Anxiety Medication: I was prescribed 10mg... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety Medication

stovall1992 profile image
20 Replies

I was prescribed 10mg Lexapro, to take for anxiety, depression and anxiety attacks. I haven’t taken it yet, but I’m scared to because of the side effects and it can increase side anxiety as well. Has anyone had any success with it, and are the side effect really bad the first couple of weeks taking it?

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stovall1992 profile image
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20 Replies
Agora1 profile image

stovall1992, I've been on Lexapro for at least 5 years now. It's been an amazing

drug for me. Reducing anxiety and yet not producing any ill side effects. I can't

remember the feeling in when I first started on it but I do know it can take from

4-6 weeks to reach full efficacy. (which is the same for any SSRI)

I'm not sleepy, I'm clear headed and most of all I'm in full control of my thoughts.

I am no longer on benzos, Lexapro takes care of that.

I understand the fear we all have in starting new medications. And yes, it's true

that we all respond differently to meds. However, after I found myself with a

shelf full of filled medications that I was too afraid to try, I decided I needed to

change that. I am so glad I did try Lexapro or I'd still be struggling along.

Good Luck to you. :) xx

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to Agora1

That’s good that you’re not on benzos. I was prescribed Ativan, and I only took two of them before I stopped taking them because I know benzos can be highly addictive. I’m glad Lexapro works for you, that gives me help. I suffer from Agoraphoba as well, and haven’t left my house in months, so I’m hoping Lexapro can help that as well. I really need a change. Thank you for you response.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to stovall1992

Stovall, there is a time and place for medication along with therapy. Unfortunately

I was left on daily Xanax for 30 years. When it no longer worked was place on high

doses of Ativan which didn't do anything. That's when I decided to have my

psychiatrist wean me off slowly and safely from all benzos. I too, was Agoraphobic

for 5 years. Lexapro has been a good drug for me. Feel great once more.

Wish the same for you. :) xx

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to Agora1

Thank you very much. You have been great help.

laglag profile image

Hi. I just started on Lexapro a couple of months ago. I started on 5 mg for a couple of weeks then 10 & finally 20 mg. After a couple of weeks on 5 I started feeling some relief & at 20 I felt pretty good. I do not have any side effects that I know of.

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to laglag

I didn’t know they had a 5mg strength for Lexapro. I do want to start off small and then work my way up if I need too. Most of the time, my anxiety comes from having moderate anxiety symptoms like shortness of breath, fast heart rate (I do have tachycardia, but it’s not life threatening), light-headedness and globus sensation. I have gone to the doctor so many times and had every test you can think of, but everything can back normal.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to stovall1992

I was scared too, but it should help your symptoms. I had shortness of breath & my chest was feeling heavy and i didn't feel like going anywhere for 3 mths. Yesterday I got on an airplane & went from Indiana to Ft. Myers, FL & I'm sitting on the

beach. 🌴

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to laglag

that’s very comforting to know. The symptoms are what keeps me in the house. I’m scared if I go out and have some symptom, it will trigger an anxiety attack. Thank you for your response!

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to stovall1992

You're welcome. Let me know if it helps!

1uglychild profile image

Hi, I’ve been on Lexapro twice. It was by far the easiest SSRI to start. Like you I was afraid to start it. I had just been through a bad start up with another drug and was terrified Lexapro would do the same. It was the opposite, it had an immediate calming effect on me, within days I felt better. And I assure you it wasn’t a placebo effect. The worst of the side effect I felt was heavy fatigue for two weeks and several weeks of the Lexapro Yawn. I’m actually going through the start up phase of Prozac now and wish it was like Lexapro ( for me Prozac is the opposite, initial increase of anxiety etc, but it works better for me in the long run).

I know starting a new drug can be scary, but I found that one very gentle and calming. If you’re still worried you could ask your doc if you could take half a dose like I did (cutting to 5 mg). Meds can really change you’re life for the positive, and you’ll quickly move past initial side effects, to the point that you’ll say it’s worth it for the peace I feel.

Good luck!

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to 1uglychild

That makes me feel better, thank you. I am scared because I have had some bad experiences with medication, but I am more scared that If I don’t do something about my anxiety now, I’m going be stuck like this forever.

Did the Lexapro impact your blood pressure in any way? my blood pressure tends to be low sometimes, and I don’t really want it to drop any lower than it already is.

1uglychild profile image
1uglychild in reply to stovall1992

Hi, as far as impacting my blood pressure, that was something I never noticed. I think in general SSRI can raise BP a bit, rather than lower, but everyone is different.

