it is to understand why we feel as we do. Keep us updated on

your progress. It's going to be okay. :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

You and Jeff1943 seem to be cut from the same cloth, what would I do without you both, giving me help and encouragement. yes, I will let you know how I go on. Thank you Agora1. X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

:) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Hi agora1, Just to let you know, I'm still "wobbly" but start CBT on the 27th of this month. I'll admit it get's me down a lot, but I'm guilty of overthinking which doesn't help at all does it!

I hope you are feeling well and happy Agora1, thanks for your support.X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

Hi asenath x

I remember those days of wobbling whenever I would walk. (more so outside)

The thought would start before I even got out of the car. So it wasn't surprising

that my breathing would go off to hyperventilation. Breathing properly is very

important in allowing the nervous system to stabilize. When we are continuously

in that hyper state, we can't walk a straight line if we tried.

Let us know how you do on your CBT starting the 27th. Just remember that

everything takes time to work. Wishing you well. You are never alone :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Thanks again Agora 1 for all your kind words and advice, I find the wobbliness the hardest symptom to deal with, but, never really had hyperventilation, I do get the face flushing, and strong heartbeats. Either way it can be a vicious circle I find. I'll let you know Agora1 how I go on when I begin my therapy. Keep well X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

Please do keep me updated asenath.

Sometimes, we may even be holding our breath.

Last but not least is making sure you are well hydrated

during the day. :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Thanks for that tip Agora1, I do know I tense all my muscles so holding my breath is possible. Will make sure I'm well-watered. X

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Hi Agora1, Just to let you know I had my first cbt therapy session,(over the phone) she was quite reassuring, she told me to get rid of my "safety- behaviours". This includes not being able to have Ashwagandha, Rhodiola or Kalms. I thought they were helping to calm me down, but I cannot have them now. I was also instructed to keep a "worry diary", to be honest the only thing I worry about is my "wobbliness" and how much longer it will stick around. Anyway, I'll have to work with her as I have not much choice. At the moment I'm feeling my symptoms a little more intense than last week, I don't know why that should be. I thought it was beginning to go away.

I hope you're keeping well Agora1, perhaps hale and hearty as they say. x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

Hi asenath, as you continue with your CBT sessions, expect to have your ups

and downs as you go towards healing. (cleaning out the closet per se)

I agree with your therapist regarding using over the counter holistic therapy.

The way to calm yourself down isn't in a pill, it's in your mind. That "wobbliness"

will go away as you stop focusing into it. I hated that feeling myself. It's an

insecure sensation but it will eventually go away. CBT takes time to work.

Do the homework required to get to your goal. Think of any symptoms that

you may get as Anxiety fighting you tooth and nail and not the opposite of

you fighting. Those days are over. You will be in control now with the help

of your therapist. Keep us updated. You've taken that first big step. Don't

doubt yourself, you've got this. :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much for your reply. I have been a bit down today but your kind words of wisdom and encouragement have really "picked me up". I have another appointment on Friday and meanwhile she has sent me some helpful literature. I hope to read it tomorrow when I will be more able to digest the info. I've not been able to concentrate much today. So lovely of you to say just the right thing, it is soothing, thank you X

I will keep you updated Agora1. x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

Please do. We are here for each other in this caring community. :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Hi Agora1, My therapist is taking a 2 week break at the moment, afterwards she will be passing me over to a therapist more experienced in "health anxiety". However I have been feeling a lot better these last few days and I'm hopeful I'm in recovery. I read a book called 'At Last a Life' by Paul David, and listened to podcasts from the Anxiety centre. (Jim Folk). Found these to make sense and helpful for me too. Explained about the unbalanced feeling, and why it occurs.

I hope you are well Agora1, and thank you for lending an ear. X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to asenath

Thanks for updating me asenath.. I am familiar with Paul David as well as Anxiety Centre. With time, doors open up for each one of us as we find what works and what doesn't. Good Luck with your new therapist on your Health Anxiety journey.

I think you have found the key asenath, to unlock that block in your mind. Continue forward as you live and learn about yourself and anxiety, you will find the answers. The light is always on here in the community. Wishing you well :) xx

asenath profile image
asenath in reply to Agora1

Thank you for your help and support, very much needed and very much appreciated. Thank you. X

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to ZOO7

Z007 YouTube has always been my "go to" What works for one may not

work for another. We can use YouTube w/o pouring out any money just time

in research. Here is one video you can start with to see if it's a good fit

for you. "Parasympathic Breathing for Chronic Dizziness" by The Steady Coach.

That's just giving you a base lesson in breathing. You can type in 3-5 minute meditations/

Breathing and get results. It's not about how long the meditation is as much as it is

about how your brain eventually adapts to it's words. My best :) xx

ZOO7 profile image
ZOO7 in reply to Agora1

Thank you! I will lol into the video.

ZOO7 profile image
ZOO7 in reply to ZOO7

I will look into the video not lol. Thanks!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to ZOO7

Hey, it's good to laugh even at ourselves :) xx

ZOO7 profile image
ZOO7 in reply to Agora1

For sure. I definitely need to laugh more.

