So about a month ago I had my first panic attack at a bank. Every since then. My boss let me go on unemployment. I have been house ridden every since. I cannot go to any stores. I feel like I’m loosing myself. I refuse to take any medications. Any idea what I can do ?
Anxiety: So about a month ago I had my first... - Anxiety Support

Oh, you can survive this!!! There is so much you can do!! Start with a good therapist to guide you!
Hi Jessiejames,
I'm so sorry for what you've gone through. Anxiety IS scary. But Xena is right. Anxiety and it's ramped up version, panic, are a gigantic bluff! Your anxiety is on high alert, mistaken that it needs to protect you, and as a result of it sending signals to spew out tons of adrenaline, your nervous system has become sensitized. A sensitized nervous system creates lots of symptoms, but they are all completely harmless. The anxious thoughts you are having right now are also harmless, you just have to start practicing seeing them for what they are Once you start learning about how harmless anxiety is, and practicing the correct reaction to it, and start going about normal things once again (anxiety is watching, and it realizes its making a mistake when you proceed with life despite its messages to stay put), you will start recovering.
Have you seen a doc? If not, get in to see your doc to get a basic workup done. It's not common, but sometimes there is an underlying medical issue causing the anxiety (ie a thyroid problem). Once assured by the doc that this is primary anxiety, there are steps you can take to recover completely. Many people do it without meds. A good therapist can work magic with you. Read through posts here for tips, as there is a wealth of info here from recovering and recovered folks. I have my favorite anxiety resources listed on my profile, especially the revered and brilliant Dr. Claire Weekes, who understood anxiety so well, and maybe those resources will help you. Keep us posted?
Thank you for that. Yes when I had my panic attack. I was at work and an ambulance came and brought me to ER. I have an anxiety since I was 16. So they did a EKG , blood work , cat scan. And everything came back normal. They told me to follow up with doctors. Which I did and they always pointed to anxiety. I went to my first therapist and didn’t like it. So I found a hypnotherapy doctor near by. I tried him last week and I loved it. I go back sometime this week. I also started a vegetarian diet this week. So I am eating better and now I need to exercise and stop smoking cigarettes and a few other things I gotta change in my life. I have faith but I tend to lose the faith when I’m going through my anxiety attacks. I’m just glad I found this app and people like yourself to help me reinsure I will be okay. Thank you
Fantastic, it sounds like you are taking such great steps! Anxiety is often a gift in disguise, and helps propel us towards changes that are good for us. And I'm so glad you like your therapist.
Post anytime here. The folks here are truly the best and you're likely to get lots of support, empathy and hope from this site
I quit smoking cigarettes two years ago, but I couldn't have done it without tapering down using a vape pen. It made all the difference in the world. Maybe give it a try.
Hi Jessiejames, panic attacks are the worst. There was a time in my life years ago that I had them on a daily basis. I was a mess. But, things got better and now I feel great emotionally. You are doing all the right things as Calm_mamma said. She listed so many helpful things.
Everyone is different and reacts differently to types of therapy. I have tried everything from drugs to yoga, exercise, nutrition and therapists and they all had their benefits.
You mentioned two types of therapy that have changed my life. The first isn't really therapy, but a key to handling many types of conditions. You mentioned it as Faith. I'm not sure if you mean that in the sense of religious or Christian faith. If you do, surrounding yourself with others that share a faith helps. That could mean joining a prayer group at a local church or finding other ways to make sure your faith is first and foremost in your life.. Interestingly enough, I found anxiety to be similar to an addiction. Learning to turn over my life to a higher power , in my case God, helped me a lot to face each day. Looking over the 12 step program for an alcoholic, though certainly not all the same issues, might be of some interest. Here's a
Secondly, you mentioned hypnosis. I began listening to sleep hypnosis which dramatically changed my self talk and has helped me to stop a panic attack in its tracks if I do feel one coming on. There are a lot of free ones on YouTube, but my favorite is Thomas Hall sleep hypnosis for anxiety and depression. perhaps you might pair that with your in person hypnosis for even faster results. It took me a few months of listening nightly for major changes to take places though I did see some changes after only a few nights.
The key is that you are taking control and looking for ways to overcome your anxiety. That is powerful in itself!
