Hello, so last week I came back from a long stressful train ride home and ever since I got back I have been feeling dizzy/lightheaded constantly all day till I go to bed, now today I am feeling nauseas. Does anyone have the same problems as me or am I dying?
Lightheaded: Hello, so last week I came back... - Anxiety Support

My most common symptom of anxiety is dizziness and its scary sometimes. Its head pressure/ tight neck muscles/ vertigo; all that kind of stuff wrapped into one, but I've had that for about two years now and I'm fine. I've been to the ER so much. I'm always okay

do you ever get nausea and diarrhea? I've looked up generalized anxiety disorder i had it when i was a kid where i thought i was dying every 5 minutes and dont get me started on the 2012 end of the world -.-
I've had an extremely ill feeling from the anxiety, but I don't think I've ever tied those together.

Its like a constant lightheadedness that eases off when im not thinking about it but when i realise its gone it comes back a bit like vertigo. Is it possible to have anxiety without you being aware of it?
Absolutely and that was my biggest problem when I first was diagnosed. I was so happy in life and all was well - how could this be anxiety!?
I was so frustrated, but the more I studied it, the more I realized it was anxiety and though it can feel absolutely frightening, it's nothing

Can the lightheadedness effect your eye sight? like when you move or move to quickly?

also sorry about all these questions :')
That's fine, yes if I were to move quickly my lightheaded was would magnify. As far as the eyes go, I get some ocular migraines sometimes and intermittent bright lights

Thanks with the lightheadedness did you wake up with it and got to bed with it?
Literally every second of the day for about 5 months until I realized it was just anxiety, then with me forcing myself through it and acting with faith, knowing God wouldn't let me just drop dead and it went away.
Now recently it came back because i still had all the stressors in my life that had caused it originally and the fears attached to the memories I had weren't processed correctly. That's what I've been working on now, and it is going away.

Thank you for this! You have helped me out a bunch glad to see im not the only person going through this!
No problem, it helps a lot to know you're not alone. So many people don't understand and it's so easy for them to dismiss it - further making you a critic or skeptic whether this is anxiety or not.
I always suggest a check up to calm the nerves and to rule anything out, but take it from someone who's thrown much of the last 3 years away by worrying. Be excited, set a date. Write down that today is the day that you're going to do _______,_____.
Focus on positive thoughts and not the negative ones.
The dizziness will still be there at first, but it gets better!

Hello again! With the lightheadedness did you also get pressure on both sides of you head somewhere around the temples? or pressure at all?
Yes, in fact I have pressure in my left temple right now and I heard a pop. I'm pretty sure that's sinuses.
I'm actually on the edge of an attack right now.

Yup, the cavities behind your face.
Even muscle tightness can cause these lightheaded feelings.
Press on the top of your head and try to pull your head forward, but resist. Do this for about 10 seconds and then release and you'll find that a lot of your lightheaded symptoms are replicated.

Ah right! Have you tried anything called Kalms by the way?
Interesting. No, I haven't. I'm all for holistic remedies. Have you?

No, I wanted to see as medication like prescription drugs would be my last resort ... because I've had this Anxiety back 5/6 years ago with the constant worry of me thinking I'm going to die and all that ... Do you ever get palpitations when you get anxious?
thats a lot of time to worry. Yes, the palpitations were concerning and I convinced my Dr to give me a holter monitor for 24 hours. I did everything I could to get my heart to jump and flutter and everything. As I experienced an episode, I would write it down and the results all came back clear.
What are you currently doing for your anxiety?

I haven't had this sorry it only came back last week! Currently I'm in the process of moving ... so not a good mix :') plus I'm moving from my family so it might that but i'm trying to keep as calm as humanly possible and think good thoughts! also how long would these palpitations usually last?
My advice is to try and keep calm as worrying will only make it worse I am only 17 and I have Autism so these experiences for me are quite frightening!
Moving my can bring on the anxiety for sure.
Are you moving for college?

I'm moving to England with my friend and her family this Tuesday :/ I'm moving 4 hours away from home
Well keep in contact with them and I'm sure they're only a phone call away

Yeah thats true I'm going to try and sleep now haha I have followed you so i am most likely going to message you with more questions soon lol night
I look forward to it, goodnight
I'm the same and the bloody vertigo on top of everything else grrr also I'm worse in little rooms !! Anyone else worse in small rooms ??
I'm worse in Walmart!