Weird head : I have a constant blocked... - Anxiety Support

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Weird head

Lucydmnd profile image
65 Replies

I have a constant blocked feeling left ear and my head just feel odd and uncomfortable and I feel like I get seconds of feelings of almost passing out inside my head but never do? I’m so terrified

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Lucydmnd profile image
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65 Replies
masa2333 profile image

I also do. Started 2 days ago. Waiting to make an appointment. Please tell us if you find out what it is in the meantime. :)

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to masa2333

Absolutely terrified. I been docotors loads they say anxiety and I got nasal spray for the blocked ear feeling although they can’t see anything and just been given vertigo tablets but I don’t think that’s it?!!?

masa2333 profile image
masa2333 in reply to Lucydmnd

I feel your pain. I also hated when I went to doctors for some physical symptoms and then they would always reffer me to the psychiatrist because it « all must be in my head ». So tired of that. When I go to this doctor for ear problem I won’t even tell him about my panic disorder untill he excludes any medical issues that could cause this! I’m sorry you didn’t find your answers.

Minnie87 profile image

I feel like this all day hun.

It’s awful isn’t it x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

What is it? It’s ruining my life

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Apparently anxiety.

I have a constant lightheaded feeling all day.always heavy headed and off left ear always feels blocked too and can never pop it x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

My left ear is really bad, they’re always popping but left constantly still feels full like I can feel it inside my head and it goes round the back of my head in a strip and my head feels funny like it can just shut off at any minute and when I stand up and do things I get seconds of this buzz over me which makes me feel like I’m sinking in my head

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Oh hun you sound exactly like me!

As soon as I stand up I have that horrible feeling in my head.

The sinking head feeling is horrible.

What did your doctor say?

Have you suffered with anxiety before?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

I’m kinda glad we’re the same but also still feeling very sick over it.

Yeah 2010 I got social anxiety for 2 years and overcome it on my own.. had a blip in 2013 for a month and now I’m back again with health anxiety for last two months and just seems to be getting worse every day. This head/ear situation is what’s causing it all for me and I need it to go, I don’t know how to be better

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Lucydmnd

Doctors gave me nasal spray for my ear and I’ve now got some vertigo tablets

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Well done for dealing with your social anxiety.its so hard to get the strength to overcome these things.

Life becomes all about it and it’s all you think about and then very quickly you become scared to do anything.hopefully your tablets will start to going to speak to my doctor and ask about medication just for some relief for even an hour would be nice.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

I really feel like giving up. I got

Given sertaline and citAlopram but reacted badly on side effects and can’t deal with it now I’m on propanolol but it doesn’t really work for me. I feel like my life is over

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Oh babe.honestly you aren’t alone in that feeling.i feel the family are at their wits you have good support?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Yeah my boyfriend is amazing but I’m scared I’ll bring him down with me. He’s deserves so much better

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

I think that about mine.but honestly it’s not your fault.anxiety is cruel and takes everything from you.but having a good support network is so important

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Hopefully we can get ourselves out of this as fast as we got into it. I feel so much better relating to you, I feel like we could be friends and support each other with the same symptoms. I thought I was alone

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

No hun I promise you you are not alone!!

I know it’s so so nice to speak to others that are suffering with the same thing.not nice but you know what I mean.

Do you live a normal life with yours?im housebound with mine.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Absolutely not, I am also house bound and a complete mess! :( I just feel like I’m gonna die every time it does it. In bed I’m lying here and can feel jolts in my head

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Bless you.Same here.i hate even getting off the sofa.hard when you have two young children to look after.

The jolts are caused by Adrenaline rushing round the body.its horrid x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Thing is propanolol is meant to stop the adrenaline so I don’t know why I’m bloody taking it.

I feel so sorry for you dealing with this and having a family.

I can’t even dress myself atm

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Some days I don’t get partner has had to leave a fantastic job to take my daughter to school.its awful and has destroyed our little boy is only 2 and I can’t be the mum I want for him.its so upsetting.ive been on propranolol and it stopped my racing heart but not much else x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

I’m so so sorry to hear that. Anxiety is really a awful thing although I still don’t believe it’s that haha (vicious cycle) I pray you’re better soon.

