Health anxiety - lightheaded and visual di... - Anxiety Support

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Health anxiety - lightheaded and visual disturbance

Brightfuture22 profile image
35 Replies

Hi guys, if you’ve seen my posts before, you know I have health anxiety, among other issues. For the last 6 weeks I’ve been dealing with a new symptom, lightheadedness. It seems to be there in the background throughout the day, and will flare up making me feel faint. Yesterday I had one of those flare ups. I immediately took Ativan because the intense panic started in. I am scared to pass out, I never have, but it is still something I am petrified of. I got up outta bed and went outside to talk to my mom, tell her how I was feeling and hopefully with her help I would calm down. Instead as I’m listening to her all of a sudden my eyes felt so much pressure on them it was like they were going to go cross eyed or pop out of my eye sockets. I have never ever experienced this. I immediately thought I was having a stroke or something and told my mom I needed to go to the hospital right now. My eyes lasted like that for about 10 mins and then my vision was restored and the pressure lessened. I honestly have no clue what that was. But I know it is something I never experienced before.

My mom took me to Kaiser, they did ekg - normal, ran blood - all normal. Doctor said I am not dehydrated, my CBC and chem panel are completely normal. He said what I am experiencing is not a stroke because I’ve been experiencing the lightheaded/dizziness for 6 weeks now. He said what I experienced today wasn’t a TIA because the visual disturbance didn’t last long enough. He said that he would recommend getting an MRI done, but doesn’t feel what I went through and have been going through would warrant an emergency MRI. So no imaging was done.

He did mention a vascular spasm in my eye could possibly be why my eyes did that, but said he doesn’t know and you cannot test for it.

So here I am today, woke up with my eyes feeling heavy, I keep getting hit with short lightheaded feeling, they only last 5 seconds or so, my head has pressure in it, my face has pressure in it and I am scared.

I am petrified that the doctors missed something. It took 2 doses of Ativan to calm me down yesterday at the hospital and even then I was still having flare ups. Sometimes I think it would be better to just sleep the day away because at least in my sleep I’m not consciously battling my panic and anxiety.

To feel as if you are dying, EVERY SINGLE DAY is hellacious. Sometimes I don’t even have a physical symptom to correspond with the feeling of dying. Sometimes my brain just tells me “today’s the day, you are dying”. Then all day there is this looming danger. I don’t want to die. I wish I knew how to make it stop. My regular life has been ruined because of this. I haven’t worked since April when all this started, I don’t go out anymore. I can barely manage to go to the store or out to eat alone. I was having some really good days. I didn’t need to take my Ativan for 2 weeks. Now I’ve taken it every day or every other day for the last 10 days.

I am just scared that the vision disturbance I experienced yesterday after feeling lightheaded is another symptom that something is seriously wrong with me and no one is catching it because they all attribute it to the anxiety.

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Brightfuture22 profile image
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35 Replies

Sorry you are suffering like this but dizziness is common and I am sure there is nothing seriously wrong with you but I know how you feel it's horrible to be trapped in the fear it's probably worse than having the actual illness that we are scared of getting I mean have you noticed people living with various conditions and how they seem to be resigned to and accepting of their illness / condition whereas people with health anxiety who will.probably never get the illness they are so scared of getting are in mental agony?

I hope you find some peace

God bless

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to lillyofthevalley37

Thank you Lilly,

I appreciate your responses! What you said does make a lot of sense. Most who have heart conditions, strokes, cancer, etc. aren’t dwelling miserably about it. They aren’t spiraling downward to a disgusting pit of fear. They are practicing acceptance, something I really need to learn!



DeanSamson profile image

How strange is this I have been having the exact same thing over the last 4 weeks. I started off feeling more tired than usual then my eyes were feeling heavy and sensitive to light. Then a week later the dizziness and lightheaded came and been here ever since. Iv had blood taken and all normal.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to DeanSamson

Yes! I feel more tired then usual, and my head/eyes feel heavy. :/

Anxiety is a hell of a condition. It can do so many things to our minds and bodies. It leaves its suffers spinning! Smh.

I hope you get some relief soon!

DeanSamson profile image
DeanSamson in reply to Brightfuture22

I have put it down to tension headaches try sleeping with a hot water bottle under your neck surprisingly I don't this a woke up clear headed one day.

Bond12967 profile image

Brightfuture22 - I have always suffered from health anxiety but am in the worst rut of my life right now and have those EXACT symptoms. Always lightheaded, the eye pressure hits me at random times and lasts until I forget about it but that is the symptom I hate the most as it makes me not want to look at people because I feel like my eyes are bugging out of my head. You are not alone, I also take Ativan to settle me down. This is the worst but we can only go up from here!

