ive been struggling with anxiety and depression for 4 years or so. I had a breakdown. i have an eating disorder and I'm agoraphobic. I have had little support. I started to drag myself out of it because I've lost too many important people through all of this. Fear seems to give me the kick to move forwards a bit. ugh
So My son showed signs of the virus (can i just call it that because it still terrifies me) he got sick but has recovered, then I got it. we've been on lockdown since the end of feb. I'm terrified my other family members will get it too. I'm recovered from the virus, but as I was starting to heal, panic set in.
Ive never had panic like this before, I've suffered panic attacks and anxiety attacks for years on and off, last few years its been pretty bad, but this was just beyond me. I literally couldn't cope at all. I couldn't sleep, eat, think, i couldn't BREATHE even in between the attacks- totally hypervigilant, just could not get a breath in. I spent I think 5-6 days like that all over Easter. It was utterly terrifying.
I wanted to go to bed (I couldn't even go in my house I lived in my garden) and just not wake up. I didn't not want to be here, I just couldn't cope anymore.
I'm now on Diazepam for the short term, and have just started Sertraline. I have managed 2 decent sleeps and can go into my house for short bursts. Its helping.
the panic attacks have lessened so even when they do hit I can get on top of them much easier.
I live with a stress head.. I'm tired and don't know how else to say it. I tried so hard to have a relaxing day yesterday, i ate well, took my meds, and planned to go to bed (trying to learn to be in my bedroom without panicking) at a decent time, take my last diazepam and hopefully sleep.
It all went wrong...I took my sertraline nearer to bed yesterday because its making me tired, but I don't know if it actually disturbed my sleep, or the stress my stress head caused all day and all evening....
I slept, but I dont feel like I did. My whole body hurts my head feels like its been spinning all night and I just need a break.... i don't know how to get one....
I guess I'm venting in the hope I can let it go but im in a bad mood today and thats not going to help anyone.
Thank you if you read my ramblings
Tea xxxx