So to start off I am a 24 year old single mother. I live with mom and boyfriend (whom gives me a lot to deal with as he complains about everything I do) - Just to give a bit of my background there.
So for the past month Ive been getting weird "symptoms", and for the last week it just got worse and I get it every single day now too; since 2 days ago I have been getting it the whole day and night, none stop.
Pressure in head
Tingling and hot feeling on left side of brain
Pressure by ears
Fatigue, but can't sleep
Shortness of breathe
I feel that my brain doesnt get enough oxygen
Numbness feeling from back of head down to my back
Loss of appetite
Chest pains
Numbness in face and sometimes back of ear
I think I might have missed some more, but these are what I can remember right now. I went to the doctor twice, and he says that Its just stress and Anxiety. But honestly, I think and feel there is more to this strange feeling as I have NEVER experienced this before.
When I google my symptoms I either come to "anxiety" or to "stroke", and I sure don't want a stroke, as no one believes what I am feeling, they just think Im seeking attention..
Can somebody please help me..