Hi my name is Heather and I'm 14 years old.As a result of my anxiety I have recently had problems to keep my friends and am struggling to go out with them as I am being left out since they forget of my issues.Does anyone have any advice for me regarding my friends?
Anxiety: Hi my name is Heather and I'm 1... - Anxiety Support

I suffer with anxiety and in school I didn't have many friends and I still don't. anxiety is a condition that people who don't suffer from it don't understand it. Are you having any counseling for it? I found that very helpful. But as you grow up you will make much better friends, you just need to take care of yourself first.
I was advised to have cognitive behavioural therapy but I couldn't get it as they said I wasn't a top priority.Even though at the time I also suffered with depression!
That is ridiculous. The quicker you start therapy the better you will be. Delaying that process shouldn't be based on top priority. I suffer from OCD, Anxiety and depression and I've just started CBT although I have been suffering in silence for some time. I use a NHS service called Insight. Maybe you should see if it is available to you?
Thanks for your reply Ive just tried finding one near me and there isnt one close to me.
Oh no that's rubbish. Have you tried calling the samaritans? They are a 24hr helpline which will just simply listen whilst you get everything off your chest. Which might be helpful. I would also try and see a doctor again you shouldn't be struggling alone when we have healthcare for these problems. Hope you can finally get some help, just remember you are not alone.
All I can say is be yourself and your true friends will stick around and be there for you! I'm 41 and been having the same issue with anxiety since I was about your age. The friends who are true ones are still around even if they don't understand. Some of them have tried to be helpful. I sure hope it gets better for you 💛
Those are not true friends. True friends will be there for you as you wld be there for that friend. We are all here for you as you are here for us!