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Bond12967

WOW I didn't think others experienced this symptom. I am sad that you have it too, but comforted that I am not alone in the scary feeling. It was so weird. Just so much pressure on my eyes that they felt like if I didn't close them, they would cross or pop out. Then I came inside form out front where I was and tried opening my eyes, the colors were off in my house. SMH I pray that you and I never experience this again.



Bond12967 profile image
Bond12967 in reply to Brightfuture22

Unfortunately I’ve had that symptom for 10 years now, BUT take comfort in knowing that I’ve only had it when I’ve been in an anxiety spiral, it never ever happens when I’m stable. Just keep that in mind, the mind plays awful tricks on us! Where I work, I stare at a computer screen all day with a ton of other people so when I’m anxious and it hits, that symptom alone puts me into a full blown panic and I dart. And you know what, if it happens again, it happens! I remember the first time it happened to me too I called my mom screaming crying I was having a seizure, that’s literally what I thought it was. But it wasn’t, and it never has been anything, and we shall move forward!

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Bond12967

Can I ask, do you take anything for your anxiety and panic? If so, have you found that it helps?

Also, I love your positivity, we shall move forward!


Indigojoe profile image
Indigojoe in reply to Brightfuture22

im not into suffering anymore. For years I didn't take anything, because I toughed it out.

Then my parents doc gave me 1/4g phenobarb

Then an old time doc gave me Inderal.......

I did herbs for YEARS that always took the edge off.

Now I am older and take Lex, at night. Small dose. It is NOT enough to " hold" me for my " phobia or anxiety" events, so I add the Inderal during the day if needed.

There ya have it.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Indigojoe

Thank you for your response and telling me your story with meds. I really appreciate it and your help! I hope that the combination you’re using is helping control the symptoms! 💜

Bond12967 profile image
Bond12967 in reply to Brightfuture22

I’ve been on SSRIs since I was a teen and they drastically help but I hit a very stressful time in my life which triggered this massive month long panic and I have started Ativan which helps me function but the meds only do so much, I know I have to do most of the work

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Bond12967

Hi Bond12967,

I completely understand what you mean. I am in month 4 of this horrendous panic episode. It was horrid in the beginning, started to get better, and now I’m back to panic every day/every other day with debilitating lightheadedness. I see a therapist 2x a week and we were building great techniques that were working for the anxiety but the panic this last 10 days has been level 10 and I basically forget all the techniques when it comes on. I think I am ready to try a SSRI, I heard Zoloft was good for anxiety and panic. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do take Ativan when the panic gets really bad. But I try not to take it daily.

Cheers! I hope things get better for you! 💜

Charbey profile image

Hey everyone. My anxiety started from my neck being so bad. I feel like I have all the common symptoms plus more. Forever I felt the blood rush through my arms. On and off I felt woozy or like on a boat. My eyes well nothing in my field of vision just if it was bright out I see something float across the grass. My cream colored curtains had stuff floating on them and the t.v. if it was bright felt like a bright circle would move across that. And the eye specialist saw nothing wrong. I work on a computer all day when my anxiety was so server that was tough. I'm do hypersensitive to everything in my body. The other day I felt muscle spasm on the side of my head. Im saying to myself what now!!!!! I do out of the blue get woozy then it stops. Any one ever experience any of that??

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Charbey

Hi Charbey,

I am sorry you are dealing with this nasty mental illness, too. I experience what you said about the vision issues. The floaters in my vision get worse when my anxiety is flaring up. I wouldn’t say I get woozy out of the blue, but I feel like I might faint, outta the blue.

What are you doing or have you tried to help with your anxiety?



Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Charbey

It sounds very much like painless migraines with the bright waves across the eyes, it comes from the back of the brain.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Vectron

Hi Vectron,

I actually do have those. My optometrist calls them ocular migraines. They start out as a dot in my vision and then it grows and moves across my field of vision and then disappears. It takes about 20ish minutes to go away.

Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Brightfuture22

Yes I had one last night! I believe they are harmless? But very scary, I have had about 3 in 4 years are your as rare or more common?

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Vectron

Mine happen frequently. At least once a week. I am sorry to hear you experience them too. They are definitely scary.

Khairul profile image

Hello. I think I can somewhat relate. I have been dealing with symptoms, mainly head sensations for almost two years. Last year was worse, I had more anxiety, dizziness, lightheadedness and headaches. Recently, I'd get the head pressure and headaches. There would be a kind of feeling in my head that might lead up to panic I think. I had my health checked and it seems like I'm perfectly healthy. I also had a CT scan of my head and checked by a neurologist, all ok too. I think you should get a Ct scan or MRI because that might make it easier for you to accept that anxiety is the cause of your symptoms.

Nowadays when I get the head pressure or headaches, they can last only a few seconds. Better than last time, which I'm grateful for but of course I rather be completely fine instead. I do not take medication now, but I have tried taking a low dose of fluvoxamine for about 3 months. I'm not sure if it helped.

The head pressure I feel usually feels like a pressure in or around the eyes, bridge of nose, top sides of the head.

