Should I take medication for Anxiety? - Anxiety Support

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Should I take medication for Anxiety?

Fish024589 profile image
16 Replies

Hi all I hope you're having a lovely day! I am writing today with the hopes that someone has gone through a similar experience.

I have been struggling with anxiety for the past 3 years and at the beginning it would be a few symptoms then it would pass. However, now anxiety is manifesting itself into physical symptoms and I am in a constant state of worrying if I will pass out/ throw up / or something bad will happen to me.

At the beginning I was really against medication due to the side effects and dependability so I turned to CBT, but now my anxiety has started to greatly impact my functioning day because I'm constantly worried I will pass out or throw up somewhere.

If anybody has advice i would love to hear it! Thank you everybody 🤞🏻

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Fish024589 profile image
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16 Replies

I’m on a Lexapro and it has been amazing for my anxiety. I take a pretty low dose only 5mg. I don’t feel drugged.

rannochuk profile image

I started Prozac in November. It helped a lot and the side effects wore off pretty quickly. I still have some anxiety but only when I’m alone and think too hard about it. When I’m busy it doesn’t affect me whatsoever.

Over the weeks the meds slowly took away my anxiety without me actually realising. I started to do the things that the anxiety stopped me doing before.

Bassgirl profile image
Bassgirl in reply to rannochuk

Glad to hear about the Prozac. My doctor prescribed that to me and I start taking it tomorrow when I pick it up from pharmacy. How long did it take to start working?

rannochuk profile image
rannochuk in reply to Bassgirl

In my case it took about 8 weeks. I had minor side effects, diarrhoea, felt a little sick and was very tired some days. I take my tablet in the evening.

Your anxiety may or may not get slightly worse at the start but please don’t let that put you off.

Did he prescribe any other meds to take with the Prozac?

Also please see this website. The tips helped me a lot.

rannochuk profile image
rannochuk in reply to rannochuk

I should add the side effects didn’t last long.

kenster1 profile image

if you have exhausted all your other ways in dealing with anxiety to no avail then its something only you can decide.if you do take them try have a plan so that you don't become overly dependant long term.

ChicagoGirl1961 profile image
ChicagoGirl1961 in reply to kenster1

If taking meds alleviates symptoms and improves quality of life I see no reason why being dependent on medication is an issue. Many people are dependent on medication to control other diseases and no one gives it a second thought? Why should it be any different for becoming dependent on meds to treat anxiety? It seems at times that some make it sound taboo to be dependent upon anxiety medications, however I see nothing wrong with it when frequently the alternative is suffering with what at times may be debilitating symptoms. Many try to overcome anxiety naturally but not everyone can do that, in fact those with severe anxiety rarely overcome the symptoms enough to live a happy and productive life without the help of medication.

kenster1 profile image
kenster1 in reply to ChicagoGirl1961

granted but ive been on medication for years has its up but also has its downs.medication isn't a cure for depression/anxiety I wish I had never stayed on them as long as I have.ruined my relationship.thats my personal experience.

ChicagoGirl1961 profile image
ChicagoGirl1961 in reply to kenster1

I agree Kenster, the meds are not a cure, and also that meds can potentially have a downside depending on the med and the person talking them. We are all different and what can be a long term solution for some may not be the case for others. Meds are a Godsend for many, and not so much for some, but I think a majority can benefit if they can find the right medication at the correct dosage, although that is sometimes easier said than done. My thinking is that overcoming a chemical balance which contributes to anxiety and depression needs medication to adequately address, as well as educating ourselves about the disease and implementing natural approaches to addressing the disease as well. Anxiety and depression cause so much suffering, and I wish there were a one size fits all course of treatment as there are for many other diseases, but it seems the path to wellness is uniquely different for each of us that deal with anxiety and depression.

bullcat2108 profile image

i too was against medication at first due to the fact that i didn’t want to feel like being on a drug was the only thing making me normal. after struggling with the physical symptoms of it all, i decided that i would rather feel a dependence on it than to feel so helpless. i’ve been on Paxil for about a month now, & i can honestly say it’s the best decision i’ve made! the medicine is a low dosage to start off with, so i still have random spurts of anxiety. i’m hoping my doctor will up my dosage when i go so that my anxiety is almost all gone. i can truly say that making the decision to get on a daily medication was the right one! before starting it, i had stopped going to class, had to quit my job, & hadn’t left my house in weeks. now, i’m mostly functional!

Bassgirl profile image
Bassgirl in reply to bullcat2108

Glad it’s helping you. I hate leaving my house. Hopefully it works for me for I have anxiety bad.

rannochuk profile image
rannochuk in reply to Bassgirl

Have you started?

Bassgirl profile image
Bassgirl in reply to rannochuk

It has helped some.

lofeoutthere profile image
lofeoutthere in reply to bullcat2108

What was the reason you didn’t leave your house? How did you feel when you did?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to lofeoutthere

lofeoutthere, I can tell you after being agoraphobic for 5 years (never leaving my home) It was a small step at a time to get back out, drive again and go on with my


The fear in just thinking of going out was indescribable. I couldn't put my finger on

what I was afraid of. It was more of an internal generalized fear of everything.

Hope you never go to that dark place. xx

BetterDays14 profile image


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