Hi im andy and im 18, last year i started feeling out of focus and would have these episodes of feelin like j was sinking into everything, eventually it became constant and its had been getting worse to the point where i feel like im tripping all the time and i have never done any drugs oher than weed, its feels like the walls are moving and my arms are floring all the time, can someone please tell me whats going onn?!
I feel high all the time but im sober - Anxiety Support
I feel high all the time but im sober

I experience this constantly!!! Message me if you want
Natural Antidepressants - tonzes.com/restilen.htm I began taking these a few days ago and my mood has improved drastically. The first day I took 2 pills and by the following day, I felt much better. I now take 1 per day and I haven't cried once in the past few days since taking them. I pray they will continue to work. This time, my sleep hasn't been affected by the pills. I am able to sleep a good 8 hours without drowsiness.
Hi Andylivinloud,
I think I have some great resources for you but, a little more info pls? have you been to the doc, and if so have you had the basic tests (labs, an exam, etc)? Have you been told this is anxiety? (I am guessing yes since this is an anxiety board). Are you taking any meds for anxiety? Last question, are you continuing to use weed?
No i stopped smoking because it got worse when i was high, i havent smoekd in a year and i was taling duloxetine but i stopped taking it months ago, i have been to the doctors many times, ive had MRIs and other tests done. They said they didnt see anything wrong
Hi Andylivinloud,
thank you so much for the info.
It's important to know that what you are experiencing is extremely common with anxiety. This is the result of having fear of the symptoms of fear. All of it is completely harmless, and very normal under the circumstances. When this fear of fear is going on, the nervous system gets sensitized quite easily, and these strange sensations are the result. It is known as derealization or depersonalization.
To see how common this is, you can take a look at all the mentions on this site of the symptoms you are having: Dizziness, fogginess, spaciness, visual changes, feeling off-balance, trouble thinking and concentrating, feeling like one is disappearing, disintegrating, feeling unreal. You can search some of those keywords on this site and find many, many posts.
There's a song by Logic called "Anziety". I highly recommend it if you haven't heard of him. We love Logic in my house. He has many youtube interviews as well where he talks about his anxiety and all the physical sensations. *Pls note, his songs and interviews have a lot of 4-letter words
I recommend checking out the resources I have listed on my profile. Each of them mentions the feelings you are experiencing. On the profile, I have 1 video and 1 audio of Dr. Claire Weekes, and her best-known book listed as a resource as well. Dr. Weekes calls this feeling "Feelings of unreality". She was an anxiety genius. The other resources contain information that is all based on her work.
As you read/listen through these, you will keep hearing a word: Acceptance. Accepting all the strange things that are going on right now with your body, your thoughts, and your emotions is the ticket to feeling better. Acceptance comes when people do 2 things: Start thoroughly understanding anxiety for what it really is (a big bluff), and then start practicing a new reaction to all that you are experiencing. With the knowledge of how anxiety works, this kind of practice ultimately brings total recovery. It's not easy, but it is simple, and anyone can recover.
As you read and listen and it starts to sink in (it took many, many listens and reads for it to sink in for me), the goal becomes this: The things you are feeling now are exactly what you want to seek out. Yes....you want to put yourself in situations where this feeling is most intense (obviously, safe situations ) and practice feeling all of this in all of its intensity, and saying, "Meh- not impressed".
This is the key to recovery. A total attitude change towards how you feel. Total acceptance. A loss of the fear of it all.
A good therapist who really knows anxiety and all of its manifestations can help tremendously.
I'm glad you stopped smoking, at least for now. I'm not a fan in general. I have no strong feelings about others using, thought. However, with super-anxiety on high alert like yours is, I personally think it's better not to rev things up with a mind-altering drug.
Pls keep us posted on your recovery journey?
All the best~
I'm going to add this: acoachcalledlife.com/get-ri...
I get Swamy's articles directly b/c I've subscribed to his site. This article landed in my inbox this AM. Perfect timing for me to pass it on to you
BTW these feelings come and go with my daughter. She is not suffering. I have had these feelings before. I did not have a startled and frightened reaction to these sensations, and they left when my anxiety settled down. It's all a part of anxiety, and acceptance (not tolerance, as Swamy describes), TRUE acceptance that makes it all good again.
Thank you so much for this info, I have been tring to overcome this by saying “this is nothing” but then i get nervouse that its something physically wrong in my head. It will be a struggle but i will keep tryng, thank you again.
You're welcome!
It's ok to stop trying to overcome this. When you stop trying to overcome this, you're in the true acceptance phase. Nuts, huh? but do you kind of get how it works? There is no struggle with true acceptance. There is no trying. This feeling is nothing. It's the same as being very jetlagged. It's the same as when I got tied up and held up at gunpoint (True story! No harm came to us...) and felt drugged for weeks afterward. It's a normal bodily function, one you can safely embrace and fully accept. Check out the resources! When there is no more mystery, no more bewilderment, no second guessing that this is some other, awful thing, true acceptance will simply follow...
On more thing- you have gotten all the tests done and all is normal. This is usually the case. Just make sure your doc checked your thyroid. It is a very simple test, and almost always checked with routine labs for complaints that come along with anxiety symptoms. Every once in awhile it gets overlooked. At your age, a thyroid problem is extremely rare, but it's always something to be checked when a patient comes in complaining of fogginess, fatigue, trouble concentrating etc...