Earlier on when I was going through this, I would mainly sleep or just lie down all day and also try to relax and feel sleepy because I found I felt quite normal when I was sleepy and I just wanted to sleep so that I wouldn't have to feel the sensations.

I hope you find relief soon.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Khairul

Hi Khairul,

I am glad to hear that what you are/were feeling was not due to an underlying illness. That gives me hope. As I lay here in bed, I just feel like there is pressure or water in my head that is moving around making me feel lightheaded and have the tinnitus. It seems worse when I lay down. Especially when I lay on the back of my head. I do have the facial pressure like you mentioned, as well. And I always think “I wish I could just sleep this away”. If I may ask, why did you stop The fluvoxamine?

I hope you continue down the path of relief!

Cheers! 💜

hypercat54 profile image

Hi have a look at previous posts about this and you will see it's very common in anxiety to have these types of symptoms. x

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you, I will do that! I appreciate your help! 💜

anxious61 profile image

Get checked for vertical heterophoria.... Very easy fix with special prism glasses

kmcleodslc profile image

I can completely relate to what you’ve said! I always get lots of pressure in my head, tightness in my scalp and feeling like I’m going to pass out. I am pretty bad with it just now to be honest. I went to the docs and told me I have allergic rhinitis which is causing the pressure but I’m super sensitive to medicine to steroid sprays make me more anxious. It’s a vicious cycle! Maybe it’s your sinuses that are the problem. Mine does seem to be so much worse when I’m anxious and then it sets my anxiety off even more! I hope you are feeling a bit better now x

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to kmcleodslc

Hi K,

This is another thing that my doctor thought. My sinuses have been swollen and inflamed since the beginning of the year. I live in an area where I am surround by orchards, and it’s considered a valley so everything just settles here. There is a ton of dust, pollen, hay, etc. always flying around. I haven’t been able to breathe through both nostrils for months and months.

I would love to believe that that is what it is, but my anxiety says it must be more. :( My doctor prescribed loratadine (which is basically Claritin) for the allergies. I have yet to take it because I am afraid of trying new medicine. It’s a vicious cycle, to be honest. I need the meds, but I’m scared to take them, so instead I suffer. :/

I bought an air purifier hoping that would help, I don’t know that it has, but 🤷🏼‍♀️.

I am supposed to be getting an MRI very soon. I know that if my sinuses are incredibly messed up/infected, it should show on the MRI. So we will see.

Thank you for your response! It’s incredibly kind of you!

I hope you fee better as well!

💜 Ash

kmcleodslc profile image
kmcleodslc in reply to Brightfuture22

I am the same when it comes to new medicines, they freak me out! I would suggest getting a humidifier and some eucalyptus oil because that works wonders for me. I have an allergy to dust mites so that’s basically everything lol. I hope you manage to get something sorted because it’s so debilitating. I always think it’s something more than what the doctors say it is! It’s a nightmare! X

Charbey profile image

I call it woozy but it's dizzy/lightheaded. I've had MRI and MRA all ok. Eye specialist ok too. I was told on top of anxiety and panic attacks tight neck muscles Sternocleidomastoid Muscles can effect alot too.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Charbey

I’m glad to hear that your tests came back normal! 💜 I hope you find complete relief soon!

Vectron profile image

You could be having painless migraines they are common with people suffering from anxiety (I get them) they only last 10 min and after you can feel tired with a slight headache, you get waves across the eyes like water

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Vectron

Yes, I used to get them occasionally, but they are likely happening more often now. :(

Vectron profile image
Vectron in reply to Brightfuture22

Have you seen a Brain Doctor regarding them?

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Vectron

Nope, I have to get an MRI done before my doc with put in a referral. I’m scheduled to have a brain MRI on 8/21.

Dogdoo profile image

My therapist taught me about 'tapping'.

To be honest, at first i thought it was hilariously stupid.

But i tried it because, why not?

I adapted the technique a bit so its not so obvious if i need to do it at work.

Or i take a private moment to calm myself down.

There are videos on youtube to show you how.

Maybe give it a try?

"Don't knock it til you try it".

Another thing to Google is 'binaural beats'. Those are great for sleep at night.

They are some active things you can do to alleviate anxiety in conjunction with your meds.

Try to practice some form of self soothing when the ativan starts to take the edge off.

This will re-train your brain to imprint coping mechanisms to help you deal with anxiety.

It's a long process so cut yourself some slack.

Take it one step at a time.

Brightfuture22 profile image
Brightfuture22 in reply to Dogdoo

Thank you for sharing! I am going to look up the tapping. I will absolutely try any therapy to see if it will help, outside of medicine because that scares me. Lol.

Yeah my worry is the meds will numb me and I won’t learn proper coping techniques and never be able to get off the pills. :/

Thank you again, I appreciate your help!

💜 Ash

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