Im actually so frustrated , yesterday i was pretty calm , or atleast i thought i am ,suddenly this massive headache came and dizziness , i felt super confused and unfocused, it was very scary because i started forgetting things and being so distracted ..i felt so worried , going back to my house my bp was 150/100 , thats super high for me , for a month now its been terrible but it always was lower even when it rises , i tried to be positive but nothing works, i feel like im worde than this even started , no one in my family even cares anymore , i cant go to a therapist , and i dont even know what else to do , anxiety will likely ruin everything in my body and my life ..i hate this so much , i was making progress but now i feel that this will kill me
Im so done with this: Im actually so... - Anxiety Support
Im so done with this

Kevin, may I suggest that you did not respond in the best way to this latest batch of anxiety symptoms. You didn't accept them for the time being knowing they are all meaningless fake symptoms caused by over-sensitive nerves and therefore, whilst uncomfortable, of no importance whatsoever.
You reacted with panic and released more fear hormone which ensured your nervous system continues to be sensitised. 150/100 bp is NORMAL for anyone feeling "very scary". May I recommend you now accept these bp readings as normal and no danger to you as indeed your doctors have told you.
I thought your post might mention some stratagies for recovery based on what you may have learnt here and elsewhere. I think maybe your plan is to hope for it to go away of its own accord without any intervention ie meds, therapy or self help. I have to tell you that this is unlikely: we all have to take control of our own recovery as many have described here.
You are convincing yourself that "this will kill me" when it would be better to convince yourself that with practice and patience you will fully recover.
Kevin, I advise against becoming one of those people who think that if they post enough reports detailing their bad feelings then they will go away.
Ya i dont want to become one of those people too, but i feel whenever i try something It doesnt work , im just looking for more ways to feel better , you see what i mean ?
Also sometimes i feel im getting worde eventhough im taking action , but i dont even think i can be prescribed meds yet , it doesnt get dangerously high but its just annoying because deep down i know it should get better and there is a solution but the more i feel terrible , i just feel like its so hard
I fully understand what you are going through. I myself have better and worse days. Before starting meds, I always went to the ER when bad days made me feel scared to death. My mom has had arrythmia and some heart problems so I always assume it must be my heart. And now I have this uncontrolable urge to check my pulse every minute as I am scared something awful will happen. But I found that Magnesium helps me calm down (alongside medications) and vitamins B6 and B12 push my energy up a little bit. Also going out for a coffee date with a friend helps me not think about it
Yes distractions help , but like i tend to overthink especially when im alone
I think all of us are. I am overthinking on a daily basis, since I wake up till I go back to sleep. My psychologist told me to do breathing exercises, go out, take a walk, read a book, watch TV show, cook etc etc. I am trying to believe him and I try to occupy myself for as long as possible and hope that it will improve with time
Hey Kevin!
You're right - nothing works:
It's paradoxical, but when you stop frantically searching for relief and a cure, the cure will simply come to you.
It seems you're fighting to get out of this situation. Your anxiety perceives a fight. That's anxiety's job- be there for you when you need to fight. Of course it's going to stay amped up if you continue to fight
This is hard, no doubt. It's about changing your mind and adopting a whole new attitude- which is never easy to do.
Don't forget- Face, Float, Accept, Let Time Pass...
If you look back on some folks' profiles, you will see that they are doing great now, but once were exactly where you are. Many people post a little then drop off- probably recovered/doing fine but hard to know. But some people keep posting and stick around to support others, which is such a gift. Youll see that none of them recovered overnight. Let Time Pass. You'll see. This is a marathon, not a sprint
At some point I'll tell you my recovery story. I know exactly how you feel right now and know how hard it is. I am sending you hugs!
We're here for you! Post as much as you want. It's a process and a journey
As always you make everyone feel amazing , i am truly aware that this doesnt happen overnight , but the longer i feel anxious and get panic attacks , its just a reminder that im getting closer to damaging my body more and more , the only reason im fighting hard is because im worried about the affects of constant stress and anxiety , i keep getting visual problems , my vision is getting worse, i become confsed and disoriented and i forget main things like people’s names and where i put things , like my short term memory sucks i forget things too often, i get short of breath and tired all the time , and i get severe migraines with aura , you know the ones that affect your vision and can cause temperory speech problems and severe numbness, things just pile up du to anxiety and everytime i get rid of a problem anothr one comes...but otherwise i dont mind being patient ..but you are right and i have been talking to many people who faced other things that i overcame , while they help me with what im trying to overcome , for me its a cycle that im just trying to break..its just that im worrid if i became patient and not try to fight this , problems will keep pilling up and it will be harder to you understand what i mean , you are amazing at calming me down though
Hey Kevin, hang in there. I'll share this story in case it helps.
Several years ago I got into insomnia and as I researched and saw Dr.'s and journaled it grew into sleep anxiety. More then anything else, the thing that helped me most was stopping. I stopped tracking my sleep, I stopped logging my sleep stats and every day logging my worries. I kept the habits I changed, but I let the statistics go and let myself believe that sleep isn't that big a deal. After all, I had proven how functional I could be with little and no sleep. Before I realized it, the sleeplessness was almost completely gone. In hindsight I can see how I had accidentally learned to let go.
Continue to check your heart health stats with your Dr. but also let yourself recognize how well you've lived despite these numbers.
Thank you for sharing your story , im trying to resist measuring my bp and pulse, im very aware i dont have a medical problem that causes my bp to rise , but what makes this worse is that its a cycle, i know how terrible i feel when i have a panic attack and how my bp changes with it , so i panic about it happening again , and the constant anxiety that goes with it , and because the stress also causes other stuff for me like migraines and vision problems , im just worried about stress itself , im going to try your advice i havent measured my bp once these past 2 days and i know it doesnt rise dangerously when i panic but its the thoughts that cause you to not think rationally, thank you for the help though
1) I think you had a panic attack and I’m sorry you’re suffering.
2) you’re BP is high but not dangerously high, not immediately anyway
3) you say you can’t go to a therapist. Why is that?
4) go to a quiet room, no sensory stimulation and wait it out until you calm down. Can use calming music. Can use guided meditations, anything you like. Do you have medication for these attacks?
Wishing you peace and better days
No i dont have meds for it , im still 17 so i want to get through this without the need of meds, i dont want to take substances that will alter my body and mind , i tried counselling earlier wasnt that helpful its the same as talking to people who dont really know what you go through , they try to help but it doesnt always work , therapy is really expensive a session and its not covered, i can afford it , my parents amd siblings are all busy with their own problems , not gonna go into detail but lets say im the least of their worries, dont get me wrong they are really supportive but each one is going through stuff .. thanks for your kind wishes though , for example today i felt really calm , i had a few heart palpitations and sudden i guess sort of mini anxiety attacks where i would get a sudden scary thought and panic for a few secs, i tried meditation and breathing techniques and it helps , i feel calmer , but sometimes it doesnt work , i guess i have to be patient until it works