It all started 4 years ago when i was sitting on the couch with my family it was getting late about 10 o clock . I was kind of tired i was watching tv then all of a sudden i got this weird numbness kind of feeling like i was disconnecting i went into the other room like wow whats happening the i went to sleep in my room . The next day it was gone but it came in series and then just stayed and only went away once .
When it came in gone in series i was talking to my friend late at night we talked for hours then i had this feeling . It went away the next day like i said " series then chronic"
1. like im in a dream
2. like im not controlling myself
3. constant light ringing sound in my mind
4. foggy head sometimes
5. a bit blurry vision
6. eye floaters
7. kind of visual snow but not alot
8. feal like im not there
9. when im moving forward seems as if the object or area is moving t words me not me moving t words it
10. feal like im not moving forward when i am
11. feal like i cant focus in reality
12 . feal as if my emotions are a bit off like im a robot but i do have emotion its just numb
13. hard for me to focus
14. sometimes its worse
15. sound makes me feal more weird sometimes when its worse
16. when i look in the mirror its almost like its not me but i know its me
17. day dreaming makes it worse
18. feal a consent feeling of this never goes away stays the same or only gets worse but then goes back to normal
19. when im around people it worsens or i feal weird
20 . when i look at people its like there not there like im dreaming