Heart doing it again where it flutters it like goes out of rhythm for couple mins then goes really fast does anyone get this .. I was Litterally about to fall asleep and my heart just done a mad flutter so scared
Again : Heart doing it again where it... - Anxiety Support
Most heart palpitations are benign but it’s always a good idea to make sure. Have you worn a heart monitor from your doctor yet? If not I’d start there. I was diagnosed with SVT after some tests. I take a beta blocker and so fine. Still have random palpitations here and there but I’m not freaking out anymore.
I have delt with an irregular heart beat for over 45 yrs. Have you seen a cardiologist. Last autumn my "skipping" started to last longer so I did go back to the cardiologist. I wore a heart halter for 2 wks and recorded ea time an episode of irregular beats hit. I knew they were PVCs and had been told "nothing serious" ......that didn't help really. The best way to describe the feeling was "picture a fish out of water on the grass flopping around". I do take a mild heart medication. Anyways, after the results of the monitor came in I went back to the dr. He told me that almost everyone has missed or skipped beats. Many don't even notice them others feel ea and every one. He told me not to over think or worry unless more serious type symptoms appeared. I would be checked out if it bothers you enough. They would do an ECG, cardiac ultrasound, and maybe a stress test, none are invasive. At least you would have an ans. to hopefully calm your fears.