I can’t even explain how this actually feels , but it’s just really weird . Just as I doze off I’m jolted awake with a very strange head sensation and then I’m over thinking and just feel strange . Any ideas please
Weird Head sensation as falling asleep 💤 - Anxiety Support
Weird Head sensation as falling asleep 💤

i get this too!! when i’ve had a really stressful day and i’m having really bad anxiety as well as trying to sleep, it’s like i’m getting an anxiety attack in my sleep and it wakes me up then i fall back asleep like 2 minutes later and it happens 4-5 times until i actually fall asleep. it’s just a really weird head tingling feeling, it’s not fun): i totally get what you’re saying.
I get this also it’s like a bang goes off in my brain that jolts me awake it’s very frightening..so nice to no we are not alone on experiencing this..these symptoms can be terrifying and keep you awake for hours wondering what it was and is something going to happen you..it always seems to happen when I fall asleep too..very strange!!!
Yep that’s it and today my head felt so weird most of the day . Hate it . Not looking forward to bed soon that’s for sure . Yes we def not alone and thanx as it does help just a little .
My head feels weird too a lot of the day like squeezing sensations and just weirdness.. especially when I’m not distracted by something..the more u think about it the worse it is..have you tried white noise when falling asleep sometimes it helps me to focus on something when going to sleep. I think when we go to bed worrying will it happen it normally does!!
That’s it if I’m distracted it stops then bang it’s back . What’s white noise ?
It’s like noise in the background to distract you..they say it helps babies sleep too..YouTube some videos you can get like nature sounds as if your in a woods,sounds of water flowing..bird sounds, etc whatever helps calms you..
Oh ok I didn’t know it was called that . Nope I like silence . Have tried it and it annoys me lol
😂😂music maybe??or else focus on your breathing..what sensation do you get?mine is like a Big Bang in my head..very weird..so hard to believe sometimes that anxiety causes all this..
Has to be no noise lol !! I’m falling asleep then crack and then I have this weird feeling that I can’t explain and it lasted all night then until about 2 pm today . Just weird , not right and a bit out of it . So then I’m thinking I’m about to stroke out 😫
I know how you feel and the more you worry the more the symptoms get worse..and you genuinely believe something will happen you