Hey all recently I discussed the tug of war inside which I'm using acceptance to try and help me through, but here's one quandary that gets me and it got me yesterday it got me good, I started to feel better half way through my shift yesterday which was great, accepting how I felt and that I was going to feel afraid as a default reaction etc not being so worried about it, eventually I improved as the day wore on.
While I was more relaxed I began to over think I do this all the time, I'm trying to keep myself from getting worse again, eventually a thought went through my head I didn't do acceptance with and I started to go back down, so quickly after all that work I began to fear the feelings of fear what I'd be afraid of again, when this happens I also tend to give up on myself and by the end of yesterday I was once again back where I'd started and I knew it was all so pointless and I'd thrown away needlessly what could have been a good day which shot my confidence down also, I hate days like that a needless bad day.
But so often is the case when I'm feeling better I can't keep myself there, I can't seem to be able to float and accept that as well, that constant niggle from anxiety that you're going to get worse again, what is it you guys and girls do when you get to that stage?
Another reason I find it an issue is because getting worse at an ill opportuned moment like when you're about to go to sleep, feels worse then being bad most of the day and being able to at least relax a little when u roll into bed as an example.
Thanks as always for all your support.