I have really bad anxiety and don't know if my thoughts are OCD and I'm really scared. Maybe I need electro shock therapy. How do I find out if my thoughts are OCD?
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Everybody thinks Electric Shock Therapy is medieval but in people with anxiety and depression who can't be helped by meds or therapy or self help methods it's worth considering because whatever people think about it it's success rate is high. And that's why it's slightly coming back into popularity. You'd have to talk to your doctor about it and he'd have to be convinced no other therapies have worked for you.
Do you take meds
I take Valium occasionally. In the padt I took amitriptyline which is a anti depressant that is good for anxiety. It was very effective.
From what I'm reading my doctor wasn't supposed to keep me on klonopin this long. Now I'll never get off
Never say "never" in regards to weaning off medications. As long as it is done properly through a doctor, weaning slowly and safely, it can be done. I was on Benzos for 30 years and came off safely following a precise schedule for weaning from my doctor.
But I'm afraid of anxiety so I won't get better
This is what you need to work on...Accepting that Anxiety is not harmful, wont hurt
you, it is just a feeling nothing more. Nothing will happen short of feeling uncomfortable
when those sensations come forward. Also need to get rid of the negative thoughts you
have about never going to get better.
Once you are able to turn those negative thoughts to positive, acceptance will get easier and your fears will go down. Try looking at Affirmations/Positive Thinking on youtube. They are very effective in helping you retrain your brain to a more positive approach in life.
My doctor doesn't want to take me down. So I have no schedule. Maybe the new doctor will have other ideas. I hope so.
I hope the new doctor will have other ideas. Nothing works immediately...Not a pill, not a therapy not even ECT. Everything times time.
I know but 5 years is a long time to not feel better. I'm scared my mind is screwed up because of the medicine
I agree that 5 years is a long time to not feel better but so is the 30 years I spent in finding an answer w/o a support forum. I had to do it alone. Oh yes, I had a psychiatrist and a therapist but in the long run it's the person who needs to make the changes in themselves. I did it Trees and that's why I believe you can as well. Medications, once eliminated from your body or adjusted to the right dose, will help you feel like yourself once more.
But you have to believe in yourself, your doctors, your life. That it's worth going through some discomfort before you feel better. I'm on the other side of the fence now. It's nice over here in not being afraid anymore. Come join me Trees, I'll leave the gate open. Take that first step out of your comfort zone. It will become the most important step you ever take. xx
I down to 2 mg and feeling worse. My body is hurting. Anxiety worse
You will feel worse before feeling better. Body hurting, anxiety worse but just for a short time while you brain starts adapting to less and less of the drug. It's okay, you are going in the right direction and no longer staying stuck.
I hope your right. I'm dizzy, scared.
We get dizzyheaded when we get scared because we start shallow breathing. Take control of your breath by slowing it down. Relax your shoulders, I can feel that they are almost touching your ears in panic. Relaxxxx Sit quietly, small pillow behind your lower back will help open up your chest wall allowing each breath to bring down the dizzy feeling. Sip on water, you may be dehydrating as well. Don't be afraid Trees, you are okay, you are safe. Nothing to fear, we are here. xx
I'm trying
I know you are trying x
I cried a river too when I was so scared. It is a release of emotions although not the answer but a band aid. x
You have a lot of help and support on the forum. Know that you are cared about. x
I know you will eventually get through this and I'll be the first to help you celebrate when you do x
You are stronger than you think right now, just a little afraid of taking that first step x
Stay positive and keep on trying. You can do this. Hugs, Agora xx
Thanks. Your so positive
I'm Positive Trees, because I've been there in the exact same situation that you are in right now. There is a way out. xx
But they say klonopin is so hard to get off of especially for being tense so long. What if pain is chronic?
I wish you lived by me. You would be able to help me. Your so supportive. You don't yell at me. You comfort me. Thank you
How did you do it
We're you feeling better before you started weaning
Oh no I wasn't, not by any means. I was just like you. The meds were no longer working. I decided to ask the doctor to wean me off my medication. Why take it if it no longer worked. I had been on it 30 years...it more than did it's job for me in the past. Now it was up to me to get to my goal.
It didn't get better until I was completely off the meds as well as allowing for healing time. But I kept positive in knowing I was finally going in the right direction. I used everything I had learned in therapy over the years. Acceptance that it was anxiety all this time causing me the fear of fear.
You need to seek counseling, I don't think they do electrol shocking any more...back in the day before medication and they didn't know how to treat the mentally ill.
My dad suffered from what is now called OCD. Back then they didn't know what it was? So my father was institutionalized.
When NOW they can take a pill n counciling helps. He died there. Take care
I've been to counseling and psychiatrist. I've been like this for 5 years. Medicine isn't working.
I've been suffering for years also. Try a different kind of medication? One kind doesn't work everyone? I've changed several times. I know what your going through. Your NOT ALONE
I'm afraid the medicine will screw up my mind. But if I don't take them I don't know what will happen
Damn if you do, Damn if you don't? I've been taking medication for years, I feel fine. Try holistic ways? I hear good things? Nothing's perfect, right? You can only try till you find what works? Or change councelors?
I just did yesterday, you never know what works till you try? I know the anxeity in you is telling you it's not going to work? That's me too. What have you got to lose, ANXEITY
What did you do yesterday
Nothing, today I'm a little better. I felt like going out, which is RARE. I have to get talked into it. I have few friends, so with that being said I have no one to go anywhere with?
My kid are doing their thing. My boyfriend is doing a family birthday, it's far I don't have a reliable car.
His car doesn't have a seat belt (truck). So he can't pick me up. Maybe I'll do some getting rid of stuff? The last thing I want to do?
Hi Trees,
I’m not feeling well today either. Maybe we can chat and try and help each other feel better?
Yeah maybe. I don't have much time going out with my husband
Ok no worries. I hope you have a good time.
Your not feeling well
No I’m having a bad day with anxiety and overthinking the worst about everything. It’s horrible!
Me too but that's everyday for me. Did you try meditating or deep breathing.
Yea but it hasn’t helped. I’m going to try and listen to some meditation on YouTube. My mind doesn’t want to cooperate, so it won’t focus.
Are you able to be calm when you go out with your husband? I lost it in front of my husband earlier. He doesn’t know how to help me. I really wish there was an easy fix.
I've been going through this for 5 years with my husband being mad because I took meds. My whole body hurts back, ribs, bladder. I'm very scared.
To answer your question I am able to keep it together most of the time not. I usually cry at home and he gets mad. I'm keep trying to find better help but it's hard in our area
Have you ever tried the online counseling?
No. I need to be face to face. My doctor took my klonopin down another 1/4mg and I'm hurting all over