Drinking: I’m not sure if anyone has gone... - Anxiety Support

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RainbowKitty03 profile image
17 Replies

I’m not sure if anyone has gone through this but I have been drinking a lot.

And recently I drink and I black out apparently I get aggressive and I’ve hit the person I love.

I need help. I hate myself I know I can stop the drinking but how can I fix this if it is fixable because I can’t lose them. I know I never should have hit them but I didn’t know what I was doing and I don’t remember anything.. and advice or anyone else have an experience like this

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RainbowKitty03 profile image
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17 Replies
kenster1 profile image

hi sometimes the demon drink takes over and its like a tsunami raging in our heads and its usually people we love that feels the force of it.my advice would be to seek help from the AA in your local area ive even suggested people video shaming partners their actions when intoxicated and that would put people off drinking.dont let it ruin your relationships with friends and family and also your health.

RainbowKitty03 profile image
RainbowKitty03 in reply to kenster1

I know I don’t need to be drinking because when I start I won’t stop

And I black out it’s only been recently and i don’t know why bc I haven’t started drinking heavy until I turned 21 I’m only 22

But it’s scary and I’m scared

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to RainbowKitty03

younger people think they can handle more drink than older people so tend to drink more and younger people drink variable different things as well.the good thing is though you have realised its getting in the way of your life so that's a good step in the right direction.dont be afraid to contact your AA could be the best thing you do this year.

RainbowKitty03 profile image
RainbowKitty03 in reply to kenster1

Thank you for your advice. Not going to lie I’m kind of ashamed and embarrassed to seek AA but I’m well aware of the damage I’m causing if I don’t

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to RainbowKitty03

don't feel embarrassed I know a few people who attend AA and its totally transformed their lives it may well do the same for you.depression/anxiety medcation and alcohol is not a good mix I speak from experience.

smhall3 profile image
smhall3 in reply to RainbowKitty03

There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a disease like anything else. You can't help it because you have the disease. Go to AA and see if you need inpatient or outpatient treatment. Alcoholism runs in my family and believe me, it's nothing to mess around with. Get help while you're young and you'll live a much happier life!

TriggerPoint profile image

The " Blacking Out" Episode Would Cause Me To QUIT Right There. To Be Told I Done Something I Couldn't Recall At All ? Drinking Is One Thing, But Drinking So Much That You Lose Yourself In The Process ? Is Way Too Much. I Personally DO NOT Like That Feeling Of Having No Control. Not Even A Little....When I Think Of A "Black Out" ? I'm Thinking Passed Out...Not "Acting Out" Consciously With No Memory Of It.... That Would Be Kinda Scary For Me.

Beyond A Buzz ? Was A Waste To Me Back When I Would Drink....You Can Get Through This. You Are Stronger Than You Think or/ You Wouldn't Had Made This Post.... Give Yourself A Little Credit Too....

Prayers For Ya~*

Blue42 profile image

Hi, I've been where you are when I was in my 20's through to my 30's. I would drink all day every day. I lost about 5 years of memory to alcohol by the time I reached out to the Samaritans.

They put me in touch with an alcohol counsellor. Through the counselling I realised the reasons why I felt the reason to drink beyond drunk.

It's not an easy think to do, but then again, nothing worth while doing ever is.

Speaking from my own personal experience, I'm sure you can beat this with the right kind of help. I

f you can find the root cause for your drinking and face it head on, there will be no reason to drink in the first place.

I have been sober for going on 8 years.

Don't get bogged down with feelings of self blame. Take each new days as they come and if you do find yourself drinking remember, it's just one day and start anew the next day. Things will get better. On wards and upwards, keep going forwards. Never give up giving up. I wish you well x

Kkimm profile image


My heart goes out to you, addictions of any kind are very hard to cope with both for yourself and the others around you.

You are taking the first step of admitting you have a problem in that you hit your partner and that is very brave.

Seek professional help for addiction to alcohol. You may feel you do not have an addiction and that you can easily stop drinking, but I am afraid to say that is a very common and understandable reaction. At the very least your drinking is causing you and your partner some horrendous problems and the earlier you get help the more likely it is you will be able to prevent further serious incidents and reduce the risk of major damage to your health.

I am aware that I myself could easily become addicted to alcohol because it is the one thing that will always provide immediate short term relief to my anxiety. I am now recovered from anxiety, but have a diagnosis of GAD, the symptoms of which were so bad at one time that it caused me to feel suicidal. I try to make myself stick to the recommended safe limit per week but usually go a few units above it.

You have all my sympathy, we all use whatever supports we can to help us deal with the very difficult problems life throws at us, but sometimes the things we cling to for support cause very serious problems.

My very best wishes to you.