Yeah I agree with the only helping racing heart. Pretty useless. I want to do it on my own but doesn’t look like I’m getting anywhere

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Lucydmnd

Should of seen me yesterday I was close to the end, hallucinating and all sorts of citalopram

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

I’m the exact same as you.i don’t believe it either.and I think that’s why we feel so unwell.

I wanted to do it on my own too.but it’s not working.

I’m currently reading a book by a doctor called Claire Weeks which is really good.its called self help for your nerves and explains everything and all the symptoms in good detail.i just think the first thing is to accept its anxiety but it’s so so hard isn’t it.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

It’s so hard and the moments I do accept it, I end up talking myself out off it soon as my head does some weird crazy stuff and I’m back at square one! I think health anxiety is definitely the worst type. How are we meant to accept it’s anxiety if we’re so convinced it’s more

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Lucydmnd

And now I’ve got a headache to add to the head worry

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Does your doctor tell you it’s all anxiety?Yes!!oh that’s literally me too.i get moments of being strong and being so sure of it being anxiety and then I’m back to square one again.its horrible x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Tbh I told the doctor it was anxiety which was the worst thing I could of done!!!

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

The second you tell a doctor you have anxiety or have had it they do tend to stick with it.i have seen 3 doctors and one day I had had enough so I went to the hospital in a state and they did tests and said all the same things there.i actually wish they would find something physical and then we could just be treated and be okay again!

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Yeah I said it was anxiety before the weird head part of it started. Regret it now badly, my palms just started burning loads have you had this??

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

I get allsorts of horrible symptoms.sweaty palms and tingly all over my hands.its horrible hun.

Have you had tests done?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

No nothing, waiting for my referral for neurologist and waiting for counselling. Wbu x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

I’ve had ecgs,full blood tests,thyroid checks,heart monitor at the hospital and blood pressure etc.all normal.

As you said,mine didn’t start with this weird head symptoms seem to have developed over having to have my counselling over the phone as I just can’t leave the house feeling like this x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Yeah I’ve had ecg and monitor and bloods lots of times but not so recent. I just cant understand how someone can get so sick but nothing be wrong? It’s not right

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

I know hun.thats my argument!i said that to my doctor and she said it’s severe anxiety and panic disorder.its no way to live for anyone.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

I guess we got to stop analysing every thing that happens to our body and I assume you google just as much as I do daily, constantly!

I kinda think I make myself worse.

Panicking about this burning palm now. Great haha.

No this life is definitely not fun!!

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Don’t panic hun.honestly I panic at every pain or twinge.i feel like I’m on edge every second of every day and all I do is think about my symptoms all day.and yep I google everything too!im really trying to stop that though as it makes things ten times worse x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

I don’t know what to do anymore to be honest, I’m just glad we can relate, I mean I still feel pretty awful but I guess this should be a realisation for us both .. as hard as it is

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

For sure.its helps just knowing there are others out there.feeling like you aren’t alone is so important in accepting this as anxiety I think x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Yeah I agree. I can’t wait till this is all behind me and yourself. I just hope I’ve got the strength to do it

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Course you have can conquer this you can conquer anything.

How long have you been suffering this time around?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Only 2 months which feels like forever. I seen you have been suffering much longer?? Absolutely awful x

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

This time round it’s been over 9 months.but had bad anxiety for about 6 years and general anxiety all my life.ive had times where I’ve had symptoms but they have been manageable.this time round it’s totally unmanageable.did yours just suddenly come on?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Jesus, that’s a long time to feel like this.. Yeah I could usually manage it so easily but this time I just cant. I spiral out more and more every day. Yeah out of nowhere, very strange. I went to doctors about pressure in my head and my ears and That it was making me feel quite anxious and then all escalated panic every day and sinking head and nausea etc etc

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

It escalates so quickly doesn’t it.mine seem to happen overnight too.but looking back it did happen a few times prior to this all day everyday crap.

Do you have any breaks in yours?or is yours constantly all day?

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Constantly all day. I wake up nauseous every day and then that’s it, anxious for rest day with multi symptoms. Draining isn’t It? I just want to be better. Sometimes I don’t even feel like my life is real anymore and I woke up last night and I didn’t know where I was. I woke up the boyfriend shouting for him to tell me where I was.. I was in my own bed!

