Great day to start the year..: Today was a... - Anxiety Support

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Great day to start the year..

7 Replies

Today was a really good day felt weird but didn't let it get me down had fun with my girlfriend , went to the gym and trained jiu-jitsu, I've been pretty positive the whole day but right now my sides bothering me and I'm trying too enjoy netflix, my left side has been hurting for like 7 months and I've done 7 different blood tests for different things all came back good nothing was wrong, but the pain still hasn't gone away and it hurts when I breath in or turn to my left side and I'm just scared if it will affect my heart cause now the pain feels like its hurting it, but I just had a ultrasound and saw a cardiologist like couple months ago and everything was good so idk why I'm freaking out , my doctor said it could be inflammation or muscle tension buts its just bothering me so much right now and I just need someone too talk too I know I posted about my side before but idk what too do :/

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7 Replies
veganese profile image

Hi Dameinlee,

Sounds muscular. Have you seen a physio? If your practising a martial art, it's possibly from training. Please don't worry when your doing so well in managing your anxiety.

in reply to veganese

Thank you for the support I appreciate it so much when I talk too my loved ones I feel bad cause I don't wanna burden them they support me but it's nice to come on here and vent.. But yeah my doctor said it sounded muscular to her too but I get weird symptoms too like naesuted , fatigued and just feel weird sometimes my heart doesn't race like it use to I use too have palpitations but ever since I saw the cardiologist and he told me I was fine I haven't had any, and I know when you have panic or anxiety your heart beats face so I'm freakin myself out that it isn't anxiety and it's something else , I'm taking paxil too and it's been helping me tremendously I just want my side pain to go away and I feel like I could fight my anxiety better..

veganese profile image
veganese in reply to

I understand about the talking to the family. Mine are sick of hearing about my dizziness and balance problems - these are the symptoms most annoying for me. I feel I have to explain why I have difficulty doing this or that - even taking the dogs for a walk is tricky. Like you, at times, I wonder is it something else and not anxiety. But it is anxiety and I think that the symptoms we most fear are the ones that stay with us - making us fearful. Vicious circle. I get very tired, too, but it's all the worrying (tired mind) and tension. I had bouts of nausea a few weeks back. Our bodies and minds are working hard when what they really need is rest and respite. Acceptance I think is the way and enough time to let our bodies heal. We are courageous people, though we don't feel it.

in reply to veganese



After all those tests you have had done I am sure there cant be anything wrong or they would have picked it up , it does sound that it could be your muscles through your hobby

you do

I know it isnt easy when you have HA as I suffer but try & trust the doctors , they are medically trained & you have to keep telling yourself that when the fear rushes through your mind

Are you getting any help with your anxiety in general ?

I wold ask your GP about that if you haven't already , I think it would be a big help , keep talking on here as well as it helps to no you are not alone & people understand




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I just get scared like what if I have something that they didn't catch or there not doing the right test for whatever I have and I accept I have anxiety and panic it's just when I get these weird symptoms out of nowhere when I'm perfectly find I freak out and think I'm dieing from. Something like I thinky side pain is killing me and what if one day it's cancer or somethin... I did have anxiety group therapy but they discontinued it and I'm kinda sad about it cause I talked to people face to face that had similar or worst things and I felt like I wasn't alone, I wanna go back to my doctor but I'm scared like what if I have something terminal...idk I'm feeling weird right now :P

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