The last month to month in a half wake up with racing heart . Went to Er several times . Anxiety well panic attack . I just don’t see why when I wake up my heart is racing or beating fast . Please help
Heart racing : The last month to month in a... - Anxiety Support
Heart racing

I’ve had those exact same problems and I think you’re totally 100% okay.. I’ve been to the ER countless times either from a thud in my chest or rapid heart beat, and then worrying about it just makes it worse and worse.. don’t worry try to calm yourself down! You’re going to be okay, it’s nothing to be concerned over, the more concern we have the worse it gets.. just try to breathe, focus on something else so you don’t hyper-focus on your chest, try calling someone and having a long conversation.. I like to listen to podcasts and do something like doodle or play sone kind of game, anything to get your mind off of it
Thank you so much it’s really hard
I know it is, but I promise it gets better over time! It really does, but in the mean time try and get to know yourself, find what really makes you happy, use whatever you can to find a healthy way to distract yourself.. good on you for bringing it up and taking about it’s very scary and a lot of us deal with t everyday!
Hi. This happens to me too. I notice it more at night...probably because i am not distracted and can feel my heartbeat. If i can't get it to slow down, i take a chip of xanax and I'm fine. I used to panic about it, but now that i am on 20mg of lexapro, i don't. I just keep my phone in bed with me and play relaxing sleep music....thunderstorms are my favorite.....very calming and it helps me to focus on only that and clear my thoughts. Hope this well😀
Thank you so much . Yes but now I’m getting shakiness on the inside .. like shakes or tremors
I used to get them too's the anxiety/panic. You should see a doctor about meds. be well.xo
They gave me Xanax and Zoloft but haven’t started them yet . Thank you
I feel like i will be taking xanax for the rest of my life. I have .5s and i break them in 1/4s. All i need most of the time is a .125 to relax. It's a life saver👍