My heart will sometimes feel like it stops like it takes one big boom
Does anyone feel this : My heart will... - Anxiety Support
Does anyone feel this

Yes it’s skipped a beat . I get them , have for years
Is it from anxiety
Yes this is from anxiety if you have had tests and doctors have confirmed nothing is wrong. If not then I would get it checked out just in case. It is a very common symptom of anxiety though. x
I never leave my house I’m agoraphobic
Well I would work on trying to overcome your agoraphobia if you aren't already. There could well be an emergency in the future where you would have to leave and this would be terrible for you.
My eldest sister suffers from agoraphobia, so I am well aware of how difficult this is to overome so am not treating it lightly. She had treatment and was a lot better for years but in the past 6 years or so it has raised it's head again and now she can't go out at all. She is 70 now and we have all told her there might be an occasion, if she was very ill, for example that she would have to go to hospital. I dread this as it would very traumatic for all of us.
My mother had travel phobia since her late 20's and could leave the home to walk or in a car, but she could never use public transport. She wouldn't seek treatment and it damaged our family life as I would have loved to do normal things with her like get on a bus and go shopping for example. We all suffered.
Maybe a doctor would pay you a home visit? There are also online therapists - ok you have to pay but it is a lot cheaper than face to face ones. x
I’m 28 now I did see a doctor 3 years ago to be diagnosed it was bad
Hi I have just amended my reply. x
How does your sister cope
She doesn't is the simple answer. She also suffers from health anxiety too. She can run to the shop across the road then scurries back as fast as she can. She does her shopping online and a friend next door helps out a bit too. She has a nosy neighbour who keeps just walking in her flat (the door is often ajar for the cat). She is too nervous to say anything but won't accept me having a quiet chat with him which I can do easily in a nice way. She also has everything wrong under the sun and frets endlessly. She has been 'dying' for 50 years now but is fitter than me and one sister and will probably outlive us all.
The only enjoyment she has is the cat, telly, and spending a fortune buying things online as she loves getting parcels. Very sad. x
I do the same I can only get to the end of my driveway then I run inside I have panic attacks so bad I poor water on my to shock my body to stop it the person who has been threw this whole thing and takes care of me is leaving and that is making it worse
Ah we crossed! Whilst you still have your friend go to the end of your driveway and hold on to them. You have to feel the fear and work through it. Accept the panic attack knowing it won't kill you even though it feels like it will. Stay with the feeling and it will pass slowly. Baby steps. x
It’s just so scary I don’t want to feel that big panic attack
The trouble with agoraphobia is that if it isn't tackled then it can mushroom into other phobias too such as fear of being alone, feeling ill at ease at home too and all sorts of things including zeonphobia This is what's happened with my sister and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. x
It’s been 6 years since I have went out to places
Please don't waste your life like she has. You need to keep trying. Just go outside the door until you feel more comfortable. Do this for as long as it takes. Then try a few more steps and work up to it very slowly.
Have a contingency plan ie learn some breathing exercises (there are lots online), carry tissues, sweets and anything else which might help you have some control.
If you have an understanding family member or friend they can help too. x
Did you get a chance to ask your mom to take your hand to walk outside yet?
She can’t walk very far I just wish this would get better I don’t want to live like this anymore
all you have to do is ask her to take your hand and go outside the front door.
Will you do that for us right now or tomorrow morning?
Just get up and walk outside the door and take a deep breath.
And come right back here to report?
Will you do that?
It’s dark outside right now
even easier.
Hypercat54 and I are sitting right here. we will wait right here for you. ITS gorgeous outside. JUST grab mom, take her hand and walk out the front door and look at the amazing sky tonight. WE are right here.
It won't get better unless you take action. The longer you leave it the harder it will be. x
i told her were are right here waiting for her.
Yes I saw. I am in the UK and it's 1.27 am here but will be up still for a short time. I need my beauty sleep at my age! x
It’s really hard I fear the panic attack
AND this is the perfect test case because, even if you get the adrenaline drop that makes you feel symptoms, you know that you are TOTALLY safe, in this case.
I went outside, as I promised you. You had a person in Ohio and one in the UK, at your side.
You can not fail, no matter what, because when you have 2 people waiting for you to succeed, you always do. That is the way of it.
Treat yourself to the dark cloudy evening, listen to the crickets and feel the air on your face.
did you make it out the front door?