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

Oh hun.You sound so much like me.i know it feels like there is no way out doesn’t feels like everyone else lives a life except you.and this might sound weird but sometimes I look at people at can’t imagine how they feel you know what I mean?like it’s been so long since I felt well that I just don’t know how other people do it! X

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Yeah i do exactly the same, wonder how they get on day to day whilst we struggle majorly :( it’s definitely life destroying.

Minnie87 profile image
Minnie87 in reply to Lucydmnd

It really is.i get so jealous of people.

I’ll send you a private message on here as I’ve just remembered that everyone can see our chat and are probably getting sick of it lol!

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Minnie87

Hahah ok no problem

Likeabadstorm profile image
Likeabadstorm in reply to Lucydmnd

You both remind me of some of what I am feeling with the pulsatile tinnitus and faintness and head pressure non stop. :-(

Aptree profile image
Aptree in reply to Minnie87

Fir anxiety try ashwanaganda it’s been a godsend to me

And it’s all natural

loopylu91 profile image

Try olive oil just a drop or two x

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to loopylu91

Okay is it good?

loopylu91 profile image
loopylu91 in reply to Lucydmnd

Doctors recommend it to me to clear them out. Feels odd at first but works. Look it up and hope you feel better x

Sillysausage234 profile image

Sorry to butt in there’s a hu site called functional neurological disorder which may be worth a peep I’ve been diagnosed this now and has all the symptoms you girls describe that gps can’t give you an explanation for except the anxiety cop out excuses.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Sillysausage234

How do I find it

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Lucydmnd

At the top of the page hub.....view communities....functional neurological disorder

I can tell you that anxiety manifests in many ways and it can make you physically ill. I still have my anxiety moments, but don't have panic attacks like I used to. 2017 was a very tough year for me; I experienced a lot of awful moments due to anxiety. First I got sick in the stomach, after that I had dizziness almost every day, nausea, short of breath, among many other symptoms. I went to the doctor's and I had ultrasounds, blood tests, x rays done and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. After all that I got so depressed that I was debilitated and had to take 2 weeks of work. So I started going to a physiologist and told me how it was. "It's your head taking control of you, so he told me to find something that makes me happy for at least a minute or two and also try meditation. I started meditating using the most popular meditating app in the world! That's when I started to feel better, I also started praying every day and night, I started running again and little by little things started to change in my life. I still do all those things every day and now I am so grateful that I was able to overcome this awful ordeal.

Is up to you, you need help from you, yourself is the only one that can help you get better. It is nor easy, but it's possible.

God luck and blessings

JaaKK profile image

You need to get in and see a doctor as soon as possible!

While you are waiting try drinking plenty of water everyday, cut way back on the caffeine. Make sure you are eating nutritiously. Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep. Find ways to relax with peace and calm environment.

Throwthisnotthat profile image

Not quiet a headache, or dizziness, but almost. Maybe my head feels numb, or is it actually tingling? Am I about to fall asleep or stroke out? Is my brain not getting enough oxygen or is my skull about to explode from internal pressure? How can I be experiencing all the sensations at once? Does any of that sound familiar? I get it almost daily... I've had every possible medical test done and they finally found out what it was... anxiety. It really sucks, I'm so sorry you're going through this, it will end.

Jennymiddle profile image

Hi, i have had those feelings for a few yrs now. Every time i try going to sleep i feel so light headed and fuzzyness in my head. I also have a lot of ear preasure. So went to doctors a couple of times about it and just got nasel spray and anti sickness pills. Then one day i had to go to the out of hours doctors as i just couldn't stand i even fall to the floor while he was examined me. So so dizzy. I got refered to ENT and after test got diagnosed with meniere's disease. I am now taking meds and feel so much better. So maybe its worth you trying to get to see an ENT.

Lucydmnd profile image
Lucydmnd in reply to Jennymiddle

I’ve got a steroid nasal spray and Serc 8 tablets? I’m pushing for ENT

Jennymiddle profile image

Thats what i was on for a while before i saw ENT but he has prescribed me something else and is working so much better for me. Good luck

Cazhoc profile image

I get this too (except for the blocked ear), feels very scary.

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