I was recently traumatized by an event that took place a few weeks ago. Ever sense then when I close my eyes, I get this weird feeling throughout my body. It feels as if I'm panicking. I have to then open my eyes because I am unable to keep them closed any longer. It feels like I have a fear that something will happen. I guess another way to describe the feeling is imagine if you're about to get hit by a bus. The second the bus is about to hit you, you open your eyes and the feeling is gone. I get this feeling when I'm with my boyfriend and I close my eyes or when I'm trying to fall asleep. It isn't all the time, as I am able to go to sleep. But frequently it's been really bad and it takes me a really long time to fall asleep. I don't know if this is caused by my anxiety or if I have some type of sleeping disorder. Please help! Do you know what I can do to fix this? What is this caused by? Is it a sleeping disorder?
When I close my eyes, I panic.: I was... - Anxiety Support
When I close my eyes, I panic.
It sounds like anxiety to me , what ever has traumatized you is now turning into anxiety and the best thing I think you could do is try & nip this in the bud now before the anxiety takes control
Have you anyone you can talk to ? your Boyfriend , friend , parents anyone you can open up to because as they say a problem shared is a problem halved and just by getting things of your chest can go a long way into letting go
You can always see and talk to your Doctor they will be very understanding and offer you support to but please get some support as this will be the best thing you can do to move forward
Take Care x
Thank you so much. I've tried to talk to my boyfriend and my closest friend. Hopefully, I'll see some improvement in the near future.
It can be hard for others to understand but keep trying to ask them if they could listen even if they don't understand just to let you know they are there for you but if things don't improve then see your Doctor because they can help and they are more up to date most of the time nowadays how anxiety affects us and of course there is always the community where you can talk to x
So, I tried talking to my boyfriend about it and apparently its "illogical" Do you have any advice to help him understand? If you've ever heard of the 16 personality types hes an intj. He basically bases things off of logic so I can see why he would call it illogical but I really need him to understand.
If his mind is made that way I am not sure anything will change it or get through to him some people just have that way of thinking ...it has happened to me I have family members that totally do not understand and I don't think they ever will but I talk to people that do and now you have found this Community this is one place where you will always find someone that understands x
Bounce, above, was correct in starting with your family doctor. Most likely, your doctor has seen a lot of problems like yours and will give you good advice. Families and boyfriends can be less helpful.. They may not want to see you unwell and deny to you that there's a problem. Outsiders, like your doctor and a counselor will see you as you are and be your best help for something like this.
I don't think you have a sleep disorder. It sounds like you have a little Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) going on post your upsetting event. This sort of problem can usually be worked with by a counselor or therapist. I know it can be hard to find one or afford it. I don't know your age or if you are insured, but there are also community counselors in some places. Certainly, PTSD can interupt sleep! And for some of us, it doesn't take a really horric experience to set it off. Research PTSD online and see if some of what you find sounds like you and then start with your famil doctor for advice.
I didn't want to think that it was PTSD as it was something very little that happened. It was just embarrassing, and I probably wont get over it for awhile. Can little things like an embarrassing moment cause something like PTSD?
I'm going to make an uneducated guess here that PTSD, like so many other disorders, is on a continuum from mild to severe. There is a kind of counselor called a behavioral therapist that works with the way we think, and I suspect someone like that can help you move through it fairly quickly - and also learn how to manage yourself if you go through another upsetting event. People get PTSD from seeing horrible car accidents, even if they aren't in them. While you may not have real PTSD, I'm willing to bet some the way your mind is thinking is similar. You just need a little nudge. Are you in school somewhere there's a school counselor? Are you religious and have a religious leader to set an appoinment to talk with?
This happens to me too
I’ve had this for the longest time I don’t know what to tell you I usually just fell asleep out of pure exhaustion
This is called REM sleep. I go through it to, i went through it when i was a kid too.