What do you think is going to happen with a panic attack? x
I’m so scared of having a heart attack
A panic attack can't cause a heart attack! You only get one of these if you have a heart condition and at 28 I doubt very much you have. x
That’s what I keep telling myself
Read the links. The 2nd one is a video on YT. There are lots on there so do some searching. You will see that your fears are groundless.
I have to hit the sack now so will speak to you tomorrow. Night . x
Hi I haven't forgotten you. I know you will probably still be asleep but can you come back in when you wake up please and we will continue our chat. x
Hey I’m up
Have you been out? x
Not yet I’m getting up and around
Let me know when you plan to go out. x
I’m outside now
Great. Sorry I had to go out to the shops. How far did you go and how did it feel? x
I walked up and down my driveway it felt good to be outside but I kept having pressure in my chest
How long for and did you feel the fear and stay with it? x
Remember the fear isn't going to kill you! Did you look at those links I sent you? x
Yes I did I just need to get past these fear of dying
You are taking the first steps so don't stop now. Build on this as the more you go out without dying the more confidence it will give you that you won't. x
Next month I’m getting my thyroid tested bc the doctor when I saw her 2 years ago only tested my TSH level and it came back low but there are so many reasons why that could be
I have a borderline under active thyroid so am on a very low dose of levythyoxine which seems to help a bit. I can't seem to lose any weight though and still feel sluggish and tired. x
I lost 40 pounds in 3 months
Ah you are over active then. You sound quite bad if you lost so much weight so quickly. I know some of the symtoms of over is agitation, restlessness, anxiety. If you can get it treated then it should help with recovering from your agoraphobia. x
That’s the goal I’m going to try a herbal approach if the test come back that’s I do have overactive
No this won't cure it. You need the meds so take them. x
I can’t get to a specialist I’m paying out-of-pocket for everything the test is $100 herbs are cheaper
There is no herbal cure for an over or underactive thyroid. You need the proper meds. x
I can’t afford to buy meds from a doctor or see one
I was out there for at least 30 minutes and I kept walking threw the anxiety
HELLO. Just read your great report.
THE chest pressure is tight muscles from being afraid of being afraid. To get out of the house was your goal and you hit it!
I worked in hospitals long enough for me to tell you that there are very few TRUE emergencies.
My fears started at 28................I am here to tell you that not ONE of my fears about a catastrophe ever occurred. EVER
Just keep getting dressed and getting out and up and down the driveway while the weather is like it is.........
you are going to be just fine.
Hi apayett
I just wanted to add, that my sister also suffered like you, she was stuck in the house for 4 years, she was 43 when it all started, it seemed to be after our grandmother died, although they weren't close. She also had health anxiety. She felt sick and dizzy and wouldn't get up until midday. She spent a lot of time in her room and even ate in there.
My mother and I managed to get home visits from doctors and a psychiatrist, she was put on medication.
The point I'm getting to here is, one day completely out of the blue, 4 years down the line, I was talking with my mother, when my sister came downstairs and went out the front door, we were shocked, but didn't go after her, she was gone for 15 minutes.
When she came back, she said she could no longer waste her life away, and figured if there was really something wrong with her and she collapsed in the street, someone would help her, obviously she never did!
And now 18 years later she is living a full life, with a nice guy, goes on holidays, and ironically helps me with my anxiety!
I don't have agoraphobia, but I do get nervous going out as I feel unbalanced and nauseous a lot, I used to avoid it as much as possible, but now I go most places and have always been OK, even if at times I've felt a little unsteady I push slowly through it.
I hope this helps you a little, one day at a time, try those little walks even to the end of the drive as the others have said, after being cooped up the fresh air feels wonderful.
I wish you all the best.
Wow that's great and well done to your sister. And to you all for helping her so much. x
Why dont you try just to open the door dont go any further just look outside even just for a few seconds smile and say thanks might sound silly but just be grateful you made it that far and everyday or every other day take one step more and always remember to smile and say thanks. Your heart is strong remember that.
Sounds like palpitations. I get this regularly.
Yes I feel the the same heart skipped beats and the big booms that come out of nowhere. I also have a fear of going to far places thinking I’m going to have a heart attack
I get that a lot
I just don’t get how they are “normal” I’m terrified even will all the rest they did. I feel them when I’m just sitting down or walking you name it. I’m so over it
Me too
Some feel different than others... some feel as a pause some feel as a flutter and some like a hard thud that takes my breath away and I feel this hot sensation that makes me get a quick sweat almost like a shot of adrenaline