Keep Waking up from palpations!!! I feel like I can’t breathe my heart is racing so fast! Why is my heart keep waking me up it’s 10 past 4 in the morning!!!
Help : Keep Waking up from palpations!!! I... - Anxiety Support

Are u stressed? Whats happening in your life?
I’m sorry to hear that ! 💞Have you had caffeine or chocolate or soda or anything??
Yh going through a lot right now but I haven’t had waking up from my sleep with racing heart feel like I’m going to die
Kaaayla dear...Have the symptoms settled down some?? Diet Coke does have caffeine
in it which can cause the heart palps. Also, the carbonation can and will cause heartburn
and when lying down the fizz can push against the heart causing palps, skips and flutters.
Also because the coke contains caffeine, it dehydrates you which also plays a part with
the heart symptoms. The best thing you can do now is hydrate, it should help with your
How is your mom doing? Your anxiety is on overtime right now making you more sensitive
to things. Feel better xx
I only had one Diet Coke though surely that wouldn’t of caused it that was ealier on in the day drink water all the time!.. mums still in hospital still none of the wiser apparently oncologist n cardiology and someone else to have a meeting just making me worry just want her home where she belongs! Xx my heart gone down to 60 but then jumps up in the 100s
Kaaayla, this is a lot for you to handle alone. Do you have any other
family members that you can share this stress with?
When you wake up in the middle of the night, reality hits you and
sends a course of adrenaline throughout your body.
Have you tried using some quiet meditation and breathing before
you fall asleep..Maybe some positive affirmations would help as help.
It might calm down the thoughts some.
All in all Kaaayla, know that you mother is being well taken care of by
her oncologist and cardiologist. They are specialists who have your mother's
well being at the top of their priorities. Right now, the best thing you can do
for yourself is to turn your fears over to them.. Take care of yourself so you will
be there for your mother. Keeping you and your mother in my thoughts xx
Hope you doing ok to agora x
It's all stress related. Im sorry you are experiencing these symptoms. I know they are terrifying. What helps me sometimes is self talk by saying what I am feeling. Claiming what u r feeling & Self compassion will help....
For example" Im feeling anxious right now bc I am going through a lot right now in my life" " Im going to be alright. I need to comfort myself and be there for me bc this is overwhelming. This is hard but I know what this is so Im going to be alright"then take a few through your nose out your mouth. Anxiety is fear. You will be ok.
Please understand Anxiety is a normal emotion. It's fear. It's when it becomes extreme and interferes w are daily life that it becomes a problem.
Accept what u r going through and you will become resilient. You will be ok.
It's hardright now but u will be ok. You just have to believe it.
Yh it has to be anxiety because I would of been dead by now My heart is racing so much keep swallowing I need to go out and get a few bits aswell and I’m scared incase something happens to me can’t handle it
I hope your anxiety is calming down, take good care of yourself & hope your mom doing better soon!!💞💗🌻🌸🦋