My journey on switching from Effexor to viibryd has not been pleasant. I have been going on a month now since I first started the switch and about 3 weeks since I totally stopped my Effexor and taking just viibryd. Idk if my body is just delayed on adjusting but in the last 3 days I have started having panic attacks again. I was doing pretty good these last few weeks. Some little things here and there but nothing bad. Can it be normal for my body to have a delayed reaction to the meds? Should I still be feeling adjustments or show my body be adjusted by now? I was on Effexor 225mlg for 15 years. I just need some reassurance. My doctor is out sick and I can’t go in and see her.
Switch meds: My journey on switching from... - Anxiety Support
Switch meds

Hi brittd89, I've never switched from one medication to another howeverI was on a benzo at one time for 30 years when it lost it's efficacy, I was slowly
weaned off the benzo. It took 2 years to slowly wean down until completely off.
Another year, in not feeling any side effects as my brain healed and started making
the chemicals it needed on it's own.
I'm not saying it will take you a long length of time but know that it takes the
brain some time to reach full efficacy and you hopefully will start feeling better xx
Hi, I changed from Duloxetine to Mirtazapine last year. It took 3 months to get into my system and for me to feel ok. I felt awful but stuck it out and now ok.
Sorry you didn’t feel good, but glad to know maybe this isn’t totally out of nowhere. I know it makes sense that my body has to adjust, but the anxiety part of my brain tells me it’s something worse. I have been so fortunate to have dealt well with my mental health the last 15 years. Just have this all come up and be a lot in a short amount of time is a lot. Thanks for your thoughts.