i keep having these thoughts they left now they came back again and also dont be feeling like myself its like my mind telling things to scare me and worry me and wants me to go crazy the feelings and emotions came stronger espically the the thoughts i just want to feel good it gets the point that my heart starts beating fast for thinking alot and getting nervous about it the thoughts also. last thing is i see little spots in my vision it looks like floaters dont know where all this coming from is it a bad spell someone has on me do i have to see someone so they can take the spell off .
Need someone to talk to and try to get thi... - Anxiety Support
Need someone to talk to and try to get this settle and over with .

Hi Johnnie - I'm so glad you wrote in here - I think it's important to have a place to go where you can unload your heavy concerns. I can tell a lot is going on that is troubling you and you need some answers.
Can I ask if you have been to a functional doctor or integrative doctor who can test you for depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders?
The reason I say these two kinds of doctors and not a regular doctor is because there are way too many things functional and integrative medicine can do that a regular doctor won't do. These two types of doctors know the right kinds of tests to check your biochemistry to see exactly what is happening inside your brain that could provide some answers.
I would start there and get the results of testing and give yourself a chance to make some changes that could positively alter your thought processes simply by way of balancing your chemistry. It sure is worth a try. Once you start to feel better physically, you can move on to the next step, whatever you feel that needs to be; possibly a counselor, therapist, or psychologist. But start here - it's easy, pain free, and has good long-term results.
what type of docter then to get tested ?
Hi Johnnie - The two kinds of doctors I mentioned were:
1. Functional doctor - integrativepsychotherapyoma...
2. Integrative doctor - A doctor who will utilize any form of combined treatments (as opposed to just a drug), integrating them with each other, to help the patient achieve the best possible health - physical or mental
I personally go to a functional doctor who is more educated than a regular doctor.
would i get better you think?
I think once a doctor can help you pinpoint what the problem is, and figure out the root cause of it, yes, you do stand a good chance of feeling better after some treatment and lifestyle changes.
Your brain is involved in every part of your life - physical, emotional, mental, and psychological, and that's why I think you owe it to yourself to seek out the right kind of help and see what they have to say.
Try doing a google search in your area for functional or integrative doctors, check their profiles and specific services, make a list of questions you need answered, and make a few hone calls to ask your questions. Perhaps you might even be able to get some referrals.
Please be good to yourself Johnnie - I think once you take some steps to find out what is going on in your thought life and why, you will feel more hopeful. As I said in my last comment, perhaps you might want to do the same for finding other professionals - like a therapist or counselor. I went to a woman I met at church who helped me talk through what was troubling me the most. Talking to the right person is key too.