I have been a healthy 45 year old woman.. When I turned 46 year old i was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Thats when I started to have anxiety.. I would get this cold feeling coming over me and feeling like this i am going to die, I feel my whole body shaking . I do take a med but makes me so tired for days . I feel like I should talk to someone but don't know where to look or turn.. I don't just want to take a pill to calm things. I would like to know why all of a sudden I'm feeling like this. That 2022 is the last time I'm going to be on this earth. I google so much and then makes my anxiety worse.. I have never done this before.
really bad anxiety: I have been a healthy... - Anxiety Support
really bad anxiety
Hello, it is possible for physical issues to cause or contribute to anxiety but learning what anxiety really is and how to manage it is the key. I recommend you check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos about it and how to learn to accept and no longer fear the anxious thoughts and feelings. They have a phone app that I like, it's like having your own health coach. You might also make sure your thyroid, hormones and adrenals are all working properly because they can cause or contribute to anxiety if not.
For your hiatal hernia I suggest you work with a Naturopath or Functional Medicine practitioner, it's usually relatively easily to treat and heal by changing your diet and eliminating food allergies.
Thank you so much for sharing your struggle with us. That was not easy. I think a helpful first step would be reaching out to a counselor and letting them know how you feel. It's just like talking to a friend that cares for you. I struggle with anxiety and talking with my counselor has helped tremendously.
Hi mcguire45 and you still are a healthy young woman.The physical sensations you are feeling as well as the mental
ones of this being your last year on earth, is Anxiety in full overdrive.
I've had hiatal hernia for years, it is not a catastrophic disorder.
The more you worry and focus on that diagnosis, the more stressed
out you will get and the tighten the esophagus can get.
It's true that medication can make you very sleepy but you just need
to break that cycle of fear right now. It doesn't mean you might have to
be on this med for years. Finding other tools/methods of release for
your stress can help immensely.
No matter what we have in life, stress and worry make it 10 times worse.
Using Relaxation techniques such as Breathing and Meditation can help
reduce the physical symptoms.
Talking with a therapist can be beneficial in calming your mind and achieving
some reassurance with your new founded health anxiety. You took a first step
forward today in finding this forum. We understand, we support and we help
because we CARE> xx
Hey so glad you made it to 45 years old I’m 29 and been feeling that way since I turned 25 years old it’s so miserable please educate yourself on anxiety learn your triggers and symptoms and find a way to cope . Keep busy as well it will get to you if you let it