Hello So i dont know if anyone seen my post last time i was getting these bad negative thoughts for some reason they came back again after watching a video like i had it before and it went a way but now its these bad thoughts im a fedex driver and i been good but it all started yesterday out of no where its like it keeps poping up in my head . i had it before the negative thoughts it left but it all came back again its just annoying and it makes me worried and stress .
Wanting to talk to someone about whats bee... - Anxiety Support
Wanting to talk to someone about whats been going on.

If you don’t mind me asking What are these thoughts ? Also I want to send a BIG 🤗 your way and say you are not alone
Ok first things first im not sucidal person never was never would be it just my mind playing tricks on me and seeing negative things made it bit worst i was watching some video that some dude threw him self from some where not that wont leave my head its just wired i never experince that im not crazy or want you to think i im .
Hi Johnnie, you and I both know that you aren't crazy and that certainly doesn't even
cross my mind. Did you ever hear a song on the radio and long after it's finished, your
mind keeps playing the song over and over in your mind? Well that is what is happening to you now after watching that video. Some how it left an impression in
your mind and those negative thoughts keep repeating in your mind.
Being a FedEx driver during this busiest time of the year should be enough to keep your mind at bay. The best thing you can do is in not focusing on that negative thought. When it pops in your mind, turn the radio on (is there one in your truck?)
Eventually as you change the channels in your mind, the thoughts will dwindle down. It happens Johnnie. It may be annoying but don't allow it to worry or stress you.
Take care of yourself. x
😁 okay glad it’s not suicidal And I can understand where your coming from I watched a video that I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on and for days I had these horrible thoughts about what I had saw my anxiety got even higher. But after I told myself that it’s just thoughts there like clouds I don’t have grab everyone I can just let them glide on by just as clouds do. I also did some grounding work to make sure I bring myself to the point. I would never think your crazy this is a non judgmental zone 😁
Johnnie.. the mind is an asshole. It’s not very nice and It’s like a broken record. You aren’t alone. The trick here is to become the observer and hear the mind as something separate from you. Like your noisy roommate that you can’t get rid of. That always helps me.
Intrusive Thoughts ?* EVERYBODY Has Had Them At Some Time Or Another Even If They Don't Have An Anxiety Disorder. If They Say They Haven't They Lie. Everybody Gets Attacks Of "Intrusive Thoughts". Those Thoughts YOU Can't Believe Crossed Your Mind. The Ones You Would Never Tell Anyone You Had. EVERYTHING You Have Ever Experienced, Heard, & Seen Is "RECORDED" From The Very Day You Are Born. Your Mind Will "Recall". But YOUR Mind Will Put YOU In A Situational Thought. Why ? It's YOUR Mind. We Live In A World That's Good. But There Is The Flip Side Of That Coin Which Is Evil. Heck, You Watch Your Local News & You Are Filled With Horrific News Reports Of Murders, Abuses, Acts Of Insanity, & Much More. [ not counting scary movies, & stories that require your imagination to decipher situational conditions whether they be good or bad. ] Let's Say You're Out In A Public Place. You Didn't Sleep Well or/ You Are Having Some Anxiety Or Something Physical That Doesn't Feel Right. You Feel Kinda "Out Of Control" Because You Can't Just Make It Go Away. Then ? Here Comes An "Intrusive Thought". Fear Sets In Immediately. You're Like, "Where Did That Come From" ?* "How Could I Think Such A Thing" ?* Well ? "ALL THE ABOVE". If You Were Born In A Bubble World & Nobody Ever Told You, You Can Choke To Death On A Apple Seed ? It Would Never Cross Your Mind At All. The Fact That It Bothers You Is A Good Thing ! You Have A Conscious . I Hope This Helps In Some Way My Friend. Prayers For Ya~*