So my main anxiety is tumors and aneurysm’s. I’m 19, no family history of either. But I still worry about it on a constant. I vape, and it’s been making me feel like complete crap lately, headaches and what not. But I just want to know the likeliness of an aneurysm at 19. I just constantly worry about it and reassure always help. I also always forget stuff, so idk if that’s a sign of a tumor as dumb as that sounds.
Anxiety : So my main anxiety is tumors and... - Anxiety Support

Vaping is very bad and a real problem could come from it. You should stop before you have damage to your lungs.
I am long term sufferer of health anxiety (began back in 2006) and do understand how terrifying and real these thoughts can feel.
My main fear was around my brain for about 10 years - mostly about brain tumours but also brain bleeds (In recent years, my anxiety has latched onto other health concerns.)
I had the “I am really forgetful, this must be a tumour” fear in the past. It’s so easy to jump to the wrong conclusion when we assume the worst.
I have been really forgetful recently too but, I don’t worry about it so much now. Same symptom, just a different perspective. I find it tends to happen to me when I am feeling stressed.
It’s crazy how many times I thought my death was imminent yet I am still here to tell the tale. I’d urge you to seek treatment for your anxiety, if you haven’t already, I left it far, far too long before getting help. Reassurance seeking usually helps temporarily but isn’t a permanent solution.
If vaping is making you feel unwell, is there a reason you haven’t quit? You don’t have to answer that to me, just something to think about.
If you are concerned about a physical symptom, do see a doctor but we can’t live our lives in ‘what ifs’ - something I am guilty of too. If you have no symptoms, try not to spend all of your time worrying about what could happen in the future.
As for how common an aneurysm is, I have no idea. However, I have never heard of an aneurysm in someone your age. That’s not to say it’s impossible but I personally think it’s very rare - considering how often you’ve heard of it probably is a good indicator of how common it is.
A relative of mine died in her mid-50s of a brain bleed. She was a heavy smoker and alcoholic of many years. The doctors even considered her ‘unlucky’ for it to happen which suggests to me that even many people with lots of ‘risk factors’ don’t have it happen to them.
Take Care
The most common presenting complaint of an aneurysm is " the worst headache of your life"
I worked with a young woman in her 20's she had the classic presenting symptom. She survived due to quick recognition of her symptom and seeking medical attention.
I lost a brother. He was in his 20's. Same classic symptom.
You need to get a medical exam. Make sure there is nothing wrong physically. Then you need to seek help for your anxiety.
You may want to ditch the vaping. If you have health anxiety you should be afraid of potential lung damage from this.
I am the same way. It’s always between something with my brain or some kind of cancer. Right now I have convinced myself that i have breast cancer, then in a few days I will convince myself of some other serious medical condition. It’s exhausting.
Stop vaping immediately. It’s not worth it. You’re freaking yourself out. If it’s nicotine, go get the gum or patch to help you stop. Also, stay off google. I’m willing to bet you’re googling your symptoms over and over. Repeat to yourself over and over, “googling is the enemy of my joy and sanity.” Stop this immediately. Then Quit vaping, start exercising and eating healthy if you’re not already and I am sure you will feel a lot better.
Get a dr to do an exam and maybe some tests to put your mind at ease that you are fine. Also, there are some great meds to help you these days like SNRIs. They really do help you calm down. I think it’s worth chatting with your dr about them if you can’t calm down after quitting vaping and getting an evaluation.
Sending you good healing happy vibes.
I’ve went to the doctor to talk about it and everything, but never do they think I need to undergo any tests. I’ve started getting cluster headaches, and my 3rd doctor says that it’s probably from my stress. But it’s very annoying. I’ve described every concern and worry and symptom I have to my doctors but they never think there is something wrong with me