Is it just me who has heart flutters? Like every time I sneeze my heart flutters when I run I get palpitations after eating heavy meals I get palpitations can this be all anxiety related it never happened before anxiety why happen now :/ also I'll sit down and all of a sudden I'll get heart flutters or chest flutters (can't tell the difference) and think it's something serious I've had a ct scan and echo diagram and blood tests and ecgs all cam back normal except 2ecgs but when they weren't normal I was anxious and they took me hospital by that time I was unable anxious and ecg was normal again
Heart : Is it just me who has heart flutters... - Anxiety Support

Where I've written unable I mean un
I have the same thing. My heart palpitations can be real irritating some days. Sometimes they come when I'm not feeling very anxious, which then makes me anxious. I feel for ya 💜 They can be scary. I'm pretty sure its just anxiety. I hope your anxiety gets better!

Thank you and what triggers your heart palpitations x
To be honest, anything can set me off and give me heart palpitations. Little stressful everyday kind of things. I get overwhelmed and anxious, then I start to feel the palpations.

do you get them even from like walking? like walking upstairs or anything? with me I get them most when im running or im out of breath but I also get them really strong when im anxious I got them that bad when I was getting an ecg once my ecg was abnormal and I went hospitial everything was fine how long do they last like your heart flutters and were about in your chest? I get dead hot and sweaty and anxious when they come wbu
I get them from walking and running also, when my heart beats faster I get palpations. They mostly happen because of anxiety. It happens in my heart, so I feel it on my upper left side. They don't last long, but they happen through out the day. Sometimes they even take my breath away. Its weird. I get dizzy and feel faint when it happens. I'd like to have an ECG done, to be sure whats going on. I need health insurance first though. But I'm guessing its mostly anxiety.

Ye I've had an echo and ct scan an numerous amounts of ecgs and blood tests all normal once or twice my ecg was abnormal went hospital was normal again I think it was cuz I was panicking but it's weird cuz when I was panicking
I take magnesium and flaxseed oil pills, which help my heart palpitations a bit. If you want to try it?

yes I was thinking that thankyou x
No problemo ☺