Is it normal for a panic attack to last hours on end? I have had one for a couple of hours before and both my brother and sister have had one that lasted 4 hours and one that lasted 6 hours. Is this something else or an actual panic attack? My therapist has always told me they only last about 10 minutes on average.
Panic attack lasting for hours. - Anxiety Support
Panic attack lasting for hours.

Maybe what you are considering a panic attack is actually the experiencing of extreme anxiety.
Anxiety can be very severe and last not just for hours, but for days, without being able to even sleep. Some of us in this venue experience that type of anxiety. That's not much comfort, and just another name for what you are feeling isn't much comfort. Perhaps you should work with your therapist by explaining what you are experiencing so that he/she can address what can be done to help you. My best to you and hopes for better days.

Okay thank you. I guess what I mean is the panic part doesn't last that long but my heart pounding out of my chest and being right and uncomfortable is the part that lasts for hours not the actual panic.
What do you mean by 'not being right '?

That's was supposed to be *tight. My chest will feel tight and my heart feels like it is beating out of rythmn and pounds fast and hurts.
That's a form of anxiety. And you aren't weird or odd for having it. But maybe you need some help to deal with it. I tell people the proof of my sometimes extended anxiety is the path carved in the carpet at my house from the pacing I used to do. Looks like a race track. lol
Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways physically.
OH AMEN. The pacing helps but I'm so sleepy and tired......
Leighakay, it's true what PTSDforyears said and that is what you are experiencing sounds more like extreme anxiety. Panic Attacks usually are more fierce but don't last more than 10 minutes or so. Whereas an Anxiety Attack or Free Floating Anxiety can wax and wane for several hours and in extreme cases days.
Oh okay. Ugh it's a nasty feeling. My little brother used to make fun of me for having anxiety and panic attacks and now he just recently started having them and one of his lasted for four hours.
Again he didn't have a panic attack that lasted for hours. It was anxiety.
Anxiety can sometimes make one climb the wall, a panic attack can make one crash through the wall.
absolutely true.
I've had them that last days still there when I open my eyes in morning but yes it's extreme anxiety that we get with panic attacks and also the symptoms of panic attacks can literally roll off the back of each other I've has a panic attack which led on to derealisation which led on to another panicking attack which then led on to depersonisation and it's like a domino affect absolutely awfull but it will go they always do just have to keep that in back.of mindx
I know this post is over a year old but I just wanted to update everyone and let you know I have a new found heart condition. This was discovered on Jan 1 of all times. I started New year's day by my finance having to call the ambulance for me. I was experiencing a very rapid heart rate and I was just sitting down when it happened. My resting heart rate was 232. This lasted for probably over an hour and I tried everything to get it to subside and no such luck. Once the squad got there they hooked me up to the EKG and discover my heart rate was 232 and had to then take action to give me a medication through an IV to sbasically reset my heart back to a normal rythmn. It was very scary for me and everyone around me. The condition I was diagnosed with is SVT (supraventricular tachycardia.) I have another appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow at a hospital dedicated to patients with heart conditions. I just wanted to let everyone know that what I was experiencing wasn't in fact a panice attack or anxiety for that matter, although it definitely gives me anxiety when it happens.
So I am going through the same thing... started suddenly in March. I've had 6 attacks since then. Resulting in fast heart rates and ambulance trips to the ER being treated with adenosine which is basically a med that stops your heart.. feels like your being kicked in the chest by a horse.. they call it SvT .. I have a cardiologist as well... but being treated as a panic disorder .. well both.. super scary and has rocked my world.. after you have these attacks are you super tired and out of breath for like a week? Everytime I have one I have this lasting fatigue I cant kick. Then when I feel as if I'm getting better ... boom another attack... glad I'm not the only one
I would always feel tired after but it never lasted as long as a week. I think your next step would be to go see an Electrophysiologist. The electrophysiologist is the one who just performed my a nation surgery on my heart yesterday actually. I hope this helps and I hope they can figure it all out for you. I've been there done that way too many times and I'm so glad I'll finally be able to get some relief and not have to worry about another SVT attack ruining my day/life.
Ablation surgery**