Want2BHappy3 profile image

REHAB...my boyfriend is a alcoholic and is in denial about it We're Not speaking right now because he got very drunk around my family, I was embarrassed cause I have mostly brothers, who don't drink much. He can be agressive when he's Drunk and will drive too. He's gets mad when I tell him I hope he's gets caught maybe it would be a wake up call? He's medicating himself because he has a daughter that is a Spoiled Brat whose draining him financially and is getting involved with drug addicts/criminals. So get help before you end up in jail?

Hobbes12 profile image

Speaking from my own personal experience, AA is a wonderful, life changing experience! Don’t be ashamed! We love to have new people come and ask for help. That’s what we do - carry the message to the next suffering alcoholic. You are incredibly young with lots of life ahead of you, don’t let alcohol ruin the best of what’s yet to come. Best wishes to you!! ❤️

hypercat54 profile image

Tomorrow I am going to the funeral of an old friend who was only in his late 50's. He was an alcoholic and had been for a long time. He would talk about going to bed with a bottle of whiskey. He was diagnosed with cirrohsis of the liver a couple of years ago and he also smoked a lot.

Now I am no doctor but even I know that you can't drink like this and expect to make old bones. Tackle it now before you end up like him. x

annie39 profile image

Hi I Am exactly the same when I drink age 14 - 28

I’ve been 11 years sober now minus a few nights out that I will explain at the end ,

In the past

I hit my brother for just trying to put me inside my own front door zero memory of it

I had a fight with my sister she hit me 1st as I was so evil , out of control , I then would not stop no matter how hurt I was I got up to fight more , everyone described me as like possessed , I could never just have a few Ild feel great be the life and soul be dancing , then wake up in bed like OMG wtf have I done now , most of the time it was ok but the story’s of what Ild done sometimes made me hide !

I had zero confidence sober and so I couldn’t be sociable without , everybody loved me drunk as I was fun , but every so often Ild go crazy

Me and my partner would fight too a few times he hurt me because of awful things Ild say drunk but 1 day I hit him with with a dog bowl and it smashed ,that was my wake up call I could of killed him a + e reported a few mm and he would be dead

We both got a caution as he had hit me too but not as bad .

We both stopped drinking together 2008 we moved away from my family,as my whole family’ were drinkers it was the done thing 2 litres of spirts every other day , so complete fresh start

Me and my partner had a lovely 2 years drink free , as sober he was a beautiful man inside and out im quite nice and normal sober not a looney tunes , he died of a sudden heart attack 2 years later, I still miss him and look back and regret the 4 years of stupidness I wasted with him drinking , I stayed sober even after he passed away part was because of making him proud I could of so easily fell apart its 9 years since he passed ,

a friend convinced me to go out New Years 2017 i didn’t fight but I did wake up in my bed with flashes of memory , I was a div and it’s a small town so found myself avoiding my local supermarket 😂 for months as I couldnt rem faces and those I did I didn’t want to see lol

The second time I went out end of 2018 a women tried to get in my face I’m proud. To say I held my temper , so I figured I’m ok now no more crazy lady I didn’t blank out ,

Then I went out 2 months ago and I was soo rude to my friend telling her her daughter is more fun 🙈 I refused to leave with her too

No memory of it but my friend gets why i don’t drink !

No matter how much any 1 says just have 1 I’m not ,

No more crazy lady

Please please try to stop take yourself away from people who drink so the temptation isnt there , I hope my story helps you or anyone struggling to see no matter how many years pass if ur prone to black out and be violent there is always the risk ,

My dad was a violent alcoholic blanked out so I guess it is him I got it from

It’s easy for me to leave drinking as on heavy painkillers for pain that I have to not take for 24 hours so it’s a perfect excuse , if I’m teased for being a boring cow , even my family when I visit are like what’s happend to you but being sober is the best thing I ever did

Take care and good luck xx

RainbowKitty03 profile image
RainbowKitty03 in reply to annie39

I am not a violent person yes I have a attitude but I would never put my hands on someone sober . Like you said when I drink I feel confident I feel fun when I’m sober and I got out I get really anxious and claustrophobic and I’m constantly thinking of a negative but when I get drunk I have a good time and I’m happy but recently like seriously the past three times I drank idk how but I drank the same amount as usual but I black out and when I black out I get aggressive I don’t remember anything and all I want to do is fight someone

I’m not an alcoholic well at least I don’t think I have any symptoms

I just turned 22 and before 21 I never drank

So yeah I guess I’ve been making up for lost time

And I never went to parties growing up

So I guess I’m still getting used to having to control everything

But I know that rn I just can’t drink bc it’s getting out of hand

annie39 profile image

Bless you yes I’m exactly the same sober never ever violent, it’s scary what alcohol can do it’s not even you anymore

have you tried drinking weak drinks like beer

better not to obviously, but for a while when I was younger I used to go out drink beer and keep no alcohol at home , so at 11 Pub shut I couldn’t get silly x

taylorj75 profile image

9 months in residential rehab worked for me, that was 10 years ago, not touched a drop since.

Chelalucky profile image

I do this also

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