I totally understand your fear of starting up, I’m in a rough spot with my Prozac restart up now, but after being on and off meds for anxiety and OCD over the years, I know it gets better. For me it got so good and normal, that I quit a 6 months ago, and now that I’m back in the grip of anxiety, I can’t believe I forgot how horrible it is. Meds aren’t for everyone, but for me they give me peace and confidence. I think even if Lexapro is tough in the first few weeks for you, a month later you’ll say it was worth it. And with Lexapro, it made me feel like I couldn’t even think about my fears, that’s how soothing it was within days.

Best wishes!

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to 1uglychild

that’s how I want to feel, good and normal again. I use to go out with friends and travel, but now I can’t barely step out of my front door. I’ve been feeling so hopeless and alone for too long. I really want to stop feeling like this and I hope Lexapro can help. Thank you so much for your response and your suggestions. I am hopeful now that I can beat this.

1uglychild profile image
1uglychild in reply to stovall1992

I know we see a lot of people who say meds don’t work for them, but I think for most people they do work. I spent my entire youth an anxious wreck, and it wasn’t until my 20s that I was finally diagnosed with pure O type ocd. I’ve been in situations that sound a lot like what you’re suffering from, I’ve woken up with panic attacks, been afraid to go anywhere aside from work, was terrified to cross the street because I imagined a heart attack mid crossing! I have been really badly off, and yet I respond so well to treatment that a visit to my doctor is nothing but a quick check in. Aside from learned behavior from a childhood of undiagnosed ocd, I manage to be pretty happy and normal when medicated. I look forward to things and plan things, like a normal person. I have faith that you’ll see good results from the Lexapro, it really is nice for the overly anxious, very calming. The only thing I’ll say is that if you get the yawn side effect, it’s the biggest craziest yawn ever and you’ll say wow I see why they mention it!

My biggest bit of advice to you is to get a doctor you trust, and educate yourself. Until you feel better make sure you take time out for breathing exercises, those have been helping me get through the rough patches. Try to stay positive!

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to 1uglychild

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I went to the doctor in November, when my anxiety was really bad, and they doctor was was quick to give me three medications (Lexapro, Vistaril and Buspirone). He seemed like he was rushing me out and I left more uncertain than ever. The doctor I had before that was perfect and she was the one who first diagnosed me with anxiety, but she moved to Georgia. I just rescheduled an appointment with a doctor who they said what the best for anxiety and agoraphobia. I plan to speak with him and ask him everything I can think of and get all the information I need, so I won’t have any uncertainty when I leave.

I know you mentioned that it was soothing within days, but did you experience any side effects and if you did, how long did they last? My mom is expected to go out of town the end of this month, and my appointment is next Thursday. I don’t want have any bad side effects or serious anxiety symptoms while she is gone. Last time she went out of town, and I had bad anxiety, I ended up at the ER for a severe panic attack.

1uglychild profile image
1uglychild in reply to stovall1992

Well as far as the doctors go, yeah I feel your pain! I’ve seen more psychiatrists than I can count over the last 20 years. Ive had great ones who leave town, change patient focus, leave the practice. I’ve had more bad ones than I can count! The last one is saw was the head of a group of residents and I was often stuck with a clueless resident. I knew more about my disease than them!

You’re new doc sounds promising though.

With the side effect angle of Lexapro, the very worst part was severe fatigue. I felt sort of tired and dopey, almost stoned happy, for two weeks. And I yawned! I had no increase in anxiety, it really numbed any anxiety really fast. Numbed it so that it shut all obsessive thought down. It was very sedating, which I loved. So why do I not take it, i have a slow metabolism and it sort of slowed me down, put some weight on.

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to 1uglychild

oh okay, well that’s not too bad. I’d regret have the sedative feeling than the increase anxiety. But I’m definitely going to talk to my doctor about my concerns and worries before I start taking anything. I just really want to be able to leave my house and travel without the crippling anxiety symptoms and constant worry.

1uglychild profile image
1uglychild in reply to stovall1992

Just remember that if you get the fatigue, it will go away. Expect about two weeks, but it’s not bad and I think you’ll just be relieved to be feeling better. I always get the side effects worse than the average patient so I start very low. I know Lexapro comes in a tablet which means you can cut it in a quarter and start as low as 2.5 if that makes you feel any better.

stovall1992 profile image
stovall1992 in reply to 1uglychild

Okay, I will try that if the 10mg or 5mg is too much. Thank you for your help!

1uglychild profile image

Good luck to you!

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