This happened to me 5 years ago. I had my first attack out the blue. Was very scary and I ended up in tears up A&E thinking I was dying. Then I became house bound in fear of fainting or showing myself up outside I couldn't even take my own kids to school because the fear and dizziness would be unbearable. I lay on my bed most days because that's where I felt more safe. My doctor did prescribe me propranaol 40mg which seem to take the edge off but i still could leave the house. He referred my for CBT ( counselling) at my local GP surgery ( I went there as i felt safe because i was surrounded by doctors incase any thing happened). I had 8 session and it really help me. They learn you to change your thinking and accept the panic rather than fight it. Is This something that you could try ? I Hope you feel better soon . It's a really dark and lonely place to be. Xx
Hi there your are In a horrible situation anxiety can be a very dibilitating problem! The biggest problem you've got is not wanting to accept treatment why do you rule out medications as they will help have you asked about counselling this may help! You need to trust your doctor and what they think will be the best course treatment! Take care!
Lot's of good advice here.
You will have to find what works for you. Many self-help books on Amazon about anxiety. One day at a time- do not expect miracle soon. It does take a while and anxiety does get undercontrol however for me it gets better and it comes back. The trick is to find your way how to control it that it does not control you.
Meditation- Calm App- works for me.
Treating yourself- what ever it may be ( a film, good book, seeing a friend, massage)
Even medication - to help you to stay on top of anxiety. I take prapronolol as and when needed ( it is to take the edge, stops the heart racing and controls palpitations, which is mine main symptom).
Good luck
I’m sorry ur going through this it’s horrible
I would definitely recommend swing a therapist in the same i refuse medication but she definitely has been helping me each week little by little day by day I’m still struggling with the physical symptoms but hold onto faith we are strong
HI this is scary but I wonder why you are so against meds if they can help you? It's like saying oh I broke my leg but refuse painkillers coz I am toughing it out. Would you do that? There is no shame in taking meds that can help. x
Thank you all for your concern you guys are awesome. I did not think I would wake up to all this love and support. I truly appreciate you all. I will take all of your advice and give it a try. I may be stubborn when it comes to taking medication. But if it means it’ll help me to get better. I will do so.
I had panic attacks many years ago, before I was diagnosed with MS. Mine was induced by taking too much sudafed. No matter the cause, it is horrible to endure. I was not given meds at that time, but now, 20+ years later, I would definitely take meds, if I could get them. It took a couple of years for it to all go away, but it finally did. I have taken antidepressants for three different periods of time, and then tapered off of them. There are so many meds now that can help us cope with life, when we have big problems. Your life is on hold until this issue subsides. Please do not refuse something that can help you get back to normal more quickly.
I was super stubborn about medication, but trust me, I was so happy when I gave in and found one that worked. By all means try the natural way first, but it's not worth torturing yourself for months when a medication can help. You can use it as a temporary crutch as you move forward practicing CBT. It's a great way to just get yourself on your feet and work on fixing your anxiety. Just know that it may take a couple tries to find the right one and you might feel worse before you feel better, but it's so worth it when it finally does work.
See a good therapist that believe in behavior modification without medicine. You are not alone or going crazy. You can be helped. Depicting what you are anxious about is the first step to healing or getting better. Focusing on something outside of yourself also helps. Letting go of people's judgments of you will take a lot of pressure of trying to please them off your shoulders. Praying that you get better soon.
You guys are honestly the best. Thank you all please stay in contact with me !
I am so sorry you are going through this. Have you thought about seeking professional help? They can help you figure out the best way to overcome anxiety! Also, do you have any close friends or family memebers that you could talk to? It always helps me when I talk to my best friend about what I am going through. I hope everything gets better!
Lexapro helped me so much! I got agoraphobic and was too scared to even walk around my block or drive my car anywhere. this suddenly happened even though I had been driving for years all over the place. I lost my job because of it and wasn’t sleeping for months resistant to medication. My regime that got me back was Lexapro 5mg to start then up to 10, weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings, weekly meeting with a therapist, walking daily, taking with a close friend about anxiety over coffee and support from this site as well as educating myself on anxiety. Each day doing something productive.