Agora1 profile image

Dillon, I found a Dr. Yo on YouTube who has multiple videos on Dizziness and how

to overcome it through Meditation and Breathing. Know that anything new takes time.

Start with "Ask Dr Yo How do I work on Healing my Dizziness w/o overfocusing on it"

From there you will see a list of her videos to the right. Pick and Choose which ones

you are interested in. Try to absorb what she is saying but don't overdo in one sitting.

Learning takes time and patience. I wish you well. Let me know how that

Ashwaganda works for you. My best :) xx

Dillan10 profile image
Dillan10 in reply to Agora1

thank you for all the replies you’re amazing my dizziness today has been still noticeable but definitely better that ashwaganda I feel like did help and I’ll look that up later tonight when I get home and see what I find that helps would you recommend anything else for anxiety other than meditation and ashwaganda?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dillan10

Hydration is important which in itself can help but you did say you

drink enough water.

The ashwaganda I have no experience in so I'd be interested in

knowing if it helps you. It may help others on this site. :) xx

Dillan10 profile image
Dillan10 in reply to Agora1

based off my first day using it, it seems to help so I’d recommend trying it worst that can happen is it doesn’t do anything for you. And im looking into meditation techniques right after I send this lol

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Dillan10

P.S. I use many different forms of Meditation one of them being

Self Hypnosis. I was taught by a hypnotherapist years ago and still

using the technique she taught me in counting down backwards.

From 10 to 1 while in an elevator, watching the microwave clock etc

within those few seconds I respond automatically to being in the

present moment and relaxing.

With 10 i pull my shoulders down away from my ears

with 9 i start my diaphragmatic breathing slow and deeply exhaling

8, 7, 6, 5 *I am at Peace 4, 3, 2, 1 * I am in the moment

and then I go on with my day...

Here's yet another YouTube video for a short regeneration of the mind/body.

"5 minute Quick Anxiety Reduction-Guided Mindfulness Meditation"

by Mindful Peace Enjoy! Namaste :) xx

Michael8072 profile image

Hi Dillan10

I’ve def experienced the dizziness/off balance feeling pretty on and off all of 2022. I had my first panic attack Dec of 21 after that I would have this dizzy feeling. I went to the doctors and everything came back normal. Told me a lot of what I was feeling was anxiety related. I’ve had anxiety much of my life but 2022 for whatever reason after that panic attack it just made things for me so much worse. I’ve been talking to a therapist, yoga nidra, some very long walks when needed and I’ve been doing better. Don’t feel the dizziness quotes as much. Haven’t been able to get in my car and drive for a couple of hours yet. But I’m hoping to get over that jump soon. Had a really bad panic attack in the car stuck in traffic since then it’s been tough. Short distance I seem to be okay. But as far as I can tell it is all anxiety related. Everything I keep telling my brain.

I hope you can find some tools to help you with the anxiety. I’m a textbook over thinker so journaling and talking have also been big for me. Idk if any of that helps or puts you at ease at all. Anxiety can def cause symptoms!

Dillan10 profile image
Dillan10 in reply to Michael8072

yes I’m convincing a lot of my symptoms are either caused by anxiety or made worse by anxiety because when I start overthinking about the dizziness everything gets worse. And I’ve had the same stuff where I couldn’t ride in a car for months cause I had a terrible anxiety attack in a car

designguy profile image

Yes, it's very likely that your symptoms are caused by anxiety especially since you have had everything checked out physically. It's also common for it to manifest in different ways at different times like from dizziness to having a heart attack or brain tumor, fear of driving, etc... and it's compounded when we start to hyper focus on it. Learning that anxiety/panic is a paradox and the more we resist it and fight it the more it persists so the solution is to accept it can help.

Dillan10 profile image
Dillan10 in reply to designguy

yea that’s what I mstarting to realize just not focusing on it seems to help but it’s still present

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Dillan10

It's not about focusing on it and it makes it go away, it's about focusing on it and accepting it and being ok with it and knowing you can get on with your day with it being there. What helped me a lot was the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos and understanding the paradox of anxiety. Another good resource is the youtube videos and website of Paige Pradko who is a therapist who has healed herself and helps others heal, she also has a good course on panic/anxiety.

Alershot1 profile image


I am English retired.

Typical symtoms I have had all and everything I think. I feel as though I was dying many times in my long life and it has not got me yet!!!

It is not funny I know and the nights I have spent worrying!!!

I did not die and nor will you .

Please try to do relaxation .


Be thinking of you

01021968 profile image

Don’t drink to much water. Bro. Because I did that stared feeling bad and dizzy. I also suffer from anxiety. But had to leve work go to the er. And yes I was over hydrated. To much water drops the sodium levels in your blood can cause bad issues

MindfulMoment profile image

over the years I have been SHOCKED at all the things that have been investigated and the only answer was it’s anxiety. Anxiety causes so many weird somatic sensations it’s incredible really. And then it’s so difficult to believe the doctors haven’t missed something. But alas I’m still kickin :) I experience vertigo as well. Weird vision at times, all sorts of weird stuff. Ashwaghanda is good stuff, so is magnesium and Reishi mushrooms. All have been very helpful for the physical sensations.

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