It's impossible for me to "float" through ... - Anxiety Support

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It's impossible for me to "float" through panic

Fablegirl67 profile image
8 Replies

So I've read Dr. Claire Weekes' book and yesterday I had a panic attack. I tried to float, but I fled instead. I splashed cold water on my face and went outside into the cold air to pace it off. I don't know how to float. My symptoms must be more severe or something. When panic hits, all I can do is react. The symptoms are terrifying. Racing heart, shaking, shortness of breath, dizzy, unbalanced, terrified, ect. I can't just float..

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Fablegirl67 profile image
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8 Replies
teemo1 profile image

It's a skill that takes time and practice, but if you keep trying you will get the hang of it! If the cold water and going outside helped you, then floating can help you, too.

As you know from your reading, what's happening is that something is triggering an anxious thought or feeling, which happens to everybody. Dr. Weekes calls this "first fear." But then, like you said, you react to it, thinking "oh my god, why am I feeling like this, what is wrong with me...?" This is "second fear" and this is all that panic disorder is. Just this, and nothing more. It's not something that happens to us. It's something we do to ourselves.

Please just keep on practicing. When an anxious thought or feeling hits, don't try to make it go away. Relax and allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. Let your body go limp and allow yourself to feel scared, dizzy, shaky. If your heart wants to race, let it race. You are not really in danger, it only feels like it. And if you feel a panic reaction coming on, then let it come on! Accept it and allow yourself to feel it.

This is what floating is. It's doing nothing. It's allowing yourself to feel whatever you are feeling, no matter how terrifying it may feel. Let yourself go limp and just feel what you are feeling. Over time, your second fear will get weaker and weaker and weaker. Think of each anxious thought or feeling as a welcome opportunity to practice your floating. You will be on the road to recovery.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply to teemo1

Great reply teemo1 😎

teemo1 profile image
teemo1 in reply to Beevee

Thanks Beevee, I learned it from you! And I am still dealing with anxiety, but making progress.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply to teemo1

Ha ha 🤗 Very pleased to hear that you are making progress! Remember that time is the healer.

mrhealthanxiety profile image
mrhealthanxiety in reply to teemo1

Hi I wonder if you or anyone can help me please. I accept I have health anxiety, and im planning to try the Claire Weekes format - but this is the problem and confusion regarding my issues.

I don’t seem to have isolated panic attack’s as such when panic just grabs me ? I have everyday (not all day but on and off) my symptoms going on. My main 3 symptoms are random lightheaded/dizzy sensation lasting seconds / stomach issues (inflamed stomach and hiatus hernia) / and heart/chest flutters-palpitations......I could have a combination of these say 2-3 times per hour then nothing for a few I’m actually confused if this is still anxiety attacks as such ? .....due my health anxiety I’m constantly fighting the “yes I have been checked out numerous times but what if it’s something serious this time”.....and as say I feel what I have aren’t panic attacks as such but constant anxiety symptoms maybe ?? I’m confused 🤔🤔 appreciate your time. (I’m currently seeing a counsellor for my anxiety which helped for a bit but I have since fallen further down due my symptoms everyday).

Fablegirl67 profile image
Fablegirl67 in reply to mrhealthanxiety

It sounds more like anxiety attacks vs panic attacks to me. Of course, both of them are awful, right? My experience has been that both of them can and do occur in "waves." I've had waves of panic last all day, and the same with anxiety. As hard as it is to do, have faith in your doctor. If he says you're okay, then accept it. (Oh my goodness..If only I could do this myself) I think that what happens to me is that the doctor gives me a good report and a "all is well." Then, later, a panic episode occurs. For me, the panic attacks feel like a medical emergency and are very hard to endure without calling 911. This leaves me questioning everything the doctor said...It's a vicious cycle to say the least.

Mimine profile image

Hi Fablegirl67, I sympathise with you, the symptoms we feel during a panic attack are awful. It feels like something you want to ‘shake off’ but it won’t let you as it feels like it’s taken a hold of your entire body and mind...

When it happens to me, it feel like a huge wave is coming at me and instead of putting my arms up to stop the wave, I let the wave engulf me and wash over me. Soon the wave will be behind me and I’ll still be standing up. Or I’ll say to myself “yes, bring it on!” and let it happen, the shakes, the palpitations, the absolute fear... As soon as you stop resisting, that’s when the anxiety has nowhere to go and nowhere to hold on to (your heart, your limbs, your mind...) and soon you’ll relax and the symptoms will go. It does take time and courage but you can absolutely do it! It will leave you exhausted so make sure you look after yourself and have a rest after a panic attack.

Thinking of you. You’re not alone.


Miniwheats profile image

I found that adopting either a "here he go again" attitude while rolling my eyes in a "this is getting to be a tired and boring routine" mindset helped to stave off a panic attack. Sometimes I chose an angry response and told myself "wtf this again? You're FINE! This is just anxiety". But in all cases I would challenge my fears and picture the worst case scenario of what could happen and how I would cope and I think THIS was what finally cured me. For example worst case scenario could be that if it gets really bad I could sit down on the curb, pull out my phone and read some texts for a couple minutes to see if that helps and I could breathe deeply. If that doesn't help I could call a friend. If that doesn't do it I could call 911. If I pass out before I have a chance to do any of that then I know I'll wake up a few seconds later, feel confused, and then get my bearings and call 911 and wait for help while likely a kind passer by stops to help. Did this worst case scenario ever happen to me? No. Does it sound like something I could deal with relative to other things I've dealt with in my life? Definitely. I didn't get around to reading Dr. Weekes "loosen and accept" technique until I no longer had the attacks but was curious if it would work for me. Thankfully I haven't had an attack since August ☺️

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