Trying my best not to take a Xanax - Anxiety Support

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Trying my best not to take a Xanax

Ckd123 profile image
17 Replies

Woke up again this morning with fear and dread as usual. Symptoms are the odd chest pain, head pressure, just feeling weird. My pulse is also a lot lower than usual so that has me worrying again. I’v become quiet dependent on Xanax lately, not addicted cause the dose is very low but dependent. I feel if I didn’t have any in the house I would be a total mess. Anyway I’m here trying my best not to take one but I don’t know if I’ll succeed.

Who else here takes Xanax?

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Ckd123 profile image
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17 Replies
Mindfulnessxo profile image

I’ve been on Xanax for 2 years but since I got pregnant I had to cut it off COLD turkey! My dose is 1MG but to be honest I’ve been taking like 0.25 every now and then cuz anxiety and panic has gotten so BAD and like you I wake up from deep sleeps with Sweaty feet and hands Racing heart Chest pains and just plain feeling weird! I know how you feel just having the Xanax around is reassuring but I’m no longer on them as Prescribed so it’s very difficult

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to Mindfulnessxo

Thank you. I cut them out while pregnant last year too but I was nowhere near as bad as I am now. I used to take .25mcg every now and then but now it’s atleast .5mcg every single day since my uncle died 7 weeks ago.

Mindfulnessxo profile image
Mindfulnessxo in reply to Ckd123

Oh I’m so sorry to hear about his loss :( I know that brings a lot of anxiety ! I wish I can take more then what intake now but not good for the baby so I’ll just stick to a Very low dose. But Your not alone anxiety is a pain

in reply to Ckd123

Do you have side affects from xanax

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to

No none at all x

in reply to Ckd123

Did you get tired

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to

Sometimes I get tired but I don’t know if that’s the Xanax or lack of sleep/insomnia!

Ironj profile image

I’ve been on Xanax for 30 years off and on most of on the Xanax. It’s gotten a real bad name because of junkies. Now Dr’s are afraid to prescribe it. I look at it this way your having anxiety and panic attacks Because your lacking GABA and Benzodiazepine are the medication that fill that gap. If you were a diabetic and you needed insulin but it may make you dependent on it wouldn’t you say I don’t care if I get dependent on something that helps me? I personally don’t care if I become dependent on the only medication that actually works rather then an ssri that does little for anxiety but more for depression. Best wishes John

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to Ironj

This makes sense but like you said, doctors are afraid to over prescribe it. I’v got a feeling my doc is ready to stop prescribing it for me so the reason I’m trying not to take them so much is so they will last and I’ll have them for when I really need them!

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to Ckd123

I’d find a psychiatrist rather then see a GP. There more confident and comfortable prescribing Xanax. And if your seeing a Dr that won’t give you a legal and safe medication , because there afraid the government might question them then the only interest the Dr has is his own not your interest.

Agora1 profile image

Ckd123, in trying your best not to take a Xanax, you end up causing more anxiety

and more than likely double your stress level. There is a time and place for certain

medications. If it's working and your doctor suggests you stay on that drug, then do

so. Your body will let you know when the medication is no longer working.

Just like Ironj, I also was left on a small dose 0.25mg for 30 years (daily) It didn't give me

a euphoric high but rather allowed me to function the best I could. When the drug no

longer worked, I was weaned off it and am no longer on a benzo. That was my choice. The Xanax had helped me through my most difficult years and now it was my turn to

take over and use different modalities to replace that drug. For me I found meditation

and deep breathing puts me in a place of calm and peace which lasts longer the drug ever


Right now, medication and therapy can be what you need to get to the top of that mountain. Don't fight it. xx

Ckd123 profile image

Thanks Agora, I do love meditation and mindfulness but it’s getting the time to really practice them that’s the problem. I have four kids, the youngest just turned one so is with me all the time! When I feel panic it’s more convenient st the moment to go for a Xanax. I know my doctor really doesn’t want to keep prescribing them for me, she actually said she hates the things!! I’ll be luck to get one more script off her.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Ckd123

Ckd, the doctors are all turning to SSRIs rather than quick acting benzos. They have been

found to help with not only depression but also anxiety. I have been on Lexapro since getting off Xanax and it works well for me w/o the lethargic feeling. I'm energetic, clear headed and able to do an 18 hour day with no tiredness. Before your doc stops the script

for Xanax, I'd find out what she may switch you to.

I understand you have your hands full with four children. I was a foster mother and looked forward to their naptime. I would use morning upon awakening, mid afternoon

and before falling asleep to clear my mind of the day's events by deep breathing and listening to my relaxation tape. It keeps more of a balance then the up and down of a

chill pill. I hope your doctor has a plan in place for you. This needs to be an agreement

between the both of you or it won't work. x

Ronig1234 profile image

I have and it has saved my life -I was able to function again . And while I was feeling good and free from the dread and the pounding heart and shaking every time I left the house -I learned coping skills that I could use instead of taking the medication . I went years without any. If I fell back into a horrible spot I would use it again to get me past . The medicine never took away the awful thoughts -that’s what YOU have to fix. The medicine just allowed me to function.

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to Ronig1234

Good idea to practice coping skills when you take a Xanax and have a break from high anxiety, thanks!

Lotus4 profile image

I have been taking Xanax for years my pills are 1/2 mg, my schedule is 1/2 mg at 9:00am,1/4 mg at 1:00pm,1/4 mg at4:00 pm 1/4mg at 7:30 pm 1/4 mg at 10:30pm,bedtime 1-1/2 that is 2/12 mgs a day this way it’s always in your system l also take liquid Prozac small dose 2/12 mgs a day trying to raise Prozac dose I need to .

Ckd123 profile image
Ckd123 in reply to Lotus4

I’m also on 40mg of Prozac per day. It was working but now I feel it has totally lost its effect.

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