Hi guys, if you’ve seen my posts before, you know I have health anxiety, among other issues. For the last 6 weeks I’ve been dealing with a new symptom, lightheadedness. It seems to be there in the background throughout the day, and will flare up making me feel faint. Yesterday I had one of those flare ups. I immediately took Ativan because the intense panic started in. I am scared to pass out, I never have, but it is still something I am petrified of. I got up outta bed and went outside to talk to my mom, tell her how I was feeling and hopefully with her help I would calm down. Instead as I’m listening to her all of a sudden my eyes felt so much pressure on them it was like they were going to go cross eyed or pop out of my eye sockets. I have never ever experienced this. I immediately thought I was having a stroke or something and told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right now. My eyes lasted like that for about 10 mins and then my vision was restored and the pressure lessened. I honestly have no clue what that was. But I know it is something I never experienced before.
My mom took me to Kaiser, they did ekg - normal, ran blood - all normal. Doctor said I am not dehydrated, my CBC and chem panel are completely normal. He said what I am experiencing is not a stroke because I’ve been experiencing the lightheaded/dizziness for 6 weeks now. He said what I experienced today wasn’t a TIA because the visual disturbance didn’t last long enough. He said that he would recommend getting an MRI done, but doesn’t feel what I went through and have been going through would warrant an emergency MRI. So no imaging was done.
He did mention a vascular spasm in my eye could possibly be why my eyes did that, but said he doesn’t know and you cannot test for it.
So here I am today, woke up with my eyes feeling heavy, I keep getting hit with short lightheaded feeling, they only last 5 seconds or so, my head has pressure in it, my face has pressure in it and I am scared.
I am petrified that the doctors missed something. It took 2 doses of Ativan to calm me down yesterday at the hospital and even then I was still having flare ups. Sometimes I think it would be better to just sleep the day away because at least in my sleep I’m not consciously battling my panic and anxiety.
To feel as if you are dying, EVERY SINGLE DAY is hellacious. Sometimes I don’t even have a physical symptom to correspond with the feeling of dying. Sometimes my brain just tells me “today’s the day, you are dying”. Then all day there is this looming danger. I don’t want to die. I wish I knew how to make it stop. My regular life has been ruined because of this. I haven’t worked since April when all this started, I don’t go out anymore. I can barely manage to go to the store or out to eat alone. I was having some really good days. I didn’t need to take my Ativan for 2 weeks. Now I’ve taken it every day or every other day for the last 10 days.
I am just scared that the vision disturbance I experienced yesterday after feeling lightheaded is another symptom that something is seriously wrong with me and no one is catching it because they all attribute it to the anxiety.