Hey, I find it hard to open up so I just want to ramble on here even if no one replies.
I'm an 18 year old college student and I have spent the past two hours searching for cheap therapy or counselling. Everything is expensive though and even my college's counselling is hard to make an appointment for so yeah.
I am experiencing a lot of anxiety and intrusive thoughts right now. Everything is heavy. Everything is much worse in my head than it is in reality. I'm an introvert and I'm very emotional. I prefer to just laugh and keep myself busy than talk about my feelings. I'm also someone that seems very positive. I often feel lonely even when I'm with friends and i have very few friends too because a lot of people don't get me. The friends I do have are very social and have other people to talk to which makes me feel like a loser to be honest.
I usually like being alone but now I just feel like I'm my only friend. I don't want to talk to them about it though.
What do I do?
I'm so lost. I feel like I'm weird and out of place. I'm so anxious.
Thank you for reading! I'm just trying trying to get help and to open more because it's hard dealing this by myself!