Anxiety sick: I'm back in again for... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety sick

24 Replies

I'm back in again for reassurance, so I'm feeling realy sick rite now ..nausea and the feeling of being weak and like I might thro up but not realy.. ..I was all good today until the end of work and headed home till now....i just dont feel good, no fever, no sweats just very weak and nauseous....and I'm a man so i ain't pregnant nor did i make anyone pregnant who would probrally be eating ice cream and fries rite now...lmao..

Anyways anxiety maybe, idk

24 Replies
bbanxiety profile image

Did you start the Sertraline man? How's that going?

in reply to bbanxiety

You know what I never started it..because my therapist told me not to...she said it's for depression and I'm not depressed..I'm like omg .

So doctor says take it , therapist says no ..

Idk what to do..

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Hi: good to hear from you but sorry you are struggling.

The md is the med prescriber. Not sure what your therapists credentials are.

But, I'm not sure they should be over riding a physicians order.

in reply to Dolphin14

I feel the same that the doctors know what we need, but my doctor also admitted that hes not a physc so for me to take the advice of my physc..he said if there is anything they might consider for them to just write down a recommendation and give it to him then he can change up meds or give me whatever. But yea dolphin14 good to hear from you as well..hope life is good on your end..

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I guess if no one can agree it's a problem

Good luck.

in reply to Dolphin14

Thank you

I like the way you put

It's almost like I'm shit outta luck lmao

I guess I gotta pull from the straw..hahaha.

Yes best of luck seriously

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

You are funny lol.

If psych hasn't weighed in on it that's who you need to ask.

There are so many meds out there. One dr may choose something totally different than another one. The key is finding what works for you.

in reply to Dolphin14

I agree...I'm going to take it one week from now lol...I will give me 1 week to convince myself I'm ready....thanks for the response ..


Seroma12 profile image
Seroma12 in reply to

What an unusual thing for a therapist to say. Sertraline can be highly effective for anxiety (according to my doctor AND therapist and I take it and it's made a huge difference to my anxiety). I have anxiety, not depression.

in reply to Seroma12

Thanks for confirming this point...

God bless us all....

Amz1987 profile image

Hope it passes soon for you. Are you sure it’s anxiety could be a little bit of tummy upset?

in reply to Amz1987

I'm not sure probrally tummy or digestive..I dont have any tummy aches but probrally related to something digestive

lavender44 profile image

hey, i havent been on here in months but i had the biggest struggle with this. anxiety can be felt in many ways but i too really feel it in my tummy. it can be hard to know if u just feel sick or if youre anxious sometimes. the best advice i ever got from cbt was just to treat it as if you actually are sick. drink watr have some food etc. but dont get into the sick role try and continue your day as normal and dont let it take you over. its a lot easier said than done i know.. i also used to have a lot of panic attacks and i would throw up from anxiety and it completely took over my life so i was put on sertraline in decemeber 2018 which i too heard was just for depression. it took a while for my body to adjust and i had several panic attacks durin my first two weeks on it. i then went on buspirone as well as the sertraline and buspirone is more focused on anxiety i think and since taking this combo and doing cbt focusing largely on the feeling sick thing have been the biggest helps to me. i hope this helps, just knowing someone can relate always helped me :) you got this!

Sounds profile image
Sounds in reply to lavender44

I think that I have the same issue with digestive issues due to stress. I have been really nauseous and have had reflux for three months. I have tried many different things but it is still comes and goes. I go to a gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist this month so I hope that I get some kind of answers because feeling like this is miserable and it doesn't help that I have a phobia of vomiting!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to lavender44

My anxiety shows up in my stomach also. It took awhile but I learned what was sickness and what was anxiety.

Sounds like yo have a good handle on yours right now.

Good for you

in reply to lavender44

Makes alot of sense thank you for sharing your story I'm sure many of us will learn more...

I had endoscopy done and nothing major just some acid build up but minimal...but because of anxiety I think our immune systems are weaken so become more sensitive....

Believe me I'm going symptoms after symptom..

🤦‍♂️ iv done mri, ct scans, angiogram, ultrasound of all my organs, full count blood work, xrays doctor says he pretty much ruled out alot so whatever is happening to me has alot to do if not all to do with anxiety. .

I'm seeing my therapist today so hopefully I can ask more question as to what meds I can get on and what's the plan..we need a goal..

I ain't gonna keep paying to talk and talk about the same mind is so different .

My head feels so weird like dizzy, it feels like its floating dizzy...

Purple_haze51 profile image
Purple_haze51 in reply to

Thats the way my head feels like its dizzy all the time then i feel nauseas i feel off balanced when i walk or stand up i feel like my brain is in a cloud and fuzzy.

in reply to Purple_haze51

Every day..🙏🙏

Kiera49 profile image

I know it's not easy but please live each day as it comes, everyday is special. I have been where you are. Worrying what change anything. I now have life shortening disease nothing to do with anxiety or depression and ironically my panic attacks have gone and loving everyday. Tracey

in reply to Kiera49

Life shortening disease is this a real condition...

And do you take anxiety meds wich helped you..

I will embrace every day..very thankful for each day I wake up

Kiera49 profile image

Yes its cancer was taking wouldn't lie about anything was taking citlopram

in reply to Kiera49

Man I'm so sorry, anyways only god can change the course of our lives , believe that...

I see why you enjoy each day, but that's what we all dont get. Why wait to have a serious problem to realize how valuable life is...I will pray for you and I know god will send you many many years of enjoyment..

Live it up

Kiera49 profile image

Thank you Quich and